1 INTRODUCTION This research was developed from the comment of an excluded cadeirante pupil of the physical activities during my first Supervised Period of training at the beginning of the year of 2010 in a particular school of $fortaleza. I considered myself then to develop a work on the inclusion of the deficient one in the lessons of physical education. To that time, I did not have it lesser idea of as if he gave of practical form the inclusion many times boarded in the curricular grating of the graduation course. It still saw of romantic form the questions that involve the inclusion under the point of view of professionals of the pedagogia, many of still involved them apaixonadamente in theories of pedagogical psychological matrix/as the notables construtivistas or traditional authors so en vogue in the last few decades. I set to observe it that boy of 12 years presumable, who was led in its chair of wheels until squares of sports of the school.
Of eyes vidrados in what its coleguinhas made, it seemed to fascinate a distant dream, or something lived in others Maurcio, comes to participate with us! it went beyond my deeper investigations. It involved specific public politics, enrollment of the family, commitment of the professors, the administrative body of the pertaining to school units and the participation of the community, since the elaboration of PPP (Plano Poltico Pedaggico) until the execution of the adaptations necessary to receive the children with physical deficiency. It seemed me reasonable to think that, the biggest difficulty in if developing the children with physical deficiency in the context of the school, would be in the innumerable forms for which the deficiencies if reveal. It had, as I thought, a direct relation enters the number of children who if consider to search the school and the quality (or specialization) of the professionals of each pertaining to school unit