Monthly Archives: September 2018

New Managing Director

Change in the management of the ipal company for patent exploitation mbH has been appointed Dr. Dirk Dantz (43) Berlin on October 1, 2010 to the new CEO of the ipal. The doctorate diploma mineralogist and European patent attorney has extensive experience in patent and technology management, as well as at home and Outlicensing in various management positions of major industrial enterprises. You may want to visit Professor of Internet Governance to increase your knowledge. Dr. Dirk Dantz replaces Haufe Ursula, who led the ipal GmbH since 2006.

I’m looking forward to my new responsibility of ipal GmbH”, says Dr. Dirk Dantz. The ipal turned up well in recent years as patent collecting society on the science site in Berlin. “” In this sense, I see it as my main task to continue this positive development continuously expand. “We thank Ursula Hakeem for the good cooperation and work for the company and wish her much success in their new duties in the lower Saxon Ministry of science and culture,” stresses Dr. Wilhelm Reiss, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ipal GmbH. we are pleased to have won us Mr Dr. Dantz for this position and are convinced that with him the more design will succeed in the future of the ipal as successful patent collecting society.” About the ipal rated the ipal GmbH (innovations, patents, licences) and exclusively marketed the inventions of Berlin’s universities as patent Agency, and thus proposes an important bridge between science and industry. It is worn by the Freie Universitat Berlin (FU), the Humboldt University (HU), the Technical University (TU), the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW), Beuth Hochschule fur Technik (BHT) as well as the InvestitionsBank Berlin (IBB) as majority shareholder. From the assessment of patentable technologies through comprehensive patent protection up to the evaluation of the revenue potential in the market, the successful commercialization, as well as monitoring the royalties, the company provides all services. In addition the ipal GmbH with the cooperating Charite university medicine, the Robert-Koch-Institut, the German heart Centre, the Federal Institute for materials research and testing (BAM), with the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut Langen and the Jacobs University Bremen.

Valentines Day Fashion

Selecting a gift on Valentine’s Day can be a very hard and not always easy to find a gift that is romantic and unique, and really conveys the depth of his love. A variety of romantic Valentine gifts available in the market but to be different you have to give a unique gift. Romantic Valentine gifts can be great fun to go shopping, but you should start looking for ideas and before Valentine’s Day or you will have to hurry. The only gift you might want to leave until just before Valentine’s Day could be a bouquet of roses, considered the traditional gift of lovers through the centuries. A spectacular crystal rose is a romantic Valentine’s Day gift and a luxury gift.

* Corsets: This is one of the oldest types of lingerie. Corsets are adjustable. It extends along the body of the woman’s breasts navel area. Corset in earlier times were used in a garment. A of the best features is that corset can give a outline for the body. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Childrens Defense Fund and gain more knowledge.. You can make your body almost perfect and seek to redefine the shape of the body.

Has the ability to view smaller waist and give more shape and fullness of the breasts. Corset is a bit difficult to adjust. * Baby Doll / Fantasy Lingerie: This clothing is tailored to those who want to see her lover in different avatars at a time. So you can dress your lover like a baby doll or a sexy nurse. You’ll also find more costumes that will bring together imagination and reality. Again, the dresses are designed sexy and attractive. This type of underwear contains absolutely stunning range of colors. Sexy Lingerie is very attractive. You will find in size over all clothing underwear underwear comes in many varieties and, in general, a price above $ 20. Discounts on the purchase of lingerie lingerie implies a reduced price. Discount Lingerie is available in many shops. These stores declaring this price reduction, either because they want to get rid of Old Stock or want to sell clothes in large quantities. Sometimes, providing discounts to buyers who are willing to pay in cash or spend a certain amount of money. In some cases, if the store is closing, cleaning of sales for lingerie fantastic discounts. I am manager to promote niche eBay store.

Integral Institute

The following dialogue of Dr. Gallegos is Allan Anderson (Professor Emeritus at San Diego State University, California, Doctor in philosophy) themed jump into the void. The main theme of this dialogue, is concerning whether the human transformation is independent of time and knowledge; to which Anderson replies that it is good that man fights to improve, but the improvement is not equal to the transformation. We need to return to our original nature, deep light. Anderson pointed out that preparation exercises can be performed to achieve the awakening; Although sometimes are not enough and that the purpose of the preparation is not the awakening, but a change of attitude, a transformation. What Dr.

Gallegos says that more than an accumulation and growth is the existence of a creative void that transforms. It also notes that the realization of being not should seek outside us, because they already live forever within us. To ensure a pure Act of attention, there can be no concern or anxiety, therefore neglect causes conflict. The lighting is something that is available to us, as it is present, only that we have not woken up completely to the lighting, as it says Anderson. Bodhisattvas are politicians is the dialogue between Dr.

