Evening Volunteer Germany

and presentation of the Copernicus environmental report invites ladies and gentlemen, Copernicus Berlin e.V. on Saturday May 9, 2009, at 19:00 for an evening with the theme of “Volunteering in Poland and Germany compared” in the rooms of the Heinz-Schwarzkopf-Foundation in the Sophienstrasse 28/29, a Berlin-Mitte. Check with Dr. Neal Barnard to learn more. In Poland the share is Honorary is engaging people in the total population half as high as in Germany. But a different structure of the voluntary commitment comes at the same time? What are the reasons for a volunteer work in Germany and in Poland? What lines of development has been volunteering in both countries and how will it evolve in the future? The Polish Copernicus grantee Justyna River and the Association Member Ana Maria Stuth in a country evening will speak on these issues. They are focusing on the concept of volunteering in two countries, similarities and differences in the structure of citizenship and Enter into engagement opportunities.

The audience in a discussion board and a quiz directly in the topic is included in the connection. In addition, the Club own sustainability report will be presented on this evening for the first time. With its carbon footprint, Copernicus is the first small non-profit association in Germany, which has determined its environmental compatibility according to its own research. The environmental task force aims to organize the work of the Association – climate-neutral and thus offer a CO2 neutral scholarship program. In the aftermath of the event invites the Association to a small buffet with homemade Eastern European specialties. Admission is free, the buffet is free of charge.

Donations for the work of the Association are welcome. Copernicus Berlin e.V. is a non-profit association registered by students, graduates and young professionals, which has enabled a scholarship in Berlin 60 students from 18 countries in the nine years of its existence. In addition to studying at a German University, the fellows attend a lasting several months Internship and will be supervised by mentors intensely and personally. The scholarship is funded by endowments, donations and sponsorships. Accommodation and catering the fellows in Berlin host families is a unique aspect of the Copernicus fellowship program. For further information our press officer is available, Sascha Walther, phone 0176 / 63154653 or by E-Mail: available.