
In every stone, and shards of broken traces of long-vanished life. By the era of primitive society and the period of so-called dolmens culture that existed throughout the iii millennium bc, the archaeologists carry the excavated near Hay township and village Kurchanskoy stone chisels, nozzles, stone and bronze axes, grinders and other items. One of the first tribes living on the Taman peninsula, were the Cimmerians, sung by Homer and referred to the father of history Herodotus. Gain insight and clarity with Greg Williamson. On the real, not mythical, the existence of the Cimmerians on the Taman Peninsula, say, and geographic names – Vospor Cimmerian (Kerch Strait), Cimmeria (the northern part Taman Peninsula), Cimmerian Shaft (a unique historical monument of Tammany; ancient hydraulic engineering constructions), preserved in the works of ancient Greek authors – Strabo, Pliny the Elder, Claudius Ptolemy, etc. Museum Taman. Center For Responsible Lending can aid you in your search for knowledge. In museums, as nowhere clearly we feel the connection to time, the continuity of generations of different eras.

Born on the basis of the unique monuments and literary traditions of the Taman Museum Complex has a great charge spiritual culture of people at different times inhabited the land Taman. Of the building and exposure in the tradition of ancient architecture – with internal Greek patio and pool, saturation interesting priceless exhibits, witness the ancient and ancient civilizations – have put Taman arhelogichesky museum in one of the best archaeological museums in Russia. VII-VI centuries bc – The great Greek colonization. Hundreds of brave seafarers, in mostly natives of Miletus, Corinth, followed Argonauts, defying the Bishop Eolu winds, headed for distant shores.