Business Income Issue

After working on hiring more than ten years, I have come to the conclusion that it is always necessary to raise its price in the market life. Daily move in that direction. During the work 'on the uncle in the large companies I , as if not raised your salary will still be the ceiling, it is still the career ladder, sooner or later will be rested in the 'sky', so to achieve their goals and dreams, I started my business. Opening the magazine vacancy 'Employment and Wages, "you can find out its cost and the cost of any person in any specialty. Yes, we sell. Sell your time for money. How much is the hour of our life? Even if you have a good salary, there is such a thing to be aware of. If you hired for a salary of 800 Euro, the real value of your 1000.

If your salary 1500, you deserve to 1800 cu and so on. If you are working for 2500, the rates go up and you really do not underpaid 500 'money "means that Your employer is consciously aware that you are worth more, but underpaid, because we all live in conditions of market relations, and the reality is that everybody wants to have an advantage. You, too, trading in the market and usually discount has already been included in the price of the goods. Think about this. How many really worth an hour of your life and how much you do not underpaid? I have a question for you, if that, the amount of money you currently earn on your job, you'd be able to be in the form of passive income, you could continue to stayed to work "on my uncle? If not, what would you do? How would live, what hobbies do a priority in your life? Once I realized that I do not want life to work for hire, I dared to start a business and succeeded. This is not an easy path, but very interesting, very 'funny', so to speak. By experience I can advise, for those who thought about the business of the Council has begun, even if sooner or later you return to employment, you will have totally different person, well, if you succeed, you expect a completely different life, a much higher level.