The usual procedure is tedious washing windows because modern windows blocks away in the past. Now it is sufficient to clean the outside of the mostly glass from street dust and soot. It is fairly easy thanks to the smooth surface of the frames and glasses. Best use special tools to take care of the windows, which offer a set of companies – manufacturers of windows. There is a method and means for lubrication fittings and flexible window seals. On the folk remedies such as crushed chalk or mint newspapers should forget. Not suitable for washing of new frames and special solvents. If you prefer, you can wash modern windows with a solution of detergent or soap, and glass polishing a piece of Suede.
Wash windows inside you know, it is impossible, and from the room – no need: the dust through the windows do not penetrate. Clean, warm and quiet. The service life of pvc windows pvc (easier – PVC) is synthesized from petroleum products. Like many other polymers, it is very durable. He was not afraid of no sunlight or moisture, nor the natural micro-organisms or insects such as Dry wood borers. Due to special additives, modifiers for pvc window profiles – non-friable, and at the same time sufficiently rigid material, the strength characteristics of wood it is better. Modern high-quality plastic windows can withstand temperatures down to -50 and heat to 60 degrees.
White PVC-frame the first issue (50-60 years). under the influence ultraviolet rays and heat. Modern material for window profile contains special additives that make the color does not change. Recently in Germany was marked by a kind of anniversary. The manufacturer of pvc promotional free replacement plastic windows to one of his first customers, set them 35 years ago. How much downtime the new generation products, while no one knows. Manufacturers offer a guarantee on profile from 15 to 40 years, but experts argue (and confirm their opinion by testing the durability) that the windows of rigid pvc in a position to maintain their properties for at least 50 years. Another thing – seals. Their term of service in different companies call different – from 4 to 15 years. Time will tell who is right, as much depends on the temperature differences in your area.