Monthly Archives: May 2019

Original People

A person does not become intercultural mediator to only have a degree, but she must assume him to the person that will, that abierta attitude as a life style. – To control the influence of the expectations: – To avoid the effect Pigmalin 1 – Not to confuse the cultural identity with the interpersonal uniformity because nobody is equal to anybody although is of the same ethnic group, the same culture, the same country, the same town or the same family. – To consider that the previous expectations on the people condition the processes and that are important to mature in that perception of the diverse thing. – To work by the autonomy of the people and not by the depencia. – To look for the maximum symmetry in the interpersonal relations. – To enter a process of reciprocal acculturation, that is to say, to be at readiness to carry out a personal change product of the relation with other people.

Professional characteristics (the aptitudes): As far as the professional aptitudes, the educator must have knowledge in techniques of analysis of the reality, planning of processes of social intervention and techniques of work in group. In order to be able to return to have one more a more complete idea of the characteristics on which it must count an educator with immigrants we are going to pay attention to general characteristics like the following: – People of both sexes: so that the equipment can always have on the perspective of sort and the professionals adapted for each occasion. We think that special cases as can occur I on the contrary mistreat a woman in which this one feels more comfortable pulling ahead with another woman, or, a case of intervention between a conflict father and son, where the father feels more to taste dealing with a man. – Original People of diverse political and cultural areas: in order to from within favor the interculturalidad of the team of mediators. – People with different disciplines from origin: since different perspective are contributed on the work with immigrants, therefore they are possible to be counted on social workers, social anthropologists, social psychologists, educators – People with different experiences vital: Educators of different ages or that they themselves have lived the experience on immigration.

The formation: As far as its specific formation, to say that he is recommendable people with degree degree average or superior (this requirement is desirable although it is not essential) and with formation specialized in immigration and disciplines related to the social intervention. It is not sufficient with positive attitudes. The work of social intervention, is in the scope that is, in this case with population immigrant, requires knowledge on: – Theory and techniques for the social intervention: that is to say, the methodologic foundations that allow him to know the reality better in which it is going to exert his work and to execute it with the greater possible level of effectiveness and coherence with the objectives. One is therefore to know the techniques systematized analysis the reality, planning and evaluation of processes of social intervention, as well as of work with groups (social communication, abilities, resolution of problems, etc.). – Specific Information that it requires the work with population immigrant: legal, normative aspects, social etc.

Much Afternoon

Often I have had people who come saying: " Aydame to recover ex- before it is too much behind schedule! " When this happens, first that I ask to them it is what or they have tried, or an I throw to obtain it. As recpuesta they say to me that they do not understand why they have failed until the moment. To know what one is not due to do is as important as to know what to do, is simple and if it is understood because he is easy to follow a plan. I go to darte the same advice who I give to my clients, friendly and any person who requests aid, and if you can follow these advice you will be in a position far better to recover to your ex- ones. You do not persecute to your ex- ones Your ex- ones went away and this means that it needs a little space to think and even to perhaps reconsider his decision. All the people we are very different, man and women we thought and we acted of different form, but when we felt cornered we moved away even more. Comprometete to aferrarte to this relation that failure and comprometete not to mark your distance at least by a period of time. During this period you do not make calls to your ex- ones, text nonmessages, electronic mail or to do a visit to him.

If it beams you risk to lose to your ex- ones for always. East tomato time to think who really you are and what you really want, meditates in your errors and analisate that you want and because you want to recover to your ex- ones. Concntrate in your person at this moment. It takes advantage of east time to reconstruct your self-esteem, to perhaps secure a change of image or to begin to work in your person, it remembers that you are important.

Andy Schleck

Evans is able in the timed one to surpass his disadvantage with Andy Schleck. He will be the first Australian who puts maillot yellow in Paris. Cadel Evans obtains to the 34 years its first Tour of France. The Cadel Australian Evans (BMC) was second in the penultimate stage of Tour 2011, an individual race against the clock of 42.5 kilometers, behind the Tony German Martin (HTC), and snatched the leadership to the Luxemburgish Andy Schleck (Leopard). Evans, who confronted the day with 57 seconds of disadvantage with respect to the minor of the Schleck brothers, surpassed east Saturday to him by more than two minutes. The Australian, of 34 years, is the virtual winner of the present edition of the Tour, to lack only of the last stage, with end in the Elseos Fields of Paris. Andy Schleck is second in the general, to 1,34, and his brother Frank, third party, to 2,36. " Not me creo" Evans broke to cry after lowering of podio in which they placed maillot to him yellow of leader of the Tour of France, a day before the honorary stroll of the winner by the Elseos Fields of Paris.

