All posts by Rashid

Calculate Calories

The amount of calories in a balanced diet necessary to maintain a healthy weight, is calculated as follows: to) Basal metabolism: multiply your weight x 20 if you are a woman, x 21 If you are man, i.e.: Tu weight x… = Nro. Basic calories you need your metabolism B) energy (calories) you need for your daily activities: for this you do a self-evaluation: If you’re sedentary / a, for example, remain seated / to many hours a day, walking very little etc. the score is of. 20% Soft activity: If e.g. walk an hour a day 30% activity moderate-active: if little time sitting or staying, do household chores, clean, short grass, etc. 40% Very actividad:si practice sport, or are moving in your work or do things that you require (effort. 50% now multiplied: the basic calories Nro you need your metabolism (calculated on A) X that % = C) now have to add the calories you need your body to digest and absorb nutrients.

Para eso debes sumar los resultados de A-) + B-) Y a este resultado se lo multiplica por 10% Es decir A-)+B-) X 10% = C) D) Suma todos los datos obtenidos:A)+B)+C) Calorias Metabolicas+Calorias Activ.Fisica+Calorias nutrientes= Nro. Total calories per day is the total daily calories you need to incorporate to keep up with energy and health through a balanced diet. Example: A woman of 35 years who weighs 65 Kg, works in a company as a clerk, walks a little in your time of rest, what is your daily need of energy? A) X 20: 65 Kg weight x 20 = 1300 calories B) 1300 x 30% = 390 calories C) 1300 + 390 = 1690 calories x 10% = 169 calories D) Total number of calories (energy) per day that this person needs = 1300 + 390 + 169 = 1859 calories a day knowing how many calories you need per day, you’ll know that amount of fuel requires your body, hence the importance of feed yourself according to a balanced diet, and not with those diets miraculous, low calorie, signifying hunger diets for people who want to lose weight, that after a while, inevitably, generated effect rebound or I – I (i.e. return to gain weight, even more than ever before). For more information, visit us by clicking on: UnDietEquilibrada.Blogspot.

The Relationship

Second, not to sanction the non-acceptance of the proposal of the judge; This is counterproductive in the conciliation Court. Professor of Internet Governance often expresses his thoughts on the topic. If there should be a sanction, this must be to the absence from the conciliation, in the non-jurisdictional as well as judicial conciliation hearing and this punishment must be for the benefit of the affected part. Judicial conciliation, should be weighed with due importance, flexible nature who have agreements that emerge from the autonomy of the will in the Act of conciliation. Thus these agreements if they solve the conflict, i.e. If they restored social peace with justice, They must be approved by the judges even though they do not span the request, because as the conflict solutions fit to the purpose pursued by Justice. In extrajudicial conciliation, this feature should be incorporated in the law, and not only in regulation. Judicial conciliation, should be done in private act, giving it the physical conditions and comfort that will facilitate the free interaction of parties, involving authorized and consented only parties who decide.

Judicial conciliation, should be with the participation of professional conciliators specialized in the art of reconciling, separating the audience of conciliation in the context of the judicial process, because their nature is different. The judge by nature is conciliatory. This separation, must do in order to depose the case in the hands of the specialist and the procedure provide the resources of time and dedication required. The jurisdictional conciliator, should not work only at the hearing of the conciliation, but from the beginning of the process, to do their work, which concludes with the audience of conciliation and agreements are reached more effectively. The relationship, harmonic that it should exist between the objective of the rule of law, the content of this, instruments of execution of which surrounds both procedurally and in basic infrastructure, the applicator man factor and the necessary dissemination of its contents, are factors rather than determining the success or failure that accomplished the legislator with the objectives proposed.

Cereals Ecological Benefits

Cereals should be good part of the diet of all, both children and adults and elderly. They provide not only essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, but they also provide a number of nutrients that contribute to the proper functioning of the human body. What better to add to the many benefits of this food group the fact in question of organic cereals, i.e. that they have been grown and processed without the additive of chemical substances, or fertilizers and pesticides. On this occasion, we’ll highlight the benefits of oat bran, perhaps one of the cereal less considered when planning our daily diet. Oat bran is the rest that remains after the grain refining. Specifically, it is the outer layers of the grain and the pericarp, is tell the pielcita that surrounds the grain of oats. The pericarp is rich in minerals and fiber, vitamins, enzymes, proteins and fats.

