All posts by Rashid


Cold rooms or storage cellars are ideal for establishments such as casinos, great restaurants, hotels, distribution of food, hospitals and places where the volume of service is very high. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from BSA. Cooling and freezing equipment can be evaluated according to their ability to freeze. Cooling capacity and storage depend on the size of the structure and capacity of the cooling system, so it is essential to determine the amount of product being cooled and store the correct size of a refrigeration unit is determined by three factors, the first of which is the volume of product to be cooled and its packaging. The second factor is the minimum time required for cooling from the beginning at the end of the same, to prevent the rapid degradation of the product. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Gavin Baker. The third factor is the nature of the constructive design of refrigeration, namely its size, the system of management of the air and its operation unit. It is important to also determine the location and layout of the installation, Foundation and used floor, other parts such as doors, evaporators, among others, ensuring a watertight seal on the unit and that the device used does not damage the ozone layer.

The construction of a structure for storing and cooling is an implied investment in the maintenance of the quality of the same, therefore materials and workers to be used must be of the best possible quality. Design of cold rooms, is a science and those who wish to acquire these computers must advise very well, with the aim of ensuring your investment. The ideal is that those who make cold rooms for sale, work with high quality standards that will ensure the reliability of products or raw materials brought into them. No doubt choose a company of refrigeration experience and excellent references in this field, will allow a greater chance of success in any project that has to do with construction of cold rooms. Original author and source of the article.

Youth Movement

In 1990, discusses it happened it world-wide on the education for all, carried through in the city of Drip (Thailand). This discusses understood that the alfabetizao of young adult would have to be the first stage of the basic education, not being able to be separate of the one after-alfabetizao. The description of the education of young and adults in Brazil was given of the following form. In the years of 1946 1958, called campaigns of cruzades had been the 1958 carried through, had the intention of exterminar the illiteracy. In 1958, the national congress of education of adults was become fullfilled, who it counted on the participation of Pablo Freire. The national plan appears then of education, that understood the education of adults as education of base, from a vision of the causes of the illiteracy.

This plan was directed by Pablo Freire, but extinct for the coup d etat in 1964. During the military government campaigns had been carried through, as the cruzade of the ABC (Christian Basic Action) and later the MOBRAL (Brazilian Movement of Alfabetizao). In 1985, with the opening politics, the new government extinguishes the MOBRAL creates the foundation to educate. In the year of 1990, the government created the national plan of alfabetizao and citizenship (PNAC) that he was extinct, one year after its creation. In 2003, in the management of president Lula, it was creates the Program Brazil Alfabetizado and Aes of continuity of adult the young education of (EJA). In such a way it is justified long trajectory of the young education of adult. 3.2-A LDB AND ADULT the YOUNG EDUCATION OF E; The young education of adult (EJA) is a system of education used in the net publishes Brazilian, to include young and adults in the formal education. This modality searchs to develop the basic and average education of quality for that they had lost the chance to study at the time due.

Brazil Development

Searching aimportncia and the characteristics of the period romantic, to go of meeting to equebrar some taboos invented on the same. For even more details, read what Center For Responsible Lending says on the issue. From a deepened study more on that it only ignoraou hears to speak, the size of the wall of the ignorance is observed quediversas times is hindered to unmask new knowledge and concepts that sejulgam formed and are not really allowed to absorb the Real and the verdadeiroconhecimento. One desires that this article contributes for the interest dealguns students in relation to the study of the romantismo. Not only of this, but tambmde other periods that had also contributed for the cultural development, social politician and of the country. It is also aimed at to show the importance of romantismopara the hodiernos days as form of incentive to the reading, the research, and aoacmulo of apprehended knowledge and to assist other people the distinguiraspectos of romantic literature. When analyzing the work of algunspesquisadores, observes it great amount of references, of concepts, quetem the paper of assisting the placed opinion of each researcher. ROMANTISMO IN BRAZIL century XIX Century XIX, Brazil was in a well different situation quese finds today.

