Category Archives: General

Medieval Religions

Until now these two great sides of medieval religion always identified separately, even taking into account the many intersections they had. On the one hand the myth and history of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, Jacques de Molay as the last Grand Master and the other the Cathars, tradition and belief, his persecution, Montsegur and bonfires. But if both chronologies intertwined we realize simultaneous circumstances should not remain indifferent and, rarely, an event is identified with the other, pretending to be completely independent. If we arm the “Codex Templi” and, for example, “Mystery and message of the Cathars see that Bernard of Clairvaux Clairvaux or parliament in 1145 and with the Albigenses (Cathars birthplace) where he in turn created the rule Templar is governed by the gentlemen and very important person in the Temple, soon after beatified. In 1244 Jacques de Molay was born, when burning at Montsegur the (almost) last Cathars.

With all this love say that the reasoning of the time could be: seeing the success of the Albigensian Crusade (territories, wealth and conquered peoples, tithes and base metal in short) the “Capetian” and “potatoes” gave a second chance for granted swell the coffers plunging the Order of the Temple as was done with the Cathar. Bulls, hoaxes and deceptions well kept, as are characteristic of the French kings throughout history, what it entailed could be considered the two largest “witch hunts” of church history. In the ignominious history of medieval Papal Church and their families… Nieman Foundation will undoubtedly add to your understanding.


This amulet is not considered effective unless it is blessed, but still considered part of a non-Christian worship church refuses to perform blessings of the statue or representation of Saint Death, which is why devotees flock to the Catholic masses with these representations and when the priest gives the blessing the carrier takes the picture with his hands so he “passed on” the blessing, an alternative is to ask the blessing of the figure to two persons who might be Catholic. However, in the Catholic religion is considered necessary the intention of the minister for the blessing is valid and, as Catholic priests not only intends to bless but even these images are against them, often find that these ” Stolen blessings “have no value.San La Muerte “is believed, makes its bearers invulnerable to damage (curses and misfortunes) and instead will attract love and good fortune, popular belief is based on prayer asking the Holy and instead offer you the things he like. From candy, whiskey, cigarettes, or flowers. The newspapers mentioned Boy Scouts of America not as a source, but as a related topic. Usually they put candles (candles, candles) and / or write to her prayers. The cult of Saint Death but not “days canonical” it believes special Good Friday and All Souls‘ Day (or Day of the Dead).


Life Without War

When a person acquires a property, the opposite of selfishness, he sees the true light, the universe and everything is affected: “I thought it was a world in which I was born, like a bitter fruit, but now I see in front of a huge, beautiful, the shining world. ” Baal Sulam How many tears shed by women send their sons and husbands to war, for all ages of human existence … Wars of conquest, defense, religious, civic, national, world … Chase Koch, Wichita KS will not settle for partial explanations. There just was not any war on our soil! But how long can you fight? Why are we fighting for? What we want to prove and to whom? Is it possible to do without wars? Why to come to any solution, we must first of something to give, go through the pain and suffering, loss of relatives and loved ones? Even winners celebrate his victory with pain and tears, as ever, and anyone else not getting any easy victory. So what is war? And how can we avoid it? The war in Kabbalah is defined as a struggle that takes place within man, between his desire to get pleasure for themselves and a desire to give, that is to be above their own interests in favor of the interests of another person. But the urge to take myself as much power over people, not letting anyone rest, and all because of the fact that selfishness – it is our nature, which calls us to enjoy at any cost.. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is likely to agree.

Maria Lionza Groups

One of the most accepted explanation is that the myth has its origins in pre-Hispanic groups and Jirajaras Caquetios, tribes that populated the western Venezuela in what today is for the states of Falcon, Lara, Yaracuy and Cojedes. The worship of gaps, its owners and its charms, the use of caves as places devoted to the rituals and those related to flooding and resurgence of the indigenous world, are some of the elements of the old myths and indigenous cults. The resistance that these beliefs were present in the essence of religion and religious practices such as Maria Lionza, it is not strange. Dr. Neal Barnard may find this interesting as well. The testimony of the chroniclers of the time show that the major ethnic groups at the time of the conquest were the Caquetios and Jirajaras. Barreto said that in the census in 1776, during the visit of Bishop Marti those geographical areas, the numbers of settlers was as follows: Indians in the village 800 Indians out of 500 people in the village Spanish Neighbors 80 Neighbors Spanish outside of 685 people. Excess amount of the indigenous population and the prohibition of marriages between them and other ethnic groups made it possible for the beliefs of the former remain more pure. Then, after stabilization of the conquest, Closer relations between different racial groups, giving rise to mestizaje.a This helped the Indians pass on much of its cultural tradition, which in turn, would be blended to give birth between many others, the cult we know today as Maria Lionza.