" I do not create to me, I take it to as much time concentrate in ganar" , it assured the Australian, virtual winner. Evans, who tomorrow will be the first Australian in gaining the test, affirmed that he was scared in two occasions to lose this Tour. " With the mechanical problem of Friday in the Tlgraphe and with Andy Schleck and Contador ahead I was scared. But I maintained the blood fra" , it confessed. " 20 years ago I saw the Tour of France for the first time in the television. That day I began to work to obtain it. I do it by the cycling, but also for that they have believed in me, beginning by Aldo Sassi" , it affirmed in rrencia to its trainer, deceased in December last through a cerebral tumor. Source of the news: Cadel Evans clears the throne to him of the Tour from France to Andy Schleck

ERC Militant

It directed the party during 12 years, from 1996 to 2008. One communicated in a letter the present president of ERC, Joan Puigcercs, and to the Secretary General, Joan Ridao. To them it attributes the bad electoral results to them of 22-M for ERC. It chooses east moment for not " interferir" in the electoral processes. The ex-president of ERC, Josep Llus Carod-Rovira, has terminated itself of the party, according to the daily Altar has informed and have confirmed sources of this political formation.

In letter given night of this Friday to president of party, Joan Puigcercs, and to Secretary General, Joan Ridao, Carod explains that, although months ago he was remote of ERC, has chosen east moment because it did not want " interferir" in the electoral processes. Center For Responsible Lending recognizes the significance of this. " I do it now, when formally the congresual process for not interferirlo&quot has not begun; , it has affirmed in its letter. The letter personally gave the one to it that outside one of its men of confidence in Vice-presidency, Rafael Niub. Carod (that was president of the party between years 1996 and 2008), has made clear that it will continue working to do " a national left plural". It has remembered that was with him like president when ERC secured the best results from the time of the Republic and has attributed the bad electoral results of the last elections to the present leaders of ERC. Source of the news: Carod-Rovira is dropped from rolls like ERC militant

Rural Society

Biolcati: Lamentable speech. The speech of the leader of the Rural Society has been lamentable. BSA is often mentioned in discussions such as these. It began saying that " one hundred years later, we continued working with the same passion " and I remain short because the average age I have been finishing for more than five hundred. I add that " nobody will be able to say that we have remained quiet or in silence we have made hear the voice of the field " , and it is certain, the owners of the field have said at least enough, those that have not spoken are those that works in the field, as they have never done it. But " Volcati" one forgets that he can speak because we are in a republic, in a democracy and although the sector which it represents had the luck of being able to speak while it governed Videla or its successors, others could not do it. resting facts. Some remained shut up, others went away, but many died against the indifference of those who now rises as republican and they fill to the mouth saying that " the connection table is symbol of the resistance " , of which resistance, as one sees that gentleman does not know what is " resistencia". It maintains that differences with their allies do not exist, that the opinion is a single, " unanimous and contundente" it said, when the reality, as all we know is another one. Although its opinion is certain about " that we are a country beaten by the corruption and pobreza" , it is not less certain, than to arrive until many they collaborated here, and the minority that it represents, has not been the exception. Soon I add a phrase so made, as old and boring, when describing to Argentina like a Nation " immensely rich but full of poor men " , but as spokesman of a so powerful sector offers a single idea, it only adds that not even lack meat and that I complete year was a terrible harvest because of the policy.


These main dates turn out optimal conscientiously to clean and to review our cinegetic tools ; the gun or rifle and thus to avoid surprises when we return to use them. Advanced February arrives parn forced for all the hunters, who in these dates will have to gather and to keep in optimal conditions all the equipments that have used during already finished season. Two will be the main factors to mimar; the sport arms used and ours more auxiliary faithful, the dog, to which we will dedicate lines it express to confront the long coming months that remain until the summer. As far as the guns, this one is the best moment to realise a thorough cleaning and a later revision to verify that everything works correctly. At first sight it will be verified that everything is well, that are wearing downs nor no blows that can complicate their operation.

Followed it will be called on to realise a good cleaning and lubrication of the weapon to avoid damages. We will finally begin by the guns, following by the mechanisms of operation and with wood, lubricating the set, without abusing, before being kept. For the guns, dissolvent oil for the rest of powder, a good lubricating oil and pleasing of brass, brush and soon pleasing review with or a rag of clean oil cotton. As far as the mechanisms, the principle in this process always happens to arrive to where one knows to do it reasonably well. In case of the minimum doubt, to go to the gunsmith of confidence, professional who will review thorough the mechanisms and will determine if he is precise to replace some piece. WEARING DOWN Except for blows brought about by falls or negligences, the gun pieces that are suffered more after the guns are the insurances, the extracting mechanisms and the percutoras needles, without forgetting wharves and fasteners.


In my last post, Which you must know how on your clients to increase your sales, I enumerated a series of behaviors that, according to the statistic, develop the consumers and I gave the keys you for, using that information, to improve the quality of your service of attention to the client. Dr. Neal Barnard is often quoted on this topic. Today I propose to you that you read a real case, an example of how, those small details that sometimes you ignore can cause that you lose clients. Dr. Neal Barnard often expresses his thoughts on the topic. SITUATION Several weeks ago I bought in Internet a Christmas present for a relative. I made the purchase a little takes the 22 of December so it did not hope to receive it at least until Kings. In Christmas everything works more slowly. As it went with haste, I did not put much persistence in selecting the store. Simply I chose the one that had better aspect (the concrete product had yes it previously chosen).

