University Foundation CEIPA Education

The community is known, is one that embodies the identity, functional documents, or the projects or structures. We should not be strange for example, statements of the University Foundation CEIPA of Medellin, Colombia, when he says that the possibilities of development of the villages depend on the level of education of its people. However, that education is no longer a matter strictly school to become a field of social intervention, is an educational renewal, unparalleled in history, to be able to structure it properly simultaneous development of personal potential and social attitudes, Hence, it is not surprising, remember to insist that it is impossible to educate without having in front a few purposes: it educates for something. No education without relation has meaning. The purpose of education is the inquiry and the acquisition of skills.

This thirst for moral direction is the talent that all education should be soaked. Education itself has no goodness radical depends on its purpose. There should be that the educational task, as pointed out in a UNESCO report, should develop and take on new concepts of development and progress, efforts to introduce in every society, sustainable development models suited to their situation. The universities through training of professionals committed to their community, with the country, should contribute substantially to the coexistence, tolerance and solidarity among people and peoples. Education will become a continuous process, as mentioned, so that last as long as human life, so help you live by the values it proclaims. The university should be able to communicate with the living cultures that surround it and can not be sacrificed to a university spirit pragmatism meaningless cultural, must be attentive to the changes, the advancement of science, to have teachers involved with the mission of providing its expertise when interpreting the need to know your scenario. Must you seize the opportunities that the environment will often manifests itself through the mistakes of other actors, such as the state, institutions, organizations. Should current university authorities, dispose of the attraction that generates figuration, be more proactive, giving way to encourage academic excellence to the university and the country. We must determine their own objectives in line with social reality as well indicates Juana Sancho, cultural, articulating the means to achieve them.