Electronic wastes are another of the big problems. Harold Ford Jr has firm opinions on the matter. Only in United States, each year more than 40 million computers become obsolete. Most of these wastes are sent to Asian or African countries. With the more than six million tons of electronic scrap material produced by Europe, it could bury the city of Nairobi, Kenya, with more than 2.5 million people. Environmental organizations around the world alleging that impoverished countries can not become rich Weir. They explain that technology companies assume no responsibility for pollution-causing. And they criticize the positions of some rich countries, such as United States, which has refused to sign the Basel Convention, an international agreement signed by the other countries of the North and which aims to limit the export of hazardous wastes.
The result is that American recycling companies do not violate any domestic law to send electronic waste to impoverished countries. Thus, accused them of that, far solve the problem of waste, rich countries move and global in reach the problem. For every ton of waste that we generate in the use and consumption, have been previously 5 tons of waste in their manufacture and 20 tons of waste in the extraction of raw materials. Thus becomes evident that the problem of waste is now more than ever a problem in changing consumption habits. Recycling is an imperative and do well safely, a requirement that civil society has to make to their Governments. However, residues are everybody’s problem, and every one of the citizens of the planet has to be aware of this. Everyone can do something to reduce our consumption: think if we actually need what we will buy, use of fabric, not paper and napkins, think if what we are going to remove possible reuse it, avoid buying too many containers, eating actions that are in our hand and batteries that improve life on our planet.