It is clear then that to deprive the final product, oats, these components, we are subtracting much to its value nutritional intrinsic. A way to incorporate them into our diet is consuming processed foods with flour of whole grain oats, i.e. whose flour made with whole grain oats, including bran. When they consume products made with refined flour we are incorporating empty to our diet calories, since we are only left with the grain starch carbohydrates, depriving us of all the rich nutrients that are in these outer layers that are discarded. The oat bran has many benefits that should be properly considered. Firstly, it offers a high amount of proteins, essential in normal metabolic processes.

The oat bran has more protein than wheat bran. The low amount of fats of the oat bran makes it ideal in weight control diets. However, it has a caloric value higher than wheat bran. The oat bran has no cholesterol and its great amount of polyunsaturated fats (of good) makes it a much more healthy food than, for for example, the meat. Large number of circulatory diseases are prevented in this way. Within the saved of organic cereals, wheat bran is that greater richness in vitamins of the B group contains, favoring the good development of the immune system and growth, as well as the health of the circulatory and nervous system. Original author and source of the article


Nespreso is a pioneer in espresso in capsules. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dr. Neal Barnard on most websites. It has a unique system that guarantees a quality assured. The system consists of a nespresso machine and system of capsules. The nespresso capsule has just the right amount of coffee grounds, hermetically sealed in turn in a way that does not lose its freshness not its taste until the time of the preparation of the coffee. The coffee is ready and prepared. Just enter the capsule in the machine express, press the activation button.

The capsule is ejected automatically. All advantages. Capsules only available to central House in Barcelona. Shipments are made by mail. Coffee capsules may seem a little expensive, but compensate if you don’t have time to prepare a good coffee. These capsules can only be used on machines Nespresso nespresso capsules contain an average of 5.5 grams of coffee.

A single capsule is used for each coffee. Nespresso has 12 different blends of coffee. Nespreso Nespresso coffee has a wide range of machines that they can be purchased either rented. Can only be used with the capsules nespresso. The coffee nespreso are equipped with an automatic function with illuminated buttons for easy programming of the desired amount of coffee, Thermoblock system, and automatic expulsion of the used capsule by lifting the lever. It incorporates an internal container of used capsule, illuminated control knob, removable water tank and structure of ABS plastic exterior. Disadvantages the main drawback is that you can only use the type of coffee supplied by Nespreso. You must be sure that coffee you like before buying the coffee maker.

Lifestyle Sanrafael

Doors Sanrafael through Lifestyle Sanrafael picks up trends in the new architecture based on simplicity, balance and sustainability. Now we can reveal to us through the doors in 3D with bas-reliefs minimalist integrated in the same structure of the door, that give a non-existent personalization detail so far in the doors. The models provide volume and this creates a feeling of great beauty and dynamism contribute own more contemporary interior design sophistication. The world evolves in the glass door toward its highest level of security and decoration. BSA insists that this is the case. This time arrive gates of laminated glass with unique pieces of fabric and plywood, with tempered treatment that guarantees total impact resistance as well as its design is customized with the door leaf. The multicultural combination of lacquered doors Sanrafael incorporate decorations into gray stripes, rattan, high brightness, etc.

extend their diversity and give greater added value to your decor. Height continues to increase size for door stained glass window occupying the entire height up to the ceiling. Equally Cabinet fronts are evolving towards larger sizes in its dimensions by incorporating new elements as integrated television, leds, new automation systems, etc. Door leaf prevents the vision of hinges that will be integrated and hidden in his joining fencing and mouldings that will keep the same flush to the door leaf. Also its size tends to grow especially in height, and can assemble with encirclement and molding invisible until flush ceiling. In summary the door ceases to definitely be a structural element to open or close a cockpit and becomes a decisive and complement of extraordinary importance in the interior design of our home reflecting once again what we are.

