Part-time and promoted with the BSA-Akademie ‘Executive for bad companies’ a central theme in everyday life by masters for bath businesses is competent assistance in all specific hazardous situations of everyday professional life and the transfer of this knowledge to trainees. It is for accidents of vital importance that a sure and think about trading first responders to the point is that his duties at the end of the rescue, summon professional assistance and support. Here, the course sets the BSA Academy executives for bad companies\”on the companies prepare their employees for the demanding work as master of bath businesses. The part-time qualification prepares optimally marked on the recognised exams One for bad firms\”prior to and including also deals with topics such as rescue and swimming (in theory and practice). The state-certified and approved BSA course is suitable for people that do not master exam want to strive for, but recommend for executive functions in a bathroom. About 90% of all drowning emergencies occur in public and private swimming pools, lakes and rivers. Therefore, it must be the specialists in bathrooms always up to date training.
The drowning death may be defined as State, which is approx. 3-5 minutes after the cardiac arrest (clinical death). The chance for a successful revival on less than 50% is decreased after four minutes of cardiac arrest. Within the framework of the course module, rescue (in theory and practice) BSA qualifying participants acquire leadership for bad companies\”important bases for the professional behavior of drowning emergencies in swimming. Among other things help Bader rules to improve the safety in a bathroom. Here the most important Bader rules at a glance: note the water temperature and potential temperature stratification. Jump off never heated the water cool before you. By extreme The risk of cardiovascular failure threatens temperature differences. Extremely cold water temperatures can occur especially when standing natural waters (E.g.