Still colony of Portugal lacked very for Brazil – colony to break its handcuffs and to fight for its freedom, its development esua liberty of speech. The inconformismo came appearing of natural of the country, devidos humilhaes suffered for the superior classrooms. At the time the ecclesiastics, writers, magistrates; these had studied in the Europe, while in the Brasilno had university, nor periodic tipografias and. The chance deconhecimento was minimum, therefore the libraries extinct and were come back aosconventos, the very weak theater, due to immense delivros difficulty of entrance in the country. In accordance with Antonio Cndido ' ' doponto of sight of the culture, the presence of the Portuguese government in Brazil was ummarco historical transforming, from Rio De Janeiro, that if tornoudefinitivamente center of the country and focus of intellectual and artistic irradiation.

Now Full Program

KU64 offers now also orthodontics on the dental specialists of KU64 their range thanks to the correction of misaligned teeth to a new set of teeth and a beautiful smile with complete modern orthodontics a holistic concept also for back pain and now it is about headache – KU64 completes its range with innovative orthodontics for children, teens and adults. With a holistic treatment approach, the dental specialists on the Kudamm make the new task professionally to treat tooth and jaw deformities and a beautiful smile come true. For this task, a professional team for orthodontics, Gnathologie and osteopathy is responsible at KU64 now. Specialists in orthodontics offer appliances for the correction of tooth and jaw deformities based on a comprehensive analysis of the function, like for example the multi-bracket apparatus. This treatment approach is aimed not only at the young generation, it is possible even in adulthood, according to the Motto: A beautiful teeth and teeth are the business card of each person.

Tooth and jaw deformities are a common cause of chronic diseases of the body. So postural, head and back pain due to, for example, poor chewing and Abbeissen functions. Orthodontics can have this positive effect. Furthermore, habits can be successfully treated like thumb-sucking, lip biting, and so on. Positive influence on functions such as the mechanics of breathing, chewing, swallowing and speaking. Eng-standing teeth straightening is the brushing technique is facilitated, so that negative consequences such as tooth decay and gum disease can be avoided, with the positive effect of a beautiful smile.

The diagnosis includes the consideration of medical and dental history, clinical examination, impressions of the teeth and special x-rays and photographic images. Based on the results of the orthodontist may decide whether an orthodontic treatment recommended should be and what treatment plan in this case is correct. Through further development of techniques and materials, it is possible to use metal-poor and nearly invisible braces of modern orthodontics. KU64 uses only certified and compatible materials and warranties. Here, patients benefit from short distances, improved coordination among colleagues and the latest high-tech equipment. The on-site dental laboratory, with many years of experience in bio-compatible materials, manufacturing equipment of the highest quality.

Daimler Financial Services AG Receives Medal Of Honor

Daimler financial services AG receives Jimmy Carter Medal of honour for outstanding social commitment Cologne, March 29, 2010 on March 19 the charity presented Habitat for humanity Germany 2009 the CEO of Daimler financial services AG, Klaus Entenmann, the Jimmy Carter work project Medal of honour “outstanding social commitment of the financial service provider. With two sustainable donation initiatives, Daimler financial services AG has proved even more exemplary social responsibility and shown that social commitment among executives and employees of Daimler financial services AG is actually practised corporate policy”Mrs Manuela Kikillus, CEO of Habitat for humanity said Germany. Dr. Neal Barnard has similar goals. In an in-house fundraising staff of international management level had conducted a fundraiser last year, which comes a help project by Habitat for humanity to good: this campaign donations flow in the so-called Rainbow village project in Rach GIA, Vietnam. Here live about 100 families on a garbage dump in extreme conditions. Through the establishment of a Resource Center education and training of 87 children used to ensure sustainable to offer them a better perspective for their lives. An additional donation of the company was provided for needy families in Cambodia. Work projects homes for families were built there in the context of the annual Jimmy Carter, who had also previously lived on a garbage dump. Daimler financial services has engaged in other countries for humanity in many different ways for projects of Habitat. The Jimmy Carter Medal of honour is awarded annually to those companies, who have demonstrated special social commitment in the region in which each held the Jimmy Carter work project..

