Category Archives: General

Internet Insurance

Flood helper how you can protect yourself from infectious diseases for weeks the flood considers important vaccinations wide parts of Germany in breath. While in many cities still thousands volunteers fill sandbags and reinforcing dikes, the cleanup begin elsewhere. Both helpers and affected parties come with contaminated water and that the germs in contact, thereby increasing the risk of infection. While the Robert-Koch Institute observed so far no increase in the number of infectious diseases in the flood areas, there are certain precautions to be taken to comply, as to minimize the risk of contagion. So should those concerned regularly and thoroughly wash your hands and no food to take, which have come into contact with possibly contaminated water. In addition, it is sure that children swim or play in flooded areas.

In addition, people in the affected areas should their vaccination against Tetanus can check and, if necessary, brush up on. Infection with tetanus, also called Lockjaw, using bacteria that enter through open wounds in the body. The appropriate vaccination is taken over by all statutory health insurance and should be renewed every 10 years. In special cases a vaccination against hepatitis A may be considered also, especially if long time no clean drinking and washing water available. The vaccination costs by the health insurance fund is different here than not prescribed for tetanus and takes place at the insurers per case. Who so inoculated against hepatitis A would like to have, can ask for his cash-strapped, whether this covers the costs.

For more information and an overview of the various services of all statutory health insurance, visit. Contact: Contact person: Karsten Leidloff Kunze und Leidloff GbR Hallesche Strasse 1B 06779 Raguhn Tel: 0180 5 499 799 240 * fax: 0180 5 499 799 249 * E-mail: Info(at) * 14 ct/min from a German landline. German mobile radio price: 42 ct / min company portrait: informed since 1999 on the Internet about all statutory health insurance. Insured persons can consult free of charge and without obligation on through tariffs, fees and services of all funds in the current comparison. In addition, the trade portal provides assistance when changing the health insurance fund.

Coveted Customers

Event-related insurance surveys a valuable tool becomes the sustainable existence of a health insurance company to the customer-oriented measurement and control of service quality since the introduction of the contribution of the unit and the facilities of the health fund more than dependent on the successful enactment on the market and a sustainable customer orientation, which provides the insured persons in the center of entrepreneurial thinking and acting. Service or quality of service always more to decide the extent of customer satisfaction and retention and are vital competitive factors. However, to ensure and develop of a high level of service is dependent on the underlying processes. A desired level of satisfaction can only be achieved as a result, if the processes leading to the service experiences are clearly associated with and in their performance measured, managed and developed. Event-related surveys help assess value-added (service) processes. It is clear that at the beginning and at the end of many service processes is Customer. Therefore, this is also the only person who can really judge perceived service quality. Surveys therefore make a decisive contribution from the belief to knowledge.

The customer’s perception of service quality after a service experience is the only characteristic of these measurable quality. Event-related surveys at short intervals provide valuable insights on customer satisfaction, which is currently achieved with the well known performance and specific service experiences as a result. In addition, the analysis provides important information about the quality standards of individual customer groups (CTQ’s critical to quality criteria =”). In connection with internal performance indicators to the service processes, reaching a high level of transparency, which process performance (E.g. reaction times) in the result leads to what level of satisfaction among customers.

Necessary internal service standards can be developed so specifically with a view on their effect on the customer and implemented. Continue implemented improvement measures can by event-related surveys in short intervals be assessed very quickly based on the effect of customer perception. Especially for staff, event-related customer surveys promptly provide the necessary feedback to the perceived service quality and allows them on the basis of the knowledge he to can respond to customer expectations in service situationally correct and binding circulation.

Marketing Forum

Two-day seminar provides in-depth practical knowledge bases in Vienna and basis for decision-making or location provide practice the right mix of the basic terms and concepts, as well as concrete examples of tools and evaluations provide a valuable orientation the participants: beginners realize the potential and can derive for your own situation the right decisions comparisons and benchmarks with other solutions and approaches users get the seminar “Web analysis & controlling: Optimization of success on the Internet “is overview the seminar provides an overview of the analyses, which are now possible. The participants are led by the visits to the “conversions” (business successes) and the return of investment (ROI) or the efficiency of the campaigns. Then can the online investments much better controlled and the success of your site optimized. An excerpt from the topics: different methods: log file analysis, daily tracking,…: advantages, disadvantages the correct interpretation: how data information what pitfalls are – can cause wrong decisions by the visit to the conversion: what goals and funnel processes the success made campaign controlling: such campaigns be measured and evaluated according to success can (cost/conversion, ROI) media cross end tracking: analyse in detail how campaigns from different sources and evaluate can email marketing analysis: what evaluations you are promotions and newsletters can expect from your E-Mail landing page optimization: with a/b testing and multivariate testing performance dramatically increase tips & tricks: What tricks of time and work saving online all content and concepts which are taught in the seminar details and content, visit the website of the online-marketing determines seminars/webanalyse rapid registration is recommended: 17/18.4. Seminar on 17 and 18 April 2008 from 9:00 17:00 in Vienna. The price is EUR 980,-per participant (excluding VAT, for both days, including documents and catering).

