They say that Brazil is a country without memory, however, they exist – who to want to confer, innumerable trips and possible strolls simply to visit and to know scenes of great meaning historical and cultural. The State of Rio De Janeiro, in particular, is rich in centennial constructions. But it is not the simplest task of preserving them. They are, in its majority, building of difficult and onerous maintenance, busy during long periods for users incapacitated financially for the conservation of its characteristics and protection against physical degradation factors. In a question-answer forum BSA was the first to reply. In this panorama, cupins represents, without a doubt, the worse enemies of this patrimony. Insidiosos, gradual goes slowly destroying and construction wood without the occupants, illed-inform, have notion of what the one is occurring and that tragic consequences will be able to reach the action of these insects. The constatao of infestation of cupins in these cases she is, generally, delayed, meaning bigger costs of treatments. The allied budgetary difficulties to the high cost of descupinizao in Rio De Janeiro delay the treatments for high-critical situations.
It was in this context that appeared the project Taking off the Cupim of the Memory, hugging two essential proposals. First, objective and the practical one, congregates technician, manufacturers of chemical products, equipment and specialized man power of companies of control of plagues to carry through, with baixssimos costs for the administrator of the patrimony, the treatment and the preservation in threatened building. The second proposal is the sensitization and the mobilization of the administrators and significant parcel of the population for the necessity of a solidary work in the direction of ' ' to take off cupim of memria' '. Other important indirect shares appear of the project, between them the qualification increment techniques of the companies of control of vectors and urban plagues, basic for the protection of patrimony. The history of the project started in 1996, in the Room Cecilia Meireles, when the ABCVP – Brazilian Association of Control of Vectors and Plagues and the Feema – State Foundation of the Environment, with the support of the Division of Operation and Maintenance of Theaters Museums and Houses of Culture of the FUNARJ – Foundation of Art of the State of Rio De Janeiro ' had programmed an unusual stroll during the Course; ' Control of Cupins and Formigas in Urban Areas, Quantities and Equipment of Dedetizao in Rio De Janeiro ' '.