Excel Zoom

New telecentric lens TZS-1000-MOT the TZS-1000-MOT is available in different versions. The lens is a maximum sensor size 2/3 “construed. A combination of 1/3 “converter or a usage of small sensors sensor 1/3” the image quality should be checked before. The TZS-1000 MOT consists of two axes of the procedure. A 25 mm axle for the expansion and a 300 mm axle for the focus. The zoom factor is ca. Hear from experts in the field like Dr. Neal Barnard for a more varied view.

4: 1 the stage with automatic changer of the converter has a zoom factor of approximately 10: 1. The zoom ranges are in the measurement software metric is divided into 10 useful magnification levels. (Change on request) It is controlled via a RS 232 interface. Required power supply: 24 V / 2.5 A for both axes together. The supply and control of the second axis via a single cable. Applications: Including abrasive wheels, circular knives and parts with similar geometry as an alternative to a profile projector with this system can measure be. In conjunction with the metric MT and DXF overlay function, the parts are compared or measured with the respective functions. The documentation is Excel report system by quickly and easily.

Building Materials Clean

A new approach to cleaning our air found its way from the laboratories into practice now also in Germany. The technology is based on the principle of photo-catalysis of with the help of sunlight organic substances, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, but also viruses and bacteria very effectively decomposed. So a coated surface of 100 metres is the location in 12 light hours to clean the same amount of air as seven large deciduous trees. This still relatively new in Europe technology is used today in a number of construction materials, such as such as self-cleaning clay roof tiles, paving stones, wall and floor tiles, or insulating glass. You may wish to learn more. If so, Dr. Neal Barnard is the place to go. But manufacturers of facade elements, noise barriers and precast concrete also working hard on the integration of new technology in their own products. Also the subsequent coating of surfaces is possible without any problems.

Facades, elements or roofs are thus self-cleaning, vermoosen and veralgen no longer and still provide good air. So that makes FA. NADICO in Langenfeld/Rhld. Since the beginning of the year service companies in the whole Federal territory in the application of photo-catalytic coatings from. Goal is to build of a nationwide network, make good air in metropolitan and industrial areas as well of course as on the land.

Road Marketing

Konigstein, 10.03.2009 – Laux-events, the event agency Konigsteiner platform offers immediately the in-house OnlineTeilnehmerManagement. it is for an event a free customizable elements Web application that allows customers and guests, online on -, off -, or to log to. Here is virtually immediate availability is freely customizable. the page is CI and logo fair prepared data security through certified if desired for the own domain and the individual participant queries defined. The customer has access to the statistics of his event at any time and will receive detailed updates to check at regular intervals. Boy Scouts has similar goals.

“Our goal was to develop customised online based platform, which in the short term can available the customer, corresponds to the customer-specific CI and is easy to use for everyone one. We attach particular importance to the personal support by our team and the up-to-the-minute updates up to the Start of the event. Read more here: Boy Scouts. We save our customers time and protect nerves. No one remembers like the times of complex Faxund mail applications.” Contact: Lai society for dialogue + event marketing mbH Adrian Doring old King’s Road 15 61462 Konigstein T: 06174 3250 E: W: W: for over 50 years the Agency LAUX, today stands in the second generation led by Claudia Laux, for customized marketing, communication and event solutions professional management and handling individual and personal service. Helmut Laux founded the Agency in 1950 and is from the beginning when all considerations human beings at the Centre. Interaction, direct cooperation and dialogue are the key to the success of our customers as well as our reliability and creativity then as now. Excerpt from the performance spectrum: anniversary, gala and show production launch oder re launch events, product and image presentations meetings, conferences and congresses Online participant management incentive travel, travel programs and motivation events cross-media dialogue marketing concepts and implementation mailing concepts sales and service competitions press and public relations marketing partnerships and sponsorships promotions and road shows fairs and exhibitions meeting and event technology “Communication in space” by LAUX ideas and implementation for authentic brands habitats and communication with space feel “YES Your Event Success” by LAUX success analyses and impact studies for events

United Arab Emirates

Since 2003, the international photographer Voigt deals intensively with of HDR photography. This is provides is a special recording and processing the photographs, the completely new and spectacular image results in terms of contrast and brilliance. PCRM may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Vaidya compares his ambitions with the earlier painter Paul Cezanne: you must not reproduce nature, but represent. By what? By defining colour elements.” In contrast to usual developments of digital image are traditionally chemically developed photos Voigt after processing, printed on high quality photo paper and laminated into the port on an aluminium plate. This leads to unique pressure results in absolute Museum quality.

