> Source: (C) by wikipedia.net; Author > the philosophy of religion is a philosophical discipline that has the manifestations and the theoretical content of religions to the subject. You are attempting to answer questions after the rationality of religious statements, essence and forms of religions and their practical importance in the lives of people systematically and rationally. It can manifest itself as criticism of religion or as a sprachphilosophische analysis of the form of religious language. u0085 is the philosophy of religion not purely empirical discipline. One of their main demands is rather the reasonableness of Religion and faith. In contrast to the theology, the answer to this question is generally open for them. If you would like to know more then you should visit Nieman Foundation.
But also the theology is seeking a rational penetration of faith, but it is done in the form of a justification. In contrast is always the faith and not the reason as a benchmark to the philosophy of religion in theology in the last instance of the viewed to believers. … The transcendent reality is encountered in adoration, humility, obedience, love or fear. … Furthermore, every religion contains a more or less explicit moral code morals: value worlds, sets, how people deal with each other to and partly also, as the nature deal with should.
Inner natural attitudes / beliefs are more important than explicitly formulated norms of behavior moral ethics: Act. Because it is in not only the religious ethics, religious rules to meet, but the will of God ‘ to meet and to have the right attitude.