Monthly Archives: May 2017

Zero Direct Taxes

Fiscal consolidation and tax cut in unison while the majority of Germans planned tax cuts declines early next year as the current ARD DeutschlandTrend shows, but the current debate about the Government’s plans for further tax cuts running from the wrong perspective. The individual income tax rate is since 2009 between 14% (marginal tax rates) and 45% (maximum tax rates). The corporate tax rate with 15% since 2008. Withholding tax and solidarity surcharge be added. To our current tax system produces some strange howlers. Some German companies pay up to 173 percent taxes on their profits.

This means that they consume on their substance, to comply with the requirements of the IRS. This burden is a consequence of the corporate tax reform 2008. The tax burden only 140 percent would be reduced by the proposed tax package of the Federal Government. The party of reason for radical tax reform occurs, namely the complete abandonment of the taxation of income of Citizens and the profits of enterprises at simultaneous strike of subsidies and spending. It is a misconception to assume that the State must raise taxes, when he needed money. The opposite is true! With lower tax rates and associated closure of tax loopholes, tax revenues increase demonstrably because taxpayers are honest and the economic activity is strongly increasing. The party of reason is aware that it can be only a long-term goal. In a first step we are for the introduction of a flat tax (uniform rate) by 25 percent for generous basic allowance (aim: 12000 euro) a.

However, the comprehensive reform of our financial system is based on an associated with the tax cuts and especially sustainable prosperity. To prevent future financial crises simultaneously represents the party of reason logically irrefutable proposals of the Economist and Nobel Laureate Friedrich August von Hayek. Free markets with free, not by the State and politics controlled money, create the conditions for long-term economic success in Germany and real prosperity for the entire population. More information: parteiprogramm.html #abgabenundsteuern party program/0-control modell.html parteiprogramm.html #finanzen inland/deutschlandtrend/deutschlandtrend968.html policy/Germany /: loads-corporate-pay-up to… development of tax rates/19401c22752i1p42… Image source: the reason is a party within the meaning of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the law on political parties. It brings together members without distinction of nationality, wpg, origin, race, sex and profession of faith, which want to participate in the construction and development of a democratic rule of law and a social order of the free spirit and reject totalitarian and dictatorial efforts of any kind. The reason is a party with one economic orientation in Germany with the mandatory target of the strengthening of freedom and individual responsibility. The party of reason stands for Justice and openness to the world, a system of free market economy and a liberal constitutional State. Contact: Party of reason Jorg Brechlin high str. 26 07545 Gera 017696497835

My Father

The man just, many times mentioned in the Holy Writs, distinguishes itself for the habitual correction of its thoughts and for the straightness of its behavior he stops with the next one. ' ' You do not favor the poor person, nor you sanction the powerful one. It judges next as justia' ' (Lv 19,15). ' ' Gentlemen, from there to your servants and just equitable, knowing that it tend one Gentleman in cu' ' (CL 4.1) ' ' (CEC, 1807) ' '. It made reference of justice in at, the NT and the CEC. It mentioned the promotion of justice and the peace for the priests and seminaristas and turned on the word peace in the Biblical direction, where Jesus is ' ' Prince of paz' ' (Is 9, 5) and it is our justice.

He said that ' ' from it he is that we can say and suggest an educational formation in the level of the conscience based on principles as of the charity, of solidarity to reach the peace so sonhada' '. ' ' The goodness and the allegiance another time will be gone to join, justice and the peace of new will give mos' ' (Sl 84, 11). This, clearly, with the union of the men around exactly ideal one of life: the search for the peace in the land to live here perpetual in peace. &#039 was presented by Peter Walnut having for subject; ' Work and salrio' ' heading: ' ' The WORK To the LIGHT OF the SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF the IGREJA' ' – (06/10/2009) ' ' My Father works e, I also trabalho' ' (Cf. Jo 5,36; 10,25; 14,10; 17,4). The work to the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church leaving of the objective and subjective dimension was presented. The human work, as it was affirmed, has a dplice dimension: subjective objective and.

Foundation School

The children who have participativos parents get better resulted of that the pupils ' ' whose parents remain themselves moved away from escola' ' , as he informs in them You mark (1999). This participation can go beyond verifying notebooks or to participate in meetings, this family can ask to the pupil as it was its day in the school, the discoveries that made, to inform the professors of the necessities of the pupil, after all, is the family of the pupil who more knows its necessities. When the son has overhead in evaluations, to appear in the school before being called, to reserve time to be with it, to help it. We speak here of quality time, not amount. We need remembering in them the Prado (1981) on the changes that the families come suffering.