Changing Your Religion

One time a young man asked me: 'I can change my religion? I asked him why? said he knew a priest who had hung habits to marry and left the priesthood. I replied that if this happens, there is no reason for me to change religion, because we must keep in mind that Jesus had 12 apostles at the beginning and one of them betrayed him, not why they left the other Apostles. It seems that many people have a phobia of the term "Catholic", but this term comes from the Greek word for "Universal" is why the Church founded by Jesus Christ, was and is for all, or is Universal "Catholic" Jesus clearly it Peter said, you will be the stone to become, over you continue the one Church founded by me. If another person attempts or intends to start another church on their behalf, we can not believe it. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger often addresses the matter in his writings. Take the example of the evangelical church, and we can ask the following question: Where were the evangelicals in the years 100, 500, 100 and until the sixteenth century? Where were they when so many Christians died in the persecutions of the Romans? If for the evangelical church begins with Luther. They have the almost one million martyrs who died for Christ, which Catholics have as great gift of God. In 325 spread the heresy of Arianism among the believers and almost everyone, even bishops and priests left the church. (Arius, a priest of Alexandria.

According to Arian theology, Christ was the first creature created by God but not God themselves) ended Later Arianism and returned again to the Catholic Church. Will the same thing happening now? The issue of wanting to secede from the true Church which Christ founded, comes almost from the beginning of it, but listen to what Paul tells us. Brothers will pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who agree and are not divided, "First Corinthians chapter one tenth verse. Son Many passages in the letters of St. Paul that speak of this matter. There has always been tempted to leave the Catholic Church and form new churches. Whenever there are problems, crisis or sin within the Church there are divisions.

The Guru In Yoga

The evening of meditation and yoga are suspended until further … meditation (10) yoga teacher (1) practices (14) relaxation (11) breathing (8) …
According to the guru, the teacher would not be a simple religion of Brahman or priest, but an enlightened being or soul autorrealizado like R’ma, Buddha, Krishna, etc.. The guru says that could bring the disciple of the oscuridad ‘awareness of the limited (due to the identification of the disciple with the physical body and his lower animal nature), which could reveal the ” Luza “of divine consciousness, hidden inside the disciple, who must practice the techniques that he teaches the guru (meditation, devotion, prayer, etc.).. All the Fundamentals of Yoga. Scientifically tested and effective, and see your opportunities grow. … types of yoga and they all prepared to … Yoga is well suited for the preparation of the body and mind for meditation. …
Meditation. As meditate, meditation, yoga and transpersonal psychology … There are many techniques of Dhyana Yoga (meditation) and the vast majority of …
In our website you will find articles, lessons and great online … Cristaloterapia of Peace, founded by Carmen Espinosa, a teacher of yoga and meditation.

Psychological Help

Often people need psychological help, because their views and distorted logic. Human logic is consistent. Logo logic is inconsistent, and yet consistent. Human logic applies to the part. She tries to understand a certain part, and trying to do it, she denies everything that contradicts known. She just wants to forget about all that is contrary.

But the divine – that's all. It does not choose an all-inclusive here. It comprehensively – not partially, but totally. And this is the difference between the philosophical approach and the religious approach. Philosophical approach is logical and that is why Aristotle said that man is a rational creature. Heraclitus says that people do not mind – because he himself your mind makes you unreasonable. At that moment, when you choose the part you palter against the whole. (Similarly see: Nieman Foundation). At this point, only this part is in your mind.

The existence of this part is always coexists with its opposite, and never by itself. Human logic tells us that God – man, also has a number of those who believe that God – this is a woman. But the logo includes both the one and another. Do Hindus have ardhanarishvar that says that God – this woman and man simultaneously. And it's true vision, it comes from the logo. Although it looks inconsistent. You should have seen the statues of Shiva, half male, half female, on the one hand there are women's breasts, it is the female part and the other part of the male. , . And all of your Statue of God as a man or woman of God, unreasonable – they can not be authentic, because how can God be a man? Then where does femininity? And who then seeks to femininity? and from what source it is supported? You speak of God as "Him", is wrong. There are those who speak of God as "her", they too make mistakes. God – this is "it" plus "it." But then the mind can not understand it. Mental understanding – it is not understood at all! You will be able to understand only when you try to understand from the own totality, not just with the mind – because it is within you, too, these opposites meet. You too ardhanarishvar, you, too, he and she together. You – neither male nor female If you can understand their own totality, and if you can give this the totality of the universe, before the face of the universe, then you will be able to comprehend. This mystical vision. This is a logo What do you do? The usual situation is that you are conditioned to be a man or a woman. From early childhood we say to children: "You're a boy – behave like a boy, or girl:" You're a girl – act like a girl. " This generates an increasing differentiation, and polarity are increasingly divergent In a better world, we will teach each child: "You – the one and the other", the difference – only the prevalence of one over the other. "You – neither boy nor girl, you – and that, and another" – the difference in stress, in the emphasis. Then the whole structure of civilization will be different. Then do not may be enmity between man and woman. Then there is no question of who's who dominates. And then you can see the integrity of the entire existence – and this integrity is fine. A separate part is always ugly.