Musician Shows

Paddy Kelly for the first time presented his painting in the context of the PEACE of of kind of project. The painting is a mirror of himself, the world and life, he learns for Paddy Kelly. Over the years, Paddy Kelly is the musical head of the famous Kelly family and celebrates worldwide success with millions sold plates until he 2004 completely withdraws from the public eye and lives for 6 years as a monk in a monastery in France. 2011 paddy returns to the stage and gives his musical comeback. 2012, he presents a more art for the first time publicly the painting. In the 1990s, the singer with Irish roots discovered his passion for painting.

He begins to experiment with colours and shapes and developed his own distinctive style. The works of the young artist embody a seriousness that is paired with a refreshing innocence and sometimes childlike and playful perspectives. In his pictures he processed very feelings, questions, experiences and aspirations intimate messages. At the height of our success, I had many impressions and experiences to process. I could not pronounce some things with the music and I was looking for a different form of expression. So I resorted to the PIN because images are sometimes stronger than words,”says Paddy Kelly. The very personal approach, the origin of the works conclude quite the person Paddy Kelly and his inner self.

For him, painting is a way to find his personal, inner peace. When I have a bad day, I paint. I put the negative feelings onto the page and so I am going”, says the 34-year-old. Paddy Kelly is confined not only to himself, he would also make a contribution to the peace of others. He advocates as an Ambassador by Caritas international peace-building projects.

Fundraisingtag Social

An invitation to the professional exchange and networking already organized for the fourth time the fundraising Academy, Frankfurt am Main, in cooperation with regional Fundraisingagenturen and advisers on Thursday, February 26, in Hamburg the Norddeutsche Fundraisingtag. Has event 9 am to 5 pm in the rooms of the Catholic Academy in the Mr moat now to one of the largest supra-regional conferences in the area of professional fund raising through donations and sponsorship developed. Fundraiser, public workers, foundation representatives and Managing Director of social service organisations as well as individuals who would already engage in this environment or professionally oriented are invited. For them, the Conference provides an overview of all questions and tasks in fundraising and a great way to make new contacts that lead to a living together in the non-profit sector. Competent practitioners from non-profit organizations and professionals from the social marketing, economic and Science practical fundraising knowledge and share their experiences in obtaining donations and solving important organizational issues. The 4.

Norddeutsche Fundraisingtag begins with an Eve event on Wednesday, February 25, in the Town Hall passage under the Hamburg Town Hall Square, founded over 10 years ago by several nonprofit organizations. In a stimulating atmosphere, participants have the opportunity to come into the conversation. With a panel discussion on the topic of only those who burn, can others ignite”Prof. Dr. Hermann has rough, Honorary President of the Hochschule fur Musik und Theater Hamburg, already confirmed his participation for this evening. Registration is required and possible directly on the Internet at for both days of the event.

More detailed information can be found there. The fundraising of more and more to the part of the organization development and also as a comprehensive relationship work is recognized as part of fundraising in the non-profit sector. Meanwhile, the professional fundraising is an important factor in development in many social and charitable organizations. The active nationwide for the education and training and as a leader recognized fundraising Academy undertakes the task of professional and ethically responsible fundraising. Contact: 4. Norddeutscher Fundraisingtag Office c/o KOSO communication consulting agency and social marketing contact: Andre Lersch water lily trail 6 23858 Reinfeld Tel.: 0 45 33 / 20 89 06 AFundS Agency for fundraising and social contact: Anna Findert Tel.: 040 / 2547 0619 organizer of the 4th North Fundraisingtages is the fundraising Academy, Frankfurt am Main, in cooperation with regional Fundraisingagenturen and consultants. The fundraising Academy is the training facility of for professional and umbrella organizations for the area of fundraising in Germany. She is the first and only educational institution in the Federal Republic, which offers a two-year course in fundraising. Shareholders of the fundraising Academy are the joint work of the Evangelical publishing (JEP), the German fundraising Association and the German Council of donations.

