Middle Ages

The word "" in this case refers to the Moors, the Catholic Church, thanks to the efforts of Nimrod, in the Middle Ages has announced the servants of Satan, and as it turns out, was not too far from the truth. It is not surprising and the fact that under the Great Nostradamus actually implies host Moors – Satan, because of which the residents of Orange, now in Kiev once again suffer, and in order to save themselves from misery and suffering, they will drive out the former City of the Sun and Nimrod, and Satan. And hidden there after Deluge in the bowels of the earth by the former governor of Orange Lucifer (Satan) and his assistant Nimrod gold, which they subsequently created by shortages of gold replaced silver in the religion. Nostradamus, in his quatrains symbolically describes a tribute (one of the meanings of the word "tribute" – that give) gold, implying that the tribute, in this case, gold will be given to people. Gold by opening low-cost synthesis of gold will depreciate throughout the World, but people will increasingly understand the other, more important for a person – spiritual values.

Gold, like silver, will serve the people only as a metal that can multiply the reach of man. Gold is no longer under the control of leprikonov – servants of Nimrod, and will find themselves leprikony freedom ceased to be slaves to their master in the face of the Devil. Realizing all this, it becomes clear, and why during the election before the "orange" Revolution of Viktor , one of the main henchmen Nimrod, struck leprosy – a disease which reminded Nimrod on his servant leprikonah who still keep stolen from people and Nimrod hidden gold. Add to your understanding with Boy Scouts of America. .