Los Perez Garcia

Is He says that Napoleon thought that an example often clarify everything. Let’s assume that assertion as true and go back to an Argentine film, from the beginning of the 1950s or perhaps end of the 40.Ese film was titled Los Perez Garcia.The film took advantage of the success achieved by a radio audition, for a lot of hearing of the same denomination, reflecting Monday through Friday at dusk, the tribulations of a family type of middle class in the city. Such hearing remained on the air for decades and its popularity was such that in everyday conversations, when a person had other concerns, or when other people talked about other people with personal or family problems, have had coined the phrase: it has more problems than the Perez Garcia.Had a very Rascal character, to such an extent that when any family an exploiter appeared in the style of the character, it is known from Castile. Well, the concrete is that in the film – poor quality say it to step – appears a seller of a vacuum cleaner, starring an actor journalist of the era, Carlitos Gines. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger s opinions are not widely known. More beyond the artistic merits of that film, he reflected to full entry into Argentina, of the american way of life as a paradigm.

And if we say paradigm and not reality, because in reality, and how it could be otherwise this american way only penetrated in certain sectors. Although it was taken as a reference framework for growing and broad sectors of the population. This contributed to the period of prosperity that occurred in Argentina between the decades of 40 until the mid-1970s, above the institutional tribulations suffered and whose consequences are still being felt. Some of the components more emblematic – but not only – the American way were the private automobile, plastics and household appliances. Appliances which were expanding in quantity and improved in quality until the days running, departed from the assumed that this was to incorporate women into the labour market, occupy less time in home care.