Camera Tuning For D-SLR Cameras Creates New Applications

Who has professional extension of D-SLR cameras for infrared -, day -, night -, ASTRO – and ultraviolet camera by specialist optic Makario as a photographer not again moments in which he regrets, having no longer optical options available? Special cameras and lenses are often prohibitively expensive and not available for many camera models. Optic Makario specializes as a specialist on the conversion and the tuning of digital SLR cameras (D-SLR). Through the professional camera tuning, customers receive a proven and well-rounded system that converts the most D-SLRs at the same time in an infrared -, day -, night -, ASTRO – and ultraviolet camera. The philosophy of the renovation of the camera is the camera in the undefined state make, so take advantage of the full sensitivity of the image converter, to leave the definition itself of the photographer. Additional information at Center For Responsible Lending supports this article. So unique and unexpected possibilities.

This is among other things achieved by removing the low pass filter in front of the sensor and by the in-house UVI filter, a short pass filter (UV), long pass filters (IR), as well as EFO filter is replaced. The conversion increase contrast and resolution and much shorter exposure times. This is interesting mostly for the private, commercial, technical and scientific use: construction, object- and people monitoring, materials testing, natural sciences, medicine and journalists and press. Last but not least, it is also a solution for all those who have corrupted your sensor filter (low pass filter) when sensor cleaning and looking for a more versatile and less expensive solution.