The education of disciplines History of Brazil, throughout its trajectory always was seen and elaborated in a dogmtica way, as mechanism of construction of an only national identity, where we go to observe such estimated since its primrdios. In the First one and Second It disciplines it to empire of National History was considered facultative and hardly she was taught, where the education of Sacred History predominated on of a National History, where the education methods were practised through the memorization and repetition of the written texts, where salient the following one concerning this question: The programs of History of Brazil followed the model consecrated for Sacred History, substituting the moral narratives on the life Dos Santos for historical actions carried through by the considered constructors of the nation, especially governing heroes and clergymen. The order of the events was articulated for the succession of kings and the fights against the foreign invaders, in such a way that history culminated with ‘ great eventos’ of ‘ Independncia’ of ‘ Constitution of the Nacional’ State; , responsible for the conduction of Brazil to the destination of being one ‘ great nao’. (PCN, 1997, P. 20) During the periods of the Old Republic the education of disciplines of History of Brazil searched to insert in the nation the civic spirit, through a taught patriotic nationalism in history, where we can observes as education proceeded from disciplines: National History was identified with the Native History, whose mission, together with the History of the Civilization, was to integrate the Brazilian people to the modern civilization occidental person. Native History was understood as the foundation of ‘ pedagogia of cidado’ , its contents would have to emphasize the traditions of a homogeneous past, with glorious facts of you celebrate historical personages in the fights for the defense of the territory and the national unit.