The base of the society is the economic production. On this economic base if it raises a superstructure, a state and ideal economic, the social ones, politics, moral, philosophical and artistic. Marx wanted the inversion of the social pyramid, that is, putting in the power the majority, the proletarians, who would be the only force capable to destroy the society capitalist and to construct a new society, socialist. The IDEOLOGY is present in representing, thinking, the exchange spiritual, the ideas, the superstructure, the language, the right, the politics, the religion, the art. All related with the economic structure and the way of production. With effect, for Marx, the State nothing more is of what the organization form who the bourgeois ones had created for necessity, in order to reciprocal guarantee its properties and its interests .
> the history of all the society that existed until the moment is the history of the classroom fight; it exempts and slave, patricians and plebeian; barons and servants of the soil, members of the corporations and apprenticees, in short, for Marx, had been continuously in mutual contrast and had stopped fights that the society finished in revolutionary transformation of all . > is conditional to the profit, in way that the production will have an edge of corresponding profit. Being that this profit will be always bigger that the value applied in its production . > the process of alienation if of the q if denies in the object bred. It is the objetificao process. Therefore, the work that is mentally ill> . , How much in this manner lesser the paid to laborer and how much bigger the duration of hours of working, in such a way bigger price the enterprise profit.
In the modern capitalism, with the gradual reduction of the hours of working, the enterprise profit would be supported through what relative more-value is called (in opposition to the first form, call absolute more-value), that it consists of increasing the productivity of the work, through the rationalization and technological perfectioning, but still thus not dixa of being the half-escravista system, therefore the laborer each time if emprobece more when produces more wealth. Thus, the more the world of the things increases of value, more the world of the men if it devaluates. The ALIENAO, since all work is mentally ill, in the measure occurs then where if manifest as production of an object that is other people’s> to the creative citizen. The reasoning of Marx is very simple: when creating something is of itself, the laborer if it denies in the object bred. It is the OBJETIFICAO process. Therefore, work that is mentally ill (because it creates something other people’s to the creative citizen) remains mentally ill until the value in it incorporated by the work force is appropriate integrally for the worker. In other words, the production represents a negation, since the object if opposes to the citizen it denies and it in the measure it estimates where it and it defines until it. The appropriation of the incorporated value to the object thanks to the force of work of the citizen-producer promotes the negation of the negation. However either, from the moment that the citizen-producer of the value what he produced, it already is not more mentally ill.