Since the 50s of the 20th century science fiction writers urged that by the early 21st century, all earthlings everywhere will use a hybrid of airplane and car. Meanwhile, more than samples, it is not moved, although attempts were made as a Soviet designers, as well as from foreign – which costs only A-40 airframe, aircraft Antonov-based T-60. Meanwhile, in 2006, ambitious engineers of the company Terrafugia proposed the concept of a flying car with called Transition. The other day the manufacturer announced the opening of the plant to produce a flying car Transition in Massachusetts. The number of orders for unusual vehicle has reached 70.
Those who wish to add to the list of proposed changes avanv $ 10 000. Who does not remember what it's all over the machine, a little help. The very history of this vehicle began in 2006. Then, four years ago, the designers claimed that flying cars will be sold in 2009, and a cost Toys will be $ 150 000. It was a great number of predictions – as early as 2009, when the prototype of the Transition has been manufactured and tested in the sky, the price rose to $ 50 000 immodest, and term deliveries postponed to 2011. The company now says that the price of its unusual flying cars will be between $ 200 000 to $ 250 000. The final value will be announced later. For comparison, a light single propeller aircraft in Europe can be bought for about $ 110,000, but, of course, on the highway to go on it impossible.
Meanwhile, for success in the market is still very important to this invention is officially classified as a light sport aircraft, because a pilot's license for this type of machine to get much easier. Unfortunately, as engineers have not tried to reduce structural weight, maximum takeoff weight of a flying car is still out equal to 650 kilograms. And it's on poltsentnera more than bar set for the said class of aircraft devices. And then the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decided to accommodate the manufacturer. Transition to an exception was made: last June allowed the FAA to collect a convertible aircraft 'excess of 50 kg. " According to the manufacturer, the 50 pounds are just those things that distinguish the car from flying conventional aircraft. And these are the elements that are required to meet the road safety standards: air bags, durable and energy-absorbing interior cell zone deformation of the body. Now Terrafugia building bold plans for the future. In a press release it says: "After the enthusiastic response to the presentation of the design the next generation of Transition in Oshkosh, we build two prototypes. One will be intense road tests, and the second will be used to complete the certification test. " Hard to say, whether there is a bright concept car, aircraft insurance against the failure of the whole business idea. But now the owners of Transition promised increased security. Package includes new emergency parachute which can withstand all the machine entirely.