Collectors Items

Early on the morning of searching and rummaging among the old things to watch out for the very particular piece that Rachel Ashwell, “seems to come Shabby Chic”. Sure, garage sales are a possibility. The other is to grab the antique Guide to Munich in search of the Munich antique shops and antique shops that are eligible for the used look in question. But look what exactly – Information text of the book “Shabby Chic” says Precious bargains from the flea market, a magnificent crystal chandeliers, the lack of maybe a few bricks, a pastel-colored Art Deco dressing table with signs of age, an old sofa with new white seat covers … “– and precisely because we have already reached the real problem. Which 1989 was perhaps still possible, as Rachel Ashwell’s style has created, can no longer buy for little money. Of course there are still a small footstool, with Antique white, satin matte color,Prepare Craquelier effects and a faded fabric in floral design and is nice to look at. In topic “magnificent crystal chandeliers, you will find at flea markets, at least vain. The Shabby Chic is no longer a question of “if your interior needs are greater than the budget that they have available.” Welcome to the world of antiques, achieve in the so-called “young antiques” maximum prices at auctions. There’s only the exact knowledge of “what s where. Browse local knowledge with the editors of the Munich Antiques leader in the antique shops and the flea and antiques market in the Bavarian countryside. The evocative but informative photos to each of these stores will help avoid disappointment and to make accurate assessments of the presented findings and above all the localities.

Write Articles

Write articles and put online in the online magazine or article directory. Would you write a technical article and publish so much must be observed. Every author should know exactly which articles for publication are interesting, but not interesting. For example don’t like perceived hidden advertising of products and services. The reader understand very well what is at stake. You will notice immediately, what you actually want to achieve with the prices of the products, and automatically activate protection mechanisms.

The secret of advertising is the secret of the current and most effective advertising that their consumer in you sees no advertising. He remembers only that what he is really interesting and useful. How to write good articles and publish, what do they include? Key to the success of a really interesting for the reader is not any overview article, no description of any perspectives and potential opportunities. An interesting material needs you now, can apply today. If you write an article and published, it should be an instruction to the real steps and actions. The reader would like to see immediately the result, he would like to have the key to success in the hand. Write hot topic who writes articles and published, the need to know a secret – just on a hot topic.

The theme should be on everyone’s lips, it must provide for excitement. So it is not sufficient to rely merely on their own ideas. If you want to write good articles and publish them, should be assumed by the real analysis of the situation on the market. You first must realize what people need, later to be able to give them. Only in this way that works in all areas, and also in the writing and publishing of articles. To brief a promotional text you can write too, that it is long. The reader is interested in a particular product and want to collect as more information, because it is about his own Risk, comes to his money. At a specialist article you want to write and publish, it’s different, because you have to touch is the best short. The readers of the article risk nothing, they have too little interest. At any time, readers can leave the Web site and look at what’s new. Also, you should remember that the scope of the large article simply shocked the audience. Who can remember all these points, when he writes an article and published, can do much more for its readers.

Zero Direct Taxes

Fiscal consolidation and tax cut in unison while the majority of Germans planned tax cuts declines early next year as the current ARD DeutschlandTrend shows, but the current debate about the Government’s plans for further tax cuts running from the wrong perspective. The individual income tax rate is since 2009 between 14% (marginal tax rates) and 45% (maximum tax rates). The corporate tax rate with 15% since 2008. Withholding tax and solidarity surcharge be added. To our current tax system produces some strange howlers. Some German companies pay up to 173 percent taxes on their profits.

This means that they consume on their substance, to comply with the requirements of the IRS. This burden is a consequence of the corporate tax reform 2008. The tax burden only 140 percent would be reduced by the proposed tax package of the Federal Government. The party of reason for radical tax reform occurs, namely the complete abandonment of the taxation of income of Citizens and the profits of enterprises at simultaneous strike of subsidies and spending. It is a misconception to assume that the State must raise taxes, when he needed money. The opposite is true! With lower tax rates and associated closure of tax loopholes, tax revenues increase demonstrably because taxpayers are honest and the economic activity is strongly increasing. The party of reason is aware that it can be only a long-term goal. In a first step we are for the introduction of a flat tax (uniform rate) by 25 percent for generous basic allowance (aim: 12000 euro) a.