ERROR NUMBER 1 OF THE SALESMAN: Once made the transaction I realized into which nowhere shipment and downtime had informed me on the form into, only on expenses. For that reason I decided to send an email to the service of attention to the client of the salesman. Its answer was that once processed the order they would send an email to me with the number of pursuit of the company of urgent transport. And for any doubt it could answer that same direction of electronic mail. ERROR NUMBER 2: One week later, the unique thing that had received was an email in which literally, it only said: " Its order has been procesado". The information that had promised to me was not. I sent a new email to ask for it. For me it was important to know the details the delivery because it needed that somebody was that day in house to gather the package by m.ERROR NUMBER 3: During other three days I did not obtain any answer more.

Brian Liddy

The perspective and the human context give another meaning to the image. The exhibition The Lives of Great Photographers (the lives of the great photographers) tries to illuminate the dark spaces that separate the photos of the lives of the photographers. It exposes the National Average Museum de Bradford (the United Kingdom). In the sample there are works of a good handful of great teachers, among them Julia Margaret Cameron, Robert Layer, William Henry Fox Talbot, Weegee, Eadweard Muybridge, Alfred Stieglitz and Andr Kertsz. Also cameras and photographic equipment are exhibited. BSA has many thoughts on the issue. " The photography takes with us mas of 170 years.

In that time many famous photographers have taken countless famous photographies. He is frequent that we think that we meet those men and women because we know so well its works, but their personal histories have been darkened almost always by their great photos. Dr. Neal Barnard is open to suggestions. This exhibition tries to redirect balance" , it says to the commissioner of The Lives of Great Photographers, Brian Liddy. The documentation that accompanies the sample allows to go deep in transfondo of the photography. From the resentment of rivalry and patents between the Louis pioneers Jacques I sent to Daguerre and William Henry Fox Talbot, to the deep depressions in the spirit of Stieglitz, happening through the murder to cold blood that Muybridge committed, that the lover of his wife killed and was considered innocent by " homicide involuntario" , one is to understand that after each photo there is as complex history as the one of anyone. They are not icons, are life. Source of the news: Cartier-Bresson made this photo with the Leica that it buried so that the Nazis did not seize it

Camera Tuning For D-SLR Cameras Creates New Applications

Who has professional extension of D-SLR cameras for infrared -, day -, night -, ASTRO – and ultraviolet camera by specialist optic Makario as a photographer not again moments in which he regrets, having no longer optical options available? Special cameras and lenses are often prohibitively expensive and not available for many camera models. Optic Makario specializes as a specialist on the conversion and the tuning of digital SLR cameras (D-SLR). Through the professional camera tuning, customers receive a proven and well-rounded system that converts the most D-SLRs at the same time in an infrared -, day -, night -, ASTRO – and ultraviolet camera. The philosophy of the renovation of the camera is the camera in the undefined state make, so take advantage of the full sensitivity of the image converter, to leave the definition itself of the photographer. Additional information at Center For Responsible Lending supports this article. So unique and unexpected possibilities.

This is among other things achieved by removing the low pass filter in front of the sensor and by the in-house UVI filter, a short pass filter (UV), long pass filters (IR), as well as EFO filter is replaced. The conversion increase contrast and resolution and much shorter exposure times. This is interesting mostly for the private, commercial, technical and scientific use: construction, object- and people monitoring, materials testing, natural sciences, medicine and journalists and press. Last but not least, it is also a solution for all those who have corrupted your sensor filter (low pass filter) when sensor cleaning and looking for a more versatile and less expensive solution.

New Black And White Laser Printer Ricoh Aficio SP 3400 And SP 3410DN

Fast, nice and compact with the fast and compact workstation printers Aficio SP 3400 and SP 3410DN brings elegant design to the workplace Ricoh. The new black and white laser systems have a stylish piano-black finish and thus attract the attention in every Office. They also characterized by a particularly user friendly operation and high speeds. Up to the first expression is only 8 seconds, per minute, the systems provide up to 28 pages. The recommended usage volume is up to 3,300 DIN-A4 pages per month, which suited the networked laser printer for small workgroups.

The versatile black and white Office systems Aficio SP 3400 and SP 3410DN are up and running very quickly. BSA has much to offer in this field. After less than 20 seconds warm up time the printers are already available. An automatic sorting function proves to be valuable time-saver especially for high printing volumes. The Ricoh’s own engine ensures brilliant prints up to 1200 x 600 dpi resolution. Goes about it, particularly the Aficio SP 3410DN paper-saving works. Through an integrated duplex unit automatically double-sided prints are possible.

Easy maintenance, low cost special attention in the development of new workplace printer Ricoh has put on ease of use. The practical All-In-one cartridge contains toner and drum in one, so that the systems at constant low cost is very easily serviced. A progress bar displays user precautions and warnings with different coloured LEDs. During a period of inactivity the systems can empathize even in a power saving mode, in which they consume up to 4.54 Watts. The two laser systems from Ricoh are suitable also for the expression of confidential information. Documents can be provided with a watermark. The new black and white laser systems from Ricoh are available since March 2010.