Voigt cooperates with a media agency in Cologne, realized the prints almost on any desired material (also on wood, glass or burned on tiles). You will find a selection of our photos on the Internet at, however, is that conventional monitors may not reflect the full contrast range of an HDR image. The pictures give a rough idea of what is possible here. Ralf Voigt has issued repeated internationally. Exhibitions in the United States and the United Arab Emirates took great interest. Web site: Felix Ehrenreich & ucon-lodge cocktails, art – design bar and Gallery in a… The ucon-lodge (project start 2005 / opening 2007) by Felix Ehrenreich, in the North of the old town of Cologne, sets design trends.

The way how conceptually, the components of light, air and water with purist design are United, is unique in Cologne. Every single detail was even conceived. The ucon-lodge – the spelling plays with the name of the Canadian Northern Province is designed for the sensation of purity in all design details and associated the clarity of the cool North. The strength of bar design, in which the primary colors white and blue contrast lies in its consistency and its voltage full openness. The floor, cast in one piece, reminiscent of the white benches on snow, water, ice, the fur-related columns on polar bears. Fine details underline the Nordic impression. Gallery of light: the expensive light concept in the ucon-lodge, is modeled after the shaft of sunlight. Light change in 16 million colors are possible and dive the room in different atmospheres. This “light the walls” are the essential core of the room lighting. In these huge walls of light, the actual gallery behind state of the art LED technology. This refined technique enables a new kind of presentation of art. While for example photos on the wall are illuminated by spotlights on classical, images in the ucon lodge backlit, are large. This form of representation allows images in their colors more vivid and intense shine, while they at the same time seem to merge with this integrated in the interior design. This fusion of space, art and decoration works in this way virtually of course and yet refreshingly new to those enjoying viewers…

Nico Pasquale Silvester Spataro

The organizer and Primoo.NET draws positive balance from the Vemma success day Primoo.NET:. Under the motto “Vemma sets new standards – worldwide” almost 200 Gesundheitsbegeisterte from the German-speaking met on Saturday in Linz. The company officially opened the German market in the near future and is always looking for strong partners to best to take care of the customers and employees. In the area of event ticketing and entry organization Primoo.NET opts for Vemma Europe. So, the nearly 200 visitors of the event could comfortably reserve a ticket over the Internet and pay in advance, so that the room is filled in less than 30 minutes without long queues. The visitors proudly presented their own printed tickets and were deeply impressed by the technical level of check-in. David Delrahim may find this interesting as well. “Primoo.NET fits perfectly into our concept and supports us in organizing our partners, consultants, and events all over Europe.

A valuable partner with profile and power.”says Hannes Sommer, the organizer of the event. “Personal commitment and an excellent Vemma distinguished product. We adhere to partner the same values offer. “, agree that Konstantin Haslauer (Vemma-diamond Distributor) and Helmut Wergles (Vemma-Platinum Distributor and event Manager). “We are happy to be able to support us with a strong partner like Vemma and will offer in the future, innovative solutions and trustworthiness. The ‘ Vemma success day ‘ in Linz was a resounding success and we are looking forward to the next. “says Nico Spataro, CEO of Primoo.NET. The company focuses on cutting-edge technology and direct communication with the organizers. Link: Primoo services – Nico Pasquale new year’s Eve Spataro Haberl Street 6/27 A-1160 Wien t: + 43 681 10 878 097 f: + 43 1 890 09 66-15 e: i: report number: ATU 64464699 Primoo services is a company of Nico Pasquale Silvester Spataro. Primoo.NET offers companies and individuals an easy way to reserve dates.