Category Archives: General

Spencer Johnson

Clear that they enjoyed the abundant cheese that had found, but they knew that at any time this one would have to finish. So the day that happened the change, they simply changed with him, without losing of view which was its essential intention in the life: To obtain his appraised cheese. We draw our conclusions. This brief Prying and Slippery participation of in the fable of Spencer Johnson, must much teach to us. First, the cheese is the success, that we wished more in the life: To have much money, to finish with honors a race, to have a happy marriage and a family, and more. Each has its own special cheese that is looking for and that is what it does not have to never change in us, that is to say, our objectives must be so clear that they can illuminate us in the worse dark. Prying and secondly, Slippery they enjoy caution of the cheese that has found. No, they are not paranoiac, rather they are totally conscious that the true success is not an eternal thing, but the constant development of our gifts, one daily one and thought search well.

And thirdly, they do not hyperreflect on the problem of the change, because they recognize that is a natural subject that the cheese is finished in some moment and that must, consequently, leave and look for more. When analyzing these three brief and simple conclusions, obtained of both ratoncitos, we do not have left more than to return to watch our own cheese search. How they are of clear our objectives? We are cautious and humble against the success, we give or it by fact? We break the head asking to us why us have happened the misfortunes, or we decided that it is hour to begin to move to us in search of more cheese? But it is necessary to understand each well of these questions, because perhaps we draw the erroneous conclusion that there is to initiate another marriage, to have new children, to throw by the hut all a life of institutional and professional race, etc., when in fact what we needed it is a change in the way in which we make the things and not a change of the same things. To have wisdom to know when a lintel of things is precise and when the change is rather of methods (the way in which we do something), it is a challenge, but even then, one clear and objective answer of the three questions that are in this paragraph will be to us a good place to begin our new search of the delicious cheese. It remembers that although the pain and the disappointment sometimes accompany the growth, we are we those that we decided how to use that experience to make of her a step approaches that us the true success: the constant development of our objectives in the life. Original author and source of the article


Unlike in the deferred compensation of employees has already in the next month really immediately more net in his wallet.” Also Karl Johann Zimmermann has settled as a licensee already a handful of companies in his portfolio as well as first recommendations with ValueNet. “” Benefits of the expansion of the service portfolio to the charge optimization: the willingness of the staff for now more net of the gross “is significantly higher than with old-age provision” to deal with. The majority of employers want to pay more employees, but it can’t. The participation rates for a charge optimization through conversion of the remuneration system beat the bAV projects to length. Average the participation rate close to 60% is from monthly flowing success-based fees, which the savings the employer is measured, is free cancellation. For additional financial plus will then still a very fair participation in the revenues from the cover concept for the closing of the gap in the unemployment benefit, sickness allowance and the pension. Because the ValueNet group of all Entgeltoptimierungs service providers in Germany of with the highest legal safeguard and the lowest administrative burden for the employer, the duration is reduced up to the commissioning of multiples,”explains Hans Schwaiger, key account manager at the ValueNet group. ValueNet is also the only provider of employer-sponsored coverage concept to closing the gap in social security.

It is part of each concept. Thus, the financial perspectives for the bAV specialists are exceptionally attractive independent of the chosen form of cooperation. “” Different forms of co-operation between ValueNet and bAV specialists 1st tipster “target group: bAV-lone” with occasional commercial customers between 20 and 50 employees (full-time) no investment required customer protection: Yes area protection: no form of cooperation: the tipster provides the contact with the customer and takes together with ValueNet was the first date of the information. “This receives the tipster in the case of an assignment by the customer an attractive tip donor Commission ValueNet services: introductory seminar, information documents 2. licensee” target group: bAV consulting firms with numerous commercial customers from 50 employees and more (full-time) investment: license fee customer protection: Yes area protection: Yes – free areas: Bayern: only limited regions, partly with latencies of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Baden-Wurttemberg: still very high-turnover areas