Chinese Future

Until when the people it goes to support this? I know not, this still goes to delay the people very survives, paying its accounts and living in rope bamba. Meanwhile the Chinese are coming back toward its land with the hope printed in the chest and the disposal to gain more money. It wakes up BRAZIL, it arrives of godfather politics and it thinks about the people, it creates industry, it invests in technology and it improves its people. China in 86 was very violent existed there for many Gangs. Today the thing changed the Gangs had finished and the people was with more power of purchase. The government system is not communist? Yes, but, they are intelligent and had been established in a nationalistic ideology therefore that the economy today scares the United States, that are of eye in China.

Bigger polulao of the planet and a economy in high as can be this? Working hard and creating chances, the people. The Brazilian people is diligent, but what he lacks is chance and investment of the government in technology and to educate its people, he sees what this happening? Older plant of Brusque goes to buy weaveeed soon of China Weaveeed Carlos Renaux, created in 1892, suspended wire production and will start to distribute weaveeed Chinese. It has generations our schools teach that Brazil is the great nation of the future. We have a vast territory, natural resources in abundance, one pacific people and as much other characteristics that become Brazil an interesting country and of gigantic potential. But never we pass of this. We are the perpetual power of the future. We live in an underdeveloped country. In the proud speech of mediocre politicians, this future is next and as always, it will happen soon after the elections with the victory of these disembarassed. It has decades, the candidates are professional bad, poor politicians of spirit in the essence, opportunists and incapable to understand that the future of a nation is not constructed with action of short term.