Gallegos and Gregory Wilpert (Doctor of philosophy. Member of the Integral Institute founded by Ken Wilbert). Currently in the world there is a need of a comprehensive policy, with conscious action that contributes to maximum development for thousands of people and this obviously with holistic education can be achieved. Dr. Gallegos and Gregory agree that materialism and consumerism in the level of development are represented as system diseases. You should change the economy and these changes already underway because the postmodern culture has an orientation of anti-consumerism or as mentioned what Hazel Henderson that so that there is a more integrated economy, rings of services or networks of services among people, which is a system of exchanges should be used is also called the economy of love that money it does not intervene in this Exchange. The learned Gallegos believes that poverty is not the fault of the economy, but rather of the lack of a social policy and that in Mexico much do social justice conclusions after the reading of the holistas dialogues concluding comments is an integral part of such dialogues. I can say that these holistas with great personalities international dialogues, indicate us an overview on how you are having and practicing education holistic in other countries and States of Mexico, I invite you to reflect on what I really am, to have an experience with my spirituality, to awaken my conscience so I can be light for my students. It is also important to comment, that all this knowledge that I have gained at the start of the masters in holistic education for sustainable development, have been not only knowledge, but also a great learning that have helped me to get away from the suffering, of the concerns of the anxieties that many times I away from the interior light that is my original nature. I also believe that we must work for the cooperation, peace, universal love, solidarity, to have a better world; We must be light in our home, work and with our environment.

University Foundation CEIPA Education

The community is known, is one that embodies the identity, functional documents, or the projects or structures. We should not be strange for example, statements of the University Foundation CEIPA of Medellin, Colombia, when he says that the possibilities of development of the villages depend on the level of education of its people. However, that education is no longer a matter strictly school to become a field of social intervention, is an educational renewal, unparalleled in history, to be able to structure it properly simultaneous development of personal potential and social attitudes, Hence, it is not surprising, remember to insist that it is impossible to educate without having in front a few purposes: it educates for something. No education without relation has meaning. The purpose of education is the inquiry and the acquisition of skills.

This thirst for moral direction is the talent that all education should be soaked. Education itself has no goodness radical depends on its purpose. There should be that the educational task, as pointed out in a UNESCO report, should develop and take on new concepts of development and progress, efforts to introduce in every society, sustainable development models suited to their situation. The universities through training of professionals committed to their community, with the country, should contribute substantially to the coexistence, tolerance and solidarity among people and peoples. Education will become a continuous process, as mentioned, so that last as long as human life, so help you live by the values it proclaims. The university should be able to communicate with the living cultures that surround it and can not be sacrificed to a university spirit pragmatism meaningless cultural, must be attentive to the changes, the advancement of science, to have teachers involved with the mission of providing its expertise when interpreting the need to know your scenario. Must you seize the opportunities that the environment will often manifests itself through the mistakes of other actors, such as the state, institutions, organizations. Should current university authorities, dispose of the attraction that generates figuration, be more proactive, giving way to encourage academic excellence to the university and the country. We must determine their own objectives in line with social reality as well indicates Juana Sancho, cultural, articulating the means to achieve them.


The school year begins September 1. Purchased new diaries, notebooks and pens. Accrue from the far corners of dusty holiday briefcases and bags. Ahead of 9 months of intense work with short breaks to rest. In this cool September day, with lush armful of flowers, go for my first lesson beginners, first-graders. His waiting pervogodkov different circles, sections, clubs and centers. A gate of the club "Contour" wide open for pervogodkov round year. Check with American Diabetes Association to learn more. What is this club? Many years ago, a few dedicated his favorite thing athletes have gathered and created an organization to help make tentative steps to the public.

Their joint efforts have managed to create the necessary material and methodological framework, registered NGOs. In the "Path", children are engaged in a romantic, but a little unusual sport – "The Hunt for" fox. " In the words of Uncle Theodore Buttermilk: "This is hunting and killing animals not worth it. " In important papers, this white sport called "sports directional radio." Many residents of the city met in the woods and gardens athletes filled finder with directional antennas. People often ask: – What are cubs running around? – Deliberately lit – guys are joking.

Actually, furry creature nothing to do with. "The Fox" – a radio transmitter. In the old days, when the founders of the club "circuit" were themselves beginners, the "fox" was set fairly heavy military equipment. Operator to broadcast call letters – said into the microphone "I am a fox two," or tapping a telegraph key – "dash-dash, dash-dash-dash, dot" – call "mine." Today, progress has jumped far ahead. Modern sports radio direction-finding transmitter weighs less than pounds and runs without the aid of a radio operator. And to mark the athlete about "fox" is set red-white prism with punch. Find the transmitter is not as easy as it seems at first glance. After poperedavav one minute, "fox" and fell silent four-minute break resistant.