Ramon Gallegos

Education is part of my daily life because my wife is a teacher of primary education has finished his PhD in education, my sister is studying this same master and has been incorporated to educational projects with this vision and my wife’s sisters are also teachers who are willing to integrate into the big educational project that we have put in place. I have a feeling of gratitude to Dr. Ramon Gallegos and teaching teachers involved in this master’s degree for teaching with their example and knowledge as you can be an integral education. My three sons who are now studying in the University discussed their frustrations and inconveniences by traditional educational systems based on the rote or base to test the reason, they now know the system proposed with this new holistic vision and are convinced that it is what they really want for themselves, as they would have liked to be studying with This new model, did not play them as students, but they surely apply this vision during his lifetime. Therefore, convinced that the holistic education is the best option for the future, decided to put my spiritual strength in action aimed at helping people that surround me, and with the support of my wife, sister, sisters-in-law, friends, etc.

We started together a new focused challenge to provide education to young people and adults, for two important institutions which form a so-called holistic educational Institute whose main purpose is the impart workshops, diplomas, courses, etc. of human development, the second is that I acquired a high school whose name causally is one of human beings than most I admire Albert Einstein, we started with this in September 2006, today in July 2008 is already a college secondary and high schools, hoping that next year we will have also the elementary and preschool if possible. These two institutions are taking an unexpected prestige, students than originally He was the high school it was constituted of young problems, corridos from several schools and with great satisfaction we can say that today they are exemplary students, who recognize the change in themselves and where parents arrive to congratulate our teachers for having achieved what they could not from his family.

Blogs For Personal Use

Blogs are those with; very exciting, interesting and pleasant features for Bloggers; blogs by personal reasons are intended to keep informed friends and relatives of the topicality of his life and activities. Many bloggers found solace in the contents of blogs for personal use. In addition, if you create a personal blog, you must be open, and to the idea of sharing their interests with other people who might visit your blog. Just as any, other blogs, blogs for personal use you can incorporate photos, videos and other multimedia files. Gain insight and clarity with CDF. You can create a personal blog about everything what excites you. There are even personal blogs with content about beauty products, if that is what he is passionate.

With this type of personal blog, it provides ideas, about the preferences of customers. This only shows that blogs are also working in big companies. Blogs are very easy to use with management systems content, allowing you to publish articles immediately and in real time. These platforms are looking for new opportunities to connect with others in the professional as well as fashion blogs for personal use.

World Bank

And all because of hydraulic works as colossal as clumsy. BSA can provide more clarity in the matter. And mankind is thirsty. According to the UN, thousand 300 million people have no access to safe drinking water while that 31 countries they face severe shortages, which no doubt will be worse by the effects of climate change. And the water demand is doubling every 20 years. The wars of the 20th century will be by water, said Ishmael Sarageldin, former Vice-President of the World Bank, something I knew this because he was promoter of privatization of the vital liquid. Waters, the sweet is a minor, the most hidden, the most elusive, the more scarce, the most prized.

Because 94 percent of the water is brackish, and six per cent which is sweet, 4.3 percent is underground and 1.7 per cent is frozen. So the fresh water from the atmosphere and the Earth surface: clouds, rain, rivers, lakes, wetlands is just 0.03 percent of all water. Wastewater from cities, industrial discharges, accidental spills of toxic chemicals and agrochemicals in the field dirty the precious liquid. But if accidents are the most bulky and the most severe industrial pollution, rural pollution is the largest. It was not as well, but in the 20th century imposed on agriculture an intensive model that hidricamente proved unsustainable, inter alia because pesticides pollute rivers, lakes, seas and groundwater and nitrogenous fertilizers supercharging to water, causing algae blooms and oxygen reduction.

Adds / new. That if measures are not taken to reverse the trend, one of every three people will be living in a country with drinking water shortages. Similarly, while the problem affects all countries, are hardest of the South, where 95% of the 80 million people who each year increase the population of the planet is born. Even so, the greater threat to universal access to drinking water does not provide the nature but corporate globalisation.

