We are human beings, we know the sufferings, all what we have experienced, we have known its presence in greater or lesser intensity, but suffering exists for some reason, everything absolutely everything has a very good reason to exist, we do not understand why we suffer, we’d not feel it in our lives, and we would like to prevent our beloved ones, when someone we love suffers us we suffer and this is one of the ingredients that make us human. The suffering has many expressions, sometimes occurs physically others only can feel it with the soul. All have experienced and known suffering when it comes to our lives and just want to disappear, but while we most want it to evaporate it seems that it is more intensified. Suffering exists so that we can learn and understand the true meaning of things, is a great teacher who is awakening our eyes that remain asleep, and that does not let us see the essence of everything that surrounds us. Many people think that they suffer, but each suffering is different as there are people in the world, some suffer from health, others for lack of money and others by love, and many think that they suffer but not so and others suffer from concerns that go beyond reason. Always life surprises us, while they advance the years go learning and discovering more and more things in the world and the universe, but very little of ourselves and of what ails us, when arrives the suffering in our lives do not understand nor the why? Us enfurecimos of why to us? We begin to blame we spend time blaming, bitter and Nene to the rest that we think does not suffer, but all have a degree of pain, are entering what is bitterness. And we don’t realize that we can learn from the suffering, we can learn and realize our strengths, we can come to understand the why, everything in life happens and has a reason to be.
But we do not yet understand in its entirety, suffering in our lives is sometimes very necessary, this opens us doors and Windows to new realities, makes us change the shape of think, change us the way, and makes us realize that maybe we’re wrong with what we are doing or thinking. When it comes suffering to our lives there are to accept it, and begin evaluate the panorama look for possible causes of why, you do not blame God nor anyone by what happens to you, if it happens to you is because it has to be that way and instead of seeing all black tries to see the flashes of light that introduces you to the sufferingall we suffer, we are suffering or suffer, the important thing is that we can understand the why we suffer. Find the real reason to understand it, make it our and change situations negative into positive, have the power to improve all reality, everything depends on us.