Bonn forest investment provider forest finance under first signatories / online support possible for. In particular in their creditworthiness to devalue the rating agency standard & poor’s announcement BBs (S & P) in December, Europe in General and Germany and France, sparked a justifiable outrage. More importantly however was that this announcement of pro-cyclical drove the crisis and devalued the euro. Previous raters – little sustainable, profit-driven and hostile to Europe: credit rating agencies are so far gewinnorientierte company that professional to assess the creditworthiness of companies and States. The world’s largest credit rating agencies of Moody’s, BBs and Fitch standard & poor sitting in the United States. Accused these agencies awarding some unrealistically good ratings long signaled a far too low risk market participants to have given false information and incentives to financial markets as a result. The result was the US housing bubble, the world banks and States enormous problems made.
A very positive assessment of the creditworthiness of the United States, which is seemingly detached from their high debt levels and strong of rising borrowing is also striking at US credit rating agencies. No Europe copy of U.S. rating agencies, but charitable and sustainable rating agency: The German Environment Foundation sets here on a clear counter program sustainability: it must be created a non-profit and based on criteria of sustainability rating agency in Europe, which is not neo-liberalism. This endeavor supported now, among others, Heiner Geissler, Heide Simonis and Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker by several hundred people. Heiner Geissler,: “I support the creation of a non-profit, sustainable and European credit rating agency, because the ratings as we know them today, are neither sustainable nor fair or transparent. You have wrong standards which increase poverty, destroy the nature and the real economy as States ruin.