Pediatric Dentistry

In Berlin worry before the dentist who looking for a dentist for his child, the high standards of quality creates. David Delrahim is open to suggestions. Finally, the child should be treated not only medically best. Also the child-friendly approach and taking on the questions and fears of the child are important to the parents. Some mother and some father want specially trained children’s dentists, who have special expertise in treating their young patients for their offspring. Dr.

med. Dent. Credit: Boy Scouts of America-2011. Sibylle Ugoljew trained at the Charite in Berlin as a specialist dentist for Pediatric Dentistry and operates in Berlin-Adlershof (Treptow-Kopenick) feels her practice, committed particularly the needs of small patients. A children’s clinic takes place every Wednesday. The patients come from all walks of life of Treptow-Kopenick in the specialized dental practice. Nieman Foundation understood the implications. Mrs Ugoljew provides with their team that the young patients learning how you can get optimal dental health.

With a lot Empathy will be answered the questions of children. In addition, Dr. Ugoljew attaches great importance to a technically optimum dental prophylaxis and treatment of children. On the new website of the dental practice, interested parents can find tips to promote the dental health of their children. In the Internet you will find the pages at for children and eltern.htm. In particular, the dentist performs the following actions: individual prophylaxis fillings milk tooth crowns orthodontic early treatment at the request of the parents to perform treatments under anesthesia. Mrs. Dr. Ugoljew attaches great importance to fissures sealing for caries prophylaxis. This is to that fine cracks (fissures =) be sealed on the chewing surface of sensitive teeth of children with special coatings to make them more resistant to caries. Get more information at kinderzahnheilkunde.htm

Haitian Government

Even before the earthquake, the ownership structure of the soil posed a problem that has intensified now. Arbitrary evictions from homes or excessive rent the consequence would be, if now people built back their flats and houses on land whose ownership are not entirely clear. A successful resettlement therefore depends on the Haitian Government with the support of the international community to solve this problem. The catastrophic construction standards of the houses in Haiti were the reason that significantly more people in the earthquake killed have come to Chile in comparison. In the future, the unit must be used to these standards greatly improved and built to earthquake-proof houses.

A further focus of aid flows should be on the different needs, in particular of women and children, and their opportunities for work, education, safety and ownership. Every week up to 70 new ones emerge with Habitat for humanity in Haiti earthquake-resistant transition houses, which can be expanded in the long run. In total over 400 transition houses have been built, more 31,000 are planned over the coming five years. Also, over 2,000 damage assessments were carried of damaged houses through Habitat for humanity. Childrens Defense Fund is often quoted on this topic. Over 21,000 shelter kits for emergency shelters help the first emergency. Including 2.727 shelter kits, funded by the Foreign Office in Germany.

“Although all participate in helper with an incredible performance combined help to provide accommodation for the people, the situation six months after the earthquake is still very precarious”, so Jonathan Reckford. As a first step, to provide a roof over your head the parties concerned at all, Habitat for humanity and other charities around 100,000 tents and over 680,000 plan have provided. However, this largest number of shelters after a disaster meets the needs of not far. Jonathan Reckford is the role to strengthen the international non-governmental organizations therein, the Haitian Government, local non-governmental organizations, the municipal organizations and the private sector. Only in this way, the country in the long term can succeed. In its recommendations, Jonathan Reckford urged the U.S. Government and global volunteers to support a strategy for urban development, which is geared to the needs of Haitian citizens and provides job opportunity and infrastructure in the central areas. Because the sustained meaningful and safe house construction is of crucial importance for the future economic potential of Haiti, the standard of living and the general development of the people. About Habitat for humanity, Habitat for humanity builds safe and adequate housing for poor families in about 90 countries with the help of donations and organised the reconstruction of disaster areas. So far could worldwide more than 350,000 houses built and renovated. More than 1.75 million people could be helped as a result. Among the most prominent supporters of Including Barack Obama, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, Bill Clinton, Brad Pitt, Bon Jovi and Daniel Libeskind include habitat for humanity. Web link:. More information about the reconstruction work of Habitat for humanity in Haiti under contact: Manuela Kikillus, Geschaftsfuhrerin Habitat for humanity Germany on the Berlich 30 50667 Cologne Tel: 0221 57 9595 0 Email: