The following dialogue of Dr. Gallegos is Allan Anderson (Professor Emeritus at San Diego State University, California, Doctor in philosophy) themed jump into the void. The main theme of this dialogue, is concerning whether the human transformation is independent of time and knowledge; to which Anderson replies that it is good that man fights to improve, but the improvement is not equal to the transformation. We need to return to our original nature, deep light. Anderson pointed out that preparation exercises can be performed to achieve the awakening; Although sometimes are not enough and that the purpose of the preparation is not the awakening, but a change of attitude, a transformation. What Dr.
Gallegos says that more than an accumulation and growth is the existence of a creative void that transforms. It also notes that the realization of being not should seek outside us, because they already live forever within us. To ensure a pure Act of attention, there can be no concern or anxiety, therefore neglect causes conflict. The lighting is something that is available to us, as it is present, only that we have not woken up completely to the lighting, as it says Anderson. Bodhisattvas are politicians is the dialogue between Dr.
Gallegos and Gregory Wilpert (Doctor of philosophy. Member of the Integral Institute founded by Ken Wilbert). Currently in the world there is a need of a comprehensive policy, with conscious action that contributes to maximum development for thousands of people and this obviously with holistic education can be achieved. Dr. Gallegos and Gregory agree that materialism and consumerism in the level of development are represented as system diseases. You should change the economy and these changes already underway because the postmodern culture has an orientation of anti-consumerism or as mentioned what Hazel Henderson that so that there is a more integrated economy, rings of services or networks of services among people, which is a system of exchanges should be used is also called the economy of love that money it does not intervene in this Exchange. The learned Gallegos believes that poverty is not the fault of the economy, but rather of the lack of a social policy and that in Mexico much do social justice conclusions after the reading of the holistas dialogues concluding comments is an integral part of such dialogues. I can say that these holistas with great personalities international dialogues, indicate us an overview on how you are having and practicing education holistic in other countries and States of Mexico, I invite you to reflect on what I really am, to have an experience with my spirituality, to awaken my conscience so I can be light for my students. It is also important to comment, that all this knowledge that I have gained at the start of the masters in holistic education for sustainable development, have been not only knowledge, but also a great learning that have helped me to get away from the suffering, of the concerns of the anxieties that many times I away from the interior light that is my original nature. I also believe that we must work for the cooperation, peace, universal love, solidarity, to have a better world; We must be light in our home, work and with our environment.