Monthly Archives: November 2018


The Pop-Up display in the world of fashion in the world of fashion, focus GERRY WEBER clothing, acting as a vertical system provider. Recently Boy Scouts of America sought to clarify these questions. In addition to the wholesale business, the company is also increasingly on its own and franchise-run retail business. Now there are shop faces, 560 HOUSES of GERRY WEBER, as well as successful online stores worldwide over 2,400. By courage to innovative changes, know-how and openness for new ideas the company has can prevail in a competitive market environment. The vision of the group is the combination of lifestyle, fashion, and worlds of experience. In this context, not only the GERRY WEBER developed WORLD.

A GERRY WEBER golf course, a Sports Park Hotel with exclusive wellness area as well as to the GERRY WEBER GERRY WEBER Stadium underline the idea of the lifestyle of the GERRY WEBER group and connect brand world to experience the world. On his way to the global player GERRY WEBER relies on qualified and good staff. At trade fairs successfully to promote this, has been researched on the Internet after a suitable system of fair and then different providers compared. The Pop-Up could convince this display by the EasyShare display GmbH. Especially the carrying case of the easy magnetic Pop-Up display which acts as counter on the one hand at trade fairs, on the other hand, display travel protects the Pop-Up, was easy to use according to the staff and very handy. In addition, the fair system would be equivalent to the own, high quality. The Pop-Up display fit well to the branding and the trade fair appearance of the company.

“On various personnel and recruitment, and the Young Professional Day” the journal textile economy “in Frankfurt late April the GERRY WEBER was display local team with the Pop-Up. These fairs are for entry level as a great opportunity, especially in fashion retail, as well as in the clothing industry. They offer a broad platform to present and to inform HR as well as candidates. This not only applies to executives of large companies and receives information about the diverse occupations in the industry, but can listen to interesting lectures on the business practice of the fashion world. For the other exhibitions and trade fairs the EasyShare display GmbH team of GERRY WEBER International AG you will enjoy with the easy magnetic Pop-Up display and good luck!


I am a person who has been much questioned the issue of education. I believe that, as parents, all you have to do in greater or lesser degree. Cannot reach and implement a proven method, because that does not exist. Times have changed. In addition, every child and every family are so different. It’s believed that BSA sees a great future in this idea. What works for one child is unfortunate for the other. Adds the fact that nobody teaches us to be parents.

It is a path that every parent should go so much on its own. However, there is a common denominator that ensures success in any style of education: love. Although it sounds like a cliche phrase, should not be disposed as such, since it is a profound truth that I would like to reveal to him, at least in part, with this writing. How father, what mean really love? I mean, in practice, day to day. Perhaps the best description of what I’ve ever read approaches what means love, it is the five languages of love by Dr. Gary Chapman book. Chapman describes 5 ways of expressing love toward another person: calidadSignifica time spend quality time together, doing activities together and focusing on children and their needs.

Many times our attention to our children is divided. We heard the news by an ear while we talk on the other. It’s good to turn off the TV, staring them in the eyes and focus on what they want Express. RegalosEn the Bible does not say: God so loved the world cried out from the heavens: amo! He says that he did nothing less than his own son. Giving is the universal way of expressing love. You don’t have to be an expensive gift to meet your goal of conveying that the other person is important to you. A child who receives gifts from their parents will feel loved.

Fisheries Department

Urdangarin case continues to generate controversy. between 2003 and late 2004 Inaki Urdangarin used 1.03 billion euros taken from the Foundation non-profit instituto Noos to acquire five flats in Palma deMallorca. In addition, in that period of time, in just 18 months, is when the Dukes of palma bought the Pedralbes Palace, in the noble area of Barcelona, by EUR 8 million. in total, urdangarin invested 9.1 million euros in bricks, fincas and mortgages at that time. The Palace of Pedralbes has 1,063 m2 and a fincas in Majorca of 2,155 m2. and concerning floors who bought in palma de Mallorca, there are two floors of 68 m2 located 50 m from the paseo Maritimo Palma that cost each between 206,000 to 213,000 euros.