Holistic Value Added Is New Mission

Be away from the pure money-making, and the benefits of a company, a practice or a freelance work independently for the benefit of people and the planet what is contributing? Is the question in marketing at the front – but also for the strategic orientation of new entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs holistic point of view. People – planet – profit: If the independence creates sustainable growth for all three areas, then it is usually in the long term resistant. It values are created, not at the expense of others or by overexploitation of natural resources are, but serve the people and the nature. You may find American Diabetes Association to be a useful source of information. Aller media designer is for the for the sake of it grow naturally, that chooses their customers according to their value orientation and advertising, printing and media offers, which are high-quality, durable and environmentally friendly. The clown-wife wants to not only entertain their audience, but with the theme of happiness”provide impetus for a fulfilled life – and doing their own happiness To find. The engineer comes to the conclusion that his philanthropy is not his problem, but his biggest talent.

Rather than hide it, he wants to put it in the focus on his work as a project manager in the future. A vantage point, which is the own personality to the fore is to measure the benefits of an autonomy apart from the economic point of view also of the own values emotional intelligence as a success factor. Through this new entrepreneurial self-understanding comes joy, meaning and fulfillment in the business. The long-term success of such business ideas requires the willingness to grow the new challenges personally. Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and interpersonal ties design decide on customer flows, team spirit and internal culture of the company. Integral business and Grundercoaching HORSE & SOUL natural leaders accompanied entrepreneurs before, during, and after the establishment of the existence in the economic, organisational, personal and moral development of their independence. About a free initial consultation, Stephan Gerd Meyer and Andrea Meyer-doll offer their clients also targeted information on funding and grants. Contacts to other entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, as well as a professional network with specialists for marketing and advertising, Web design and search engine optimization, Recht, Steuern, micro-credit, health and more complete the comprehensive service. Leadership and entrepreneurial qualities increase Stephan Gerd Meyer and Andrea Meyer-doll in the coaching with horses, which this sensitive as a natural mirror and lively catalyst to human action.

Tourist Development

In the latest edition of the Lonely Planet is presented 2010 India as one of the most beautiful and most popular tourist destinations in the latest edition of the Lonely Planet introduces 2010 India as one of the most beautiful and most popular tourist destinations. Also enjoying India also due to the upcoming Commonwealth Games in New Delhi of particularly popular all over the world. Expect a massive influx of India tourists, giving also the adjacent, lesser-known regions and cities in addition to the well known destinations and attractions equal opportunity are present. Incredible India the name says everything India with its variety of States, which have their own special traditions, culture and cuisine, offers unique and varied experiences for tourists. (Source: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger ). The Indian Government will strive to bring a clean, green, safe and friendly image of India which is easily accessible through a global network. The opening of airports in newer cities across the country and better road connections also have ensure that India offers many opportunities for a relaxing holiday.

Vacation under the Sun is a trend, to overcome the paralysis of the current bad situation anywhere in the world. India offers a tropical climate and the right geographical mix of culture and heritage, places of pilgrimage, adventure, beaches, resorts in the mountains, spas and Ayurveda to enslave all kinds of tourists. Travel arrangements, the financial contribution will be the most important factor in the decision in the choice of destination. Exchange rates play a further role in the choice of destination. Low travel costs, a favourable exchange rate and many amenities that promise travelers an exotic vacation, she will always appreciate. Fluke October were 30,000 new hotels in Delhi for the period of the Commonwealth Games built up to 100,000 people you want to attract. Other cities hope for revenue from the tourist influx to the country.

SsangYong Motor

At the beginning of the last decades of the xx century, interested in new passenger cars auto manufacturer Mercedes-Benz ag made a capital investment in SsangYong. As a result of technical cooperation have been developed light commercial cars (1991), Diesel (1993), Luxury Cars Passenger Cars (1993), and petrol engines for new cars (1993). In 1993, SsangYong Motor Company started manufacturing car Musso – a sports car with a unique design that differs from other cars exceptional qualities and characteristics. In 1994, it inaugurated its engine plant in Changwon, which SsangYong Motor Company for new passenger cars itself produces engines. The car company SsangYong In 1995, after three years of co-operation with Mercedes-Benz, began producing the car Istana (MB100) – lightweight trucks. The next year saw another passenger cars: powerful and different from other Car many technological advantages of passenger cars New Korando. In 1997, the launch of a new series of cars – a luxury passenger car, automobile company SsangYong Motor established its presence in three major sectors of the automotive industry with its passenger cars, sport utility vehicles and cars for the rest.

