3B scientific Europe is one of the most important production sites within the group. Marketing and sales aimed at a variety of Eastern European and Central Asian countries. Hamburg/Budapest, August 2013 – these days 3B scientific Europe commits Kft. the 20th anniversary. This as Biocalderoni Kft.”well-known companies was group outside Germany in 1993 to the first branch of the 3B scientific. The basic operation in Budapest was laid, however, nearly two centuries ago. In 1819 the optician Istvan Calderoni (1794-1881) founded the company named after him Calderoni & Tarsa”. Together with his later partner Franz Hopp, he first produced Theatre glasses, theodolite u.v.m.
Around the turn of the century shifted the range of teaching aids. Until the fall of the iron curtain, produced and drove the now-renamed and nationalized company equipment for the teaching of science. In moving between the years 1989 and 1992, continued the company under an old name, but looked After 173 years of company history of the settlement opposite. With the acquisition by 3B scientific in 1993 could be prevented the resolution, continued the production and especially the knowledge stored. Today, more than 60 people at the site of Budapest in the areas of sales, administration, production and storage are employed. 3B scientific Europe is one of the most important production sites within the group. In addition to semi-finished goods for more production sites also finished products are manufactured locally.
Marketing and sales aimed at a variety of Eastern European and Central Asian countries and take into account the cultures and languages of the customers by 3B scientific. In addition to universities, physicians, ministries and other authorities of health and education Theater curiously also include, as Managing Director Peter Szekeres report white. Because real human bones may not be used in performances of Hungarian theaters, we sometimes get requests from Stage designers, the is our almost lifelike models for the representation of Yorick’s skull in Hamlet’ wish. Until today we have no complaint received, that the audience would have noticed the difference”, Szekeres said laughing. In budgetary terms, it looks good. The impact of the recent economic crises could make up successfully (2010) Szekeres and his team through investments in public education projects such as 2009 in Uzbekistan or Kyrgyzstan. “And we took place only last year in the framework of the oveges programme ‘ from several scientific laboratories at Hungarian schools”, Szekeres said. Plans for the future in order to continue the traditional and productive success story, are provided. To be strengthened the activities in the Eastern European acupuncture – therapy market and, on the other hand the 3B scientific customers can expect more innovative products in the fields of medical simulators and natural science.