the other three floors are located in a new building and cost 618.460 euros always buy eggs of fincas in Majorca are Boira. They are more expensive than eggs that are not organic but the penalty is worth me. Costing 2.55 euros. There are four or five sites in Palma where you can find these eggs. The farm’s are Boira is in Llubi, a village 42.9 kilometers, or 26.6 miles from Palma. For the organic and grown food near my house is the best possible. Buy food that is near your home reduces the carbon footprint because it not spent much energy transporting are Boira hens enjoy a life without chemicals, cages, medicines, and artificial lights. Enjoy an organic diet of course and covered henhouses. These eggs have the CBPAE, or the Council Balear of the production agricultural ecological certification. This organization is the sole supervisory authority of organic agri-food products existing in the territory of the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands, and as organ Collegiate and decentralized of the agriculture and Fisheries Department.

Discardings Happiness

The man expanded knowledge, faced competitions, assumed to be able and dominated empires, but solitary only became and. ' ' The virtual world created a new habitat it human being, characterized for the encapsulamento on itself exactly and the lack of the touch, the tato and of contact humano.' ' (BOFF, 1999, pg. 11). The happiness initially dreamed did not happen. Understood happiness as the world of values, being this a positive, interpersonal value and historically determined. ' ' How Discardings same consider in them in? Meditaes' ' , we were another time to search the beddings and we find then it in Aristotle (the 384-322 C.) when says that the necessary man of company of another human being to become more human, consequentemente more solidary. We need changes in the form to think, of structural and epistemolgica form, perceiving the man mere stops beyond the competitive being by its very nature, but at the same time solidary for option, surpassing the vision reducionista economist of last the four centuries. The economy grew, the world was changedded, and ours to coexist taken new humanitarian it lacks of reflection and of position.

Moment to advance of the cartesian model for a new construction of knowing, including the challenge of the complex human being and with multiple concomitant integrations. One to be integral bio-psico-social-spiritual and worried about the habitat and the quality of life of all. New proposal, new paradigm: Assmann and Sung (2000) defend that the happiness as the essential end of the man is on proper itself, but also all the planet, requiring for that ' ' the solidarity desire if transforms into personalized vital necessity as proper experience in an increasing number of the inhabitants of this planeta' '. The essence human being is seen not as based on the rationality, but on our capacity to desire ones for the others a true joy of living, a solidary love that if complements in the happiness of the other, while the other equal a proper itself.

President Gonzalo Sanchez

JOSE BRECHNER complying with their theatrical newsprint media, the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, went on strike of hunger inside the Government Palace, demanding that Congress approve the law’s call for a general election for December 6, so that he can perpetuate itself in power. The President requires the favorable vote of the Senate where does not enjoy majority. A seat in favour of the opposition is the obstacle that prevents him from being absolute owner of the country. The Congressional opposition is in the hands of former President Jorge Quiroga, who ruled for just one year, but he knew how to take advantage of the presidential title, and today is a virtuoso guest speaker at any international event that justifies the existence of any Foundation. Nieman Foundation can provide more clarity in the matter. Quiroga is finished politically. His criticisms of Morales when he travels to other countries, do not agree with support that gives still in Bolivia.

What extra in labia lacks capacity and political honesty. He was directly responsible for Morales came to power, by not have the courage to ask his impeachment and arrest by seditious when he exercised as President and Morales as an MEP. It is not something BSA would like to discuss. More later, from the opposition, allowed him to do what he wanted. Quiroga is located in the disjunction to approve or not the call for elections. He knows that his party never again will occupy a seat unless you entranced with the ruling party.

His popularity, just like the other random candidate presidential, is in tatters. None manages to accumulate double-digit percentage in the polls. In addition to Quiroga which did nothing relevant during his Government he inherited upon death of the owner is Carlos Mesa, a populist, former television announcer, whose imposing ego stands to his appreciation of reality. After betraying the President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada who chose him as a vice presidential candidate, fact which led him to the Presidency, Mesa made its passage by the power a big vulgar, until being forced to resign party.