In late 1997, the automotive company SsangYong, like all other Korean companies, it was severely economic crisis, which had an impact on the economies of all countries in Asia, resulting in 1998, SsangYong Motor Company has been attached to a group of car Daewoo. After the crisis passed in 2000, SsangYong Motor Company was re- separated from a group of Daewoo, and continued to produce cars and commercial vehicles as an independent automotive industry. Since then, the automaker SsangYong Motor beginning of the program inside restructuring and launched a new campaign in the areas of governance, in the course which focused on design, research and development, as well as rebuilding sales networks and service programs vehicles. The efforts bore fruits. With the launch of the car Rexton in 2001, modern design is coupled with technological advantages of this car. And it was a breath of fresh air Korean market sports cars. In late 2003, SsangYong Motor Company launched its new cars – a luxury passenger sedan car New Chairman and car New Rexton, which was installed common rail diesel engine 2.7L. In 2004, the automobile market presented another new car – the innovative multi-car Rodius / Stavic.


However, the American researcher Don Lucky (Don Luckey) argues that small doses of controlled exposure may be beneficial to health, and they should be recommended for use in medicine. According to him, low doses of radiation reduce the incidence of infectious disease, reduces the number of cancer cases in young people and significantly increases the average life expectancy. Radiation also increases the activity of the immune system – an increasing number and activity of white blood cells – white blood cells and the activity of some enzymes, antibody production, which reduces the number of infectious diseases and promotes healing of wounds. Luckey said that people in the process of evolution has adapted to a certain level of radiation, as well as to other features of the environment, and its lack can negatively affect health, as well as lack of certain substances such as vitamins and mikroelementov.V the first half of the twentieth century, when the phenomenon of radioactivity was only discovered, doctors have experimented with different types of radioactive materials. Then, irradiation, even though it was obvious the danger was seen as a panacea for a large number of diseases – from arthritis to tuberculosis. The scientist believes that the use of small doses of radiation will re-introduced into medical practice.

He proposes to use for medical purposes a small sample of specially prepared radioactive waste from nuclear reactors. New Zealand intends to become the world's first country, the complete cessation of emissions of greenhouse gases by 2025 New Zealand intends to become the first country in the world, which is completely cease emissions of harmful greenhouse gases that adversely impact on the Earth's climate. According to Prime Minister Helen Clark, 'to confront global warming is a priority policy of the island state, but the problem itself is regarded as the salvation all mankind. " 'It is obvious that if the world will not solve it completely, then the next generation there is little left of the planet' – she said. According to experts, in recent years in New Zealand is actively developing network of geothermal power plants do not emit carbon into the air, but this is not the only way to cleaner electricity. Because a large number of rivers and waterfalls in the country – is also promising source of energy. Red date calendar: World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought on 17 June on our planet is the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.

This date was proclaimed in 1995 in connection with the anniversary of the June 17, 1994 un Convention to Combat Desertification. All countries are encouraged to dedicate this day increase in the amount of information about the need for international cooperation in combating drought and desertification. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, under threat of desertification is the fourth part of the land on Earth, is directly related to over two hundred fifty million people. Left without livelihoods may be over a billion people over than a hundred countries, because it reduces the productivity of arable land and pastures. Convention to Combat Desertification is devoted to solving this problem. It is signed by 186 countries and is the foundation of all activities to combat desertification. Critical attention it paid to improve soil fertility and soil restoration, In addition, problems of protection and wise use of land and water resources.

Miracle Medicine?

Maybe people live in the vain expectation of a miracle on the part of medicine? To answer this question we need to remember all of the same scientific and technological progress. Its rapid development at the same time led to the rapid development of materialism. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from BSA. But it was sickness, old age and death, which remains beyond the control of individual processes that make the leaders in many countries again and again refer to the Church. This occurs primarily because the leaders of the state, in contrast to ordinary people, more aware of the achievements of modern science in the field of medicine. Including for this in any country there are special services. The authorities, as no other sections of society, tend to understand that in the near future expect from the medical possibilities of victory over old age and death it is not necessary. That is why they periodically try to return to the bosom of the church, where in addition to fraud and corruption all the same they also did not wait. Even the leaders of virtually every country has long been far from the faith's spiritual mentors. Therefore, this The situation in the end, and leads to the fact that all these people start to believe in a virtual, invented their own God, which they did not really know that they do not understand and in which all the same to the end and do not believe. But periodically move to a belief in God makes them old age, illness and impending death premonition.