If you are Jewish then you should stop eating meat. (and if you’re not willing to do so or you lack strength, try to not fill your mouth with values of our tradition. It is the divine desire.) The relationship between the Jewish worldview and environmentally friendly practices such as vegetarianism clearly for anyone to know minimally one and the other. It is noteworthy, however – and a little to our regret-that Jewish values are not replicated more often in their doctrines, and from there to the question of vegetarianism or concern for the environment as harmonic derivations of the same sound so little familar, so alien. But the truth is that a culture and its fundamentals are not their institutions, or their representatives, not even the facts through which are made known.
Who has taken a look at the book of Dan Jabotinsky, which recently was Editor (Participation), you will know that I recognize a germ of decline in our popular manifestation, and that I find a difference at all significant among practicing compulsive consumerism, abuse and mistreat with trash to your body, and do the same with what is outside of one (such as the environment and other beings who do not speak our language). Without going any further, and since we are versed on a topic that touches the food, would like to denounce the higher regulator of purity (i.e., Kashrut) has been corrupted: whether through the mentality that he brought to this medium the concept of LMehadrin or Glatt (which express a sort of extra kasher) – with which the binary system of kashrut is invalidated and things can be less kosher – or by the more general desapegamiento of this notion of behavior and righteousness and his constituency to the domains of the food. You don’t want to wander; only try to draw a faithful portrait (alive in the Holy Land, why can’t let me air of authority regarding some issues that others may forever rehearsing and still continue playing as a few summer holidays Menem in Miami) of a mind that that does appear to vegetarianism as something altogether alien to the heart of Judaism, when in reality, as I stated at the beginning, these saved a close and natural connection.