One of these changes is in the time that can offer. Many responsible parents or need to work more than in a job, or work far, leaving always very early and arriving very late. Part of this sacrifice is for giving to its children the possibility who had not had, of only studying. To guide these parents on what they can make to help its children, will not be only recompensador for the relation family-school, will be also comforting for these parents who would like to help plus its children, but does not find possible. 2.2 The family becoming involved itself with the school the envolvement of the parents is a first step for the establishment of the partnership family-school.

We must guide them of form to stimulate the participation. Simple actions can have great resulted. We need to clarify that to participate goes very beyond the attendance to the school when we call or of the simple accompaniment of the house duty. They follow some suggestions supplied in the seminary ' ' The school and famlia' ' , promoted for the Foundation School of Servio Pblico (FESP), of the State of Rio De Janeiro, in partnership with the Extra Periodical: He always speaks well of the school to create in its son a positive expectation in relation to the studies; It hugs it and desires to good things when he will be of exit for the lesson; In the return, he looks for to know as it was the day of it, what he learned and as if related with all.

World Web

And here lies the most main secret, through which the business and lives. The fact is that when you come to school, wishing to teach you, you advance doom yourself to failure. Why? Yes, because you have to learn yourself. On a soft hint Managers of language schools where students are asked whether they will learn something. But neither a language school does not say so openly.

Because, really, you do not need any language school or its teachers – even the best of them. Teachers can only explain to you the grammar and rules for the use of words and phrases, and then give a few exercises for you to remember studied. A good teacher will make the process more and cheerful and fascinating. Fun, as the English say. But your goal – not fun, and for this you pay the money. But to make the learned structures and vocabulary are settled in your head, and are available to you at any time, the teacher can not.

Not can he ottrenirovat your pronunciation so that you did not talk to 'Novgorod English', and the language of the Queen. Can not, because this takes many hours of work, but in a group of ten people to you, at best, would get 10 -15 minutes of attention. At the same time you yourself may well solve all these problems – at your disposal millions of books, audiotapes, Internet resources and foreigners roaming the city streets and open spaces of the World Web. Read unadapted literature, listen to audio, watch movies in the target language, repeat after the tape again and again, dozens of times, and then on the eleventh time that you do not know your 'Novgorod' accent. Take responsibility for their learning by themselves, and you do not need any language schools! And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Want to get more practice to learn and use foreign language? So you here! Linguistic community for fans of foreign languages: online courses and lessons, grammar, vocabulary, ability to communicate both. Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) 'Generic methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively

Mexico Tourist Attractions

Make Puerto Vallarta beaches, landscapes and lots of activities to carry out one of the most wonderful tourist destinations in the Republic of Mexico: located on the Banderas Bay and located 350 Km of Guadalajara, this region is distinguished by its warm weather – with average temperatures reaching 27c – the presence of lush junglesperky rivers and breathtaking waterfalls, forming unique in Mexican territory scenarios. With growing development in the tourist area Puerto Vallarta has reached unimaginable growth some decades ago, today offering a wide variety of options when choosing accommodations and lodgings in these lands. I advise you take a time to make your reservations in advance and thus access the best hotels with discount in Puerto Vallarta, which offer you a first class, warm attention service and comforts that searches for your vacation at a very convenient price. As I mentioned in the beginning of the review the beaches are the main attraction tourism in Puerto Vallarta: soft waves and transparent waters, the beaches in this region of Mexico are presented as the most beautiful in the country, inviting an endless number of travellers to enjoy an unforgettable holiday. Among must-see points is Mismaloya Beach, one of the most exclusive spaces afforded by this destination. In this beach local, national and international celebrities gather to enjoy a charming scenario and practice water sports such as diving, central activity for the tourism in the area.

Water sports receive all the attention in this place: the diving lovers will find in Los Arcos place that always dreamed to practice this activity, since there are some of the most impressive rock formations in the country, which seem to emerge from the crystal clear waters, forming the perfect setting to discover the underwater world. Logically in this tourist destination of extreme sports enthusiasts will find an endless number of spaces to challenge to the nature through surfing and kayaking, while the more observant may make ecotourism. The nightlife is also very intense in Puerto Vallarta: in the area you will find a myriad of restaurants with the best of the traditional, national and international cuisine, in addition to the best bars, where you can enjoy a drink listening to music to your liking, and most modern discotheques, ideal for those who want to dance until dawn. Another alternative is to participate in any of the artistic, theatrical and musical events taking place in the city. To conclude this small review of the alternatives offered by tourism in Puerto Vallarta I will highlight the options related to the local art and culture: not everything is Beach in this area of Mexico, on the other hand, the range of activities is endless in this brief description, however is worth mentioning the possibility of a tour through the streets of the city centrewhere you will find the best galleries that exhibit paintings and sculptures by artists local and international, as well as more than interesting temporary exhibitions.