Chapter I 1.Aristteles and the Catarse in the Tragedy Greek 1,1 Tragedies in the art of the life. The Tragedy is born in Greece. It counts a legend that caro Burgo de tica (Dionsio) would have taught to the men the culture of the vine. Then the men had prepared the plantation, but one bode devorou all the grapevines. The infuriated men had punished bode, pulling out the skin of the animal.
They had danced, they drunk and they sung the night all until falling of fatigue. The men who had remained until the end of the festividade had received a prize: the meat and the skin of the involved animal in the wine. At this moment it originated Tragedy. The first aspect pointed for Jean Pierre Vernant is the tragedy as social institution of democratic matrix. Social institution and not only a literary manifestation? teatral.
Institution in first place, because the tragedies are written and represented during civic parties of Atenas; in second, because the choir is formed by a college of citizens; in third because the paid city and finances writing and presentation of the parts; in room place and, over all, because the tragedy is a reflection that the city makes on democracy. (CHAUI, Marilena. Introduction to the History of the Philosophy. P 137) Exists great responsible in the inicializao of the Tragedy: Frnico added four important elements: the choir in two groups, the actor started to count on two audiences, it introduced the feminine personage and it fixed the entrance and exit of the actors. With Squirrel it is had actor as creation; Sfocles gave origin to the third actor. Closing the group of that they had initiated Eurpedes meets, that brought innovation for the Tragedies with the skeptical realism and bitter taste. Previously to these people the Tragedies were imprisoned only to myths of Dionsio, and with passing of the time it was becoming necessary to introduce new subjects.