Youth Movement

In 1990, discusses it happened it world-wide on the education for all, carried through in the city of Drip (Thailand). This discusses understood that the alfabetizao of young adult would have to be the first stage of the basic education, not being able to be separate of the one after-alfabetizao. The description of the education of young and adults in Brazil was given of the following form. In the years of 1946 1958, called campaigns of cruzades had been the 1958 carried through, had the intention of exterminar the illiteracy. In 1958, the national congress of education of adults was become fullfilled, who it counted on the participation of Pablo Freire. The national plan appears then of education, that understood the education of adults as education of base, from a vision of the causes of the illiteracy.

This plan was directed by Pablo Freire, but extinct for the coup d etat in 1964. During the military government campaigns had been carried through, as the cruzade of the ABC (Christian Basic Action) and later the MOBRAL (Brazilian Movement of Alfabetizao). In 1985, with the opening politics, the new government extinguishes the MOBRAL creates the foundation to educate. In the year of 1990, the government created the national plan of alfabetizao and citizenship (PNAC) that he was extinct, one year after its creation. In 2003, in the management of president Lula, it was creates the Program Brazil Alfabetizado and Aes of continuity of adult the young education of (EJA). In such a way it is justified long trajectory of the young education of adult. 3.2-A LDB AND ADULT the YOUNG EDUCATION OF E; The young education of adult (EJA) is a system of education used in the net publishes Brazilian, to include young and adults in the formal education. This modality searchs to develop the basic and average education of quality for that they had lost the chance to study at the time due.