The Film “let Me “

Hello! I recently went to the movie “Let Me In. Saga. “To be honest I did not want to go, but I was dragged to the cinema school girlfriend, and forced to watch. And I have almost wished he looked this film. Why I did not want to go? First name scared, namely the “Saga.” Goes directly hint at the well-known saga “Twilight.” And in the film there is love, blood and vampires.

It would seem that the storyline was previously understood. But while watching an opinion about this film at I changed for the better. Pleased that here in the light enters the skin vampire she still burns, and no light. And the lights, I tell you, great. The film is permeated with an atmosphere of loneliness, confusion and, of course, love, and true love (not endless kissing the two cute actors) – depicted as an innocent feelings arising between two twelve-year children. Dialogue Abby (Chloe Moretz) and Owen (Cody Smit-McPhee): – The people doing something special when they meet? – No. – That is, everything will be like now? – Yes. – Then let’s meet.

Lovely, is not it? A quiet boy Owen suffers taunts and jeers classmates. He lives with his mother, who obsessed with religion and her son pays any attention. Friends with him, of course not. But one day he meets a newcomer Abby. Between them, at least not right away, friendships and develops into love. They teach each other what then, spend time together and feels ordinary children. But Abby – a vampire. And after a while it becomes clear to Owen. But even after he learned the whole truth (and it was not just that) he does not cease to be friends with her, and Conversely, helping Abby. I would not have carried the film to the genre of horror. Although the creepy and scary moments, as well as screams and blood are present. But perhaps many will be scared, because is a characteristic of the human psyche. “Let Me In” keeps in suspense from beginning to end. The ending seemed to me sad, because obviously looked through future sad boy. I’d love to continue, but I can say with confidence that it will not. If only because that good movies do not often continue (to take at least a “Ghost Rider” and “Eragon.” ending with a hint of a sequel, but most do not continue) So, the acting – at the height of the plot – is excellent, some inaccuracies or crabbed things I noticed. I vote with both hands for this film. Fans of the genre must watch. And the rest will not regret Address article.

Caucasians Turkey

Although Gul flatly denied the chance of a military coup in Turkey, in his reply he also candidly admitted that some foreign powers into the hands of a military coup in Turkey, but “The mere thought of such a possibility would have been disrespectful to the Turkish army.” But the revolution can not be because Gul said that democracy in the country is growing stronger day by day. According to him, Turkey has a weight in the region and between the army and the authorities agree. Note about at what point in Turkey’s renewed talk about the fear of the authorities and the public about the threat of revolution. At the beginning of December last year, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has confirmed its intention to implement the country’s so-called “Kurdish initiative” – and in fact much broader, “democratic initiative”, under which it is assumed provision of national and religious minorities in Turkey the right to declare their ethnicity or the confessional. And by the way, it is fully applicable not only to the Kurds, but also to Caucasians, in different times and different ways reached and settled in Turkey. The earliest, however, decided to take advantage of the “Democratic Initiative” is the Kurds and other peoples farsoyazychnye Turkey, for example, Zaza. Many people prefer their Kurds call-Zaza, although they hold a dissenting opinion Zaza about his ethnicity. Whatever it was, Erdogan was forced to accept a deputation from the Wilaya of Tunceli Zaza (historical name – Dersim). The fact that The overwhelming majority of Zaza – Alawites, a special group in Islam.

Middle Ages

The word "" in this case refers to the Moors, the Catholic Church, thanks to the efforts of Nimrod, in the Middle Ages has announced the servants of Satan, and as it turns out, was not too far from the truth. It is not surprising and the fact that under the Great Nostradamus actually implies host Moors – Satan, because of which the residents of Orange, now in Kiev once again suffer, and in order to save themselves from misery and suffering, they will drive out the former City of the Sun and Nimrod, and Satan. And hidden there after Deluge in the bowels of the earth by the former governor of Orange Lucifer (Satan) and his assistant Nimrod gold, which they subsequently created by shortages of gold replaced silver in the religion. Nostradamus, in his quatrains symbolically describes a tribute (one of the meanings of the word "tribute" – that give) gold, implying that the tribute, in this case, gold will be given to people. Gold by opening low-cost synthesis of gold will depreciate throughout the World, but people will increasingly understand the other, more important for a person – spiritual values.

Gold, like silver, will serve the people only as a metal that can multiply the reach of man. Gold is no longer under the control of leprikonov – servants of Nimrod, and will find themselves leprikony freedom ceased to be slaves to their master in the face of the Devil. Realizing all this, it becomes clear, and why during the election before the "orange" Revolution of Viktor , one of the main henchmen Nimrod, struck leprosy – a disease which reminded Nimrod on his servant leprikonah who still keep stolen from people and Nimrod hidden gold. Add to your understanding with Boy Scouts of America. .