Searching aimportncia and the characteristics of the period romantic, to go of meeting to equebrar some taboos invented on the same. For even more details, read what Center For Responsible Lending says on the issue. From a deepened study more on that it only ignoraou hears to speak, the size of the wall of the ignorance is observed quediversas times is hindered to unmask new knowledge and concepts that sejulgam formed and are not really allowed to absorb the Real and the verdadeiroconhecimento. One desires that this article contributes for the interest dealguns students in relation to the study of the romantismo. Not only of this, but tambmde other periods that had also contributed for the cultural development, social politician and of the country. It is also aimed at to show the importance of romantismopara the hodiernos days as form of incentive to the reading, the research, and aoacmulo of apprehended knowledge and to assist other people the distinguiraspectos of romantic literature. When analyzing the work of algunspesquisadores, observes it great amount of references, of concepts, quetem the paper of assisting the placed opinion of each researcher. ROMANTISMO IN BRAZIL century XIX Century XIX, Brazil was in a well different situation quese finds today.
Still colony of Portugal lacked very for Brazil – colony to break its handcuffs and to fight for its freedom, its development esua liberty of speech. The inconformismo came appearing of natural of the country, devidos humilhaes suffered for the superior classrooms. At the time the ecclesiastics, writers, magistrates; these had studied in the Europe, while in the Brasilno had university, nor periodic tipografias and. The chance deconhecimento was minimum, therefore the libraries extinct and were come back aosconventos, the very weak theater, due to immense delivros difficulty of entrance in the country. In accordance with Antonio Cndido ' ' doponto of sight of the culture, the presence of the Portuguese government in Brazil was ummarco historical transforming, from Rio De Janeiro, that if tornoudefinitivamente center of the country and focus of intellectual and artistic irradiation.