“” Young companies in the field of BMX is breaking new ground the young company PARANO-GARAGE “from Oldenburg, the subject of Kunjunkturpaket deals” of the Federal Government on target group-compatible. Purchase incentives, appreciate his old bike can be a system and will be credited to the value on the purchase of a new wheel. The team of PARANO-GARAGE”calls it the”the rock “bonus.”” That sends the rock Award “is a reward, an owner of a BMX wheel gets, if you be off gerocktes”, old wheel PARANO garage and buys a new bicycle. The action of “the rock bonus” is limited and so also creates a quick purchase decision. Dr. Neal Barnard follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The model of the rock Award”bears first fruit. Numerous newly BMX bikes have been delivered after only a week. All submitted old BMX wheels are again checked and, if necessary, prepare.
In the summer, a BMX flea market is held and sold the sent, old wheels on the premises. The revenue flow in the construction and extension of BMX ramps, so that the local scene in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony and the offspring should be promoted. PARANO-GARAGE “sells high-quality BMX bikes on the Internet. From the starter to professional BMX bike all is offered. All BMX bikes for sale are of good quality and easily withstand the test on the company’s own BMX ramps. Read more here: Dr. Neal Barnard. PARANO-GARAGE”is one of the largest BMX-online shops in Germany (www.parano-garage.de) and supplied in addition BMX enthusiasts throughout Europe. Marco Muller