However, the comprehensive reform of our financial system is based on an associated with the tax cuts and especially sustainable prosperity. To prevent future financial crises simultaneously represents the party of reason logically irrefutable proposals of the Economist and Nobel Laureate Friedrich August von Hayek. Free markets with free, not by the State and politics controlled money, create the conditions for long-term economic success in Germany and real prosperity for the entire population. More information: parteiprogramm.html #abgabenundsteuern party program/0-control modell.html parteiprogramm.html #finanzen inland/deutschlandtrend/deutschlandtrend968.html policy/Germany /: loads-corporate-pay-up to… development of tax rates/19401c22752i1p42… Image source: the reason is a party within the meaning of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the law on political parties. It brings together members without distinction of nationality, wpg, origin, race, sex and profession of faith, which want to participate in the construction and development of a democratic rule of law and a social order of the free spirit and reject totalitarian and dictatorial efforts of any kind. The reason is a party with one economic orientation in Germany with the mandatory target of the strengthening of freedom and individual responsibility. The party of reason stands for Justice and openness to the world, a system of free market economy and a liberal constitutional State. Contact: Party of reason Jorg Brechlin high str. 26 07545 Gera 017696497835

My Father

The man just, many times mentioned in the Holy Writs, distinguishes itself for the habitual correction of its thoughts and for the straightness of its behavior he stops with the next one. ' ' You do not favor the poor person, nor you sanction the powerful one. It judges next as justia' ' (Lv 19,15). ' ' Gentlemen, from there to your servants and just equitable, knowing that it tend one Gentleman in cu' ' (CL 4.1) ' ' (CEC, 1807) ' '. It made reference of justice in at, the NT and the CEC. It mentioned the promotion of justice and the peace for the priests and seminaristas and turned on the word peace in the Biblical direction, where Jesus is ' ' Prince of paz' ' (Is 9, 5) and it is our justice.

He said that ' ' from it he is that we can say and suggest an educational formation in the level of the conscience based on principles as of the charity, of solidarity to reach the peace so sonhada' '. ' ' The goodness and the allegiance another time will be gone to join, justice and the peace of new will give mos' ' (Sl 84, 11). This, clearly, with the union of the men around exactly ideal one of life: the search for the peace in the land to live here perpetual in peace. &#039 was presented by Peter Walnut having for subject; ' Work and salrio' ' heading: ' ' The WORK To the LIGHT OF the SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF the IGREJA' ' – (06/10/2009) ' ' My Father works e, I also trabalho' ' (Cf. Jo 5,36; 10,25; 14,10; 17,4). The work to the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church leaving of the objective and subjective dimension was presented. The human work, as it was affirmed, has a dplice dimension: subjective objective and.

Foundation School

The children who have participativos parents get better resulted of that the pupils ' ' whose parents remain themselves moved away from escola' ' , as he informs in them You mark (1999). This participation can go beyond verifying notebooks or to participate in meetings, this family can ask to the pupil as it was its day in the school, the discoveries that made, to inform the professors of the necessities of the pupil, after all, is the family of the pupil who more knows its necessities. When the son has overhead in evaluations, to appear in the school before being called, to reserve time to be with it, to help it. We speak here of quality time, not amount. We need remembering in them the Prado (1981) on the changes that the families come suffering.

One of these changes is in the time that can offer. Many responsible parents or need to work more than in a job, or work far, leaving always very early and arriving very late. Part of this sacrifice is for giving to its children the possibility who had not had, of only studying. To guide these parents on what they can make to help its children, will not be only recompensador for the relation family-school, will be also comforting for these parents who would like to help plus its children, but does not find possible. 2.2 The family becoming involved itself with the school the envolvement of the parents is a first step for the establishment of the partnership family-school.

We must guide them of form to stimulate the participation. Simple actions can have great resulted. We need to clarify that to participate goes very beyond the attendance to the school when we call or of the simple accompaniment of the house duty. They follow some suggestions supplied in the seminary ' ' The school and famlia' ' , promoted for the Foundation School of Servio Pblico (FESP), of the State of Rio De Janeiro, in partnership with the Extra Periodical: He always speaks well of the school to create in its son a positive expectation in relation to the studies; It hugs it and desires to good things when he will be of exit for the lesson; In the return, he looks for to know as it was the day of it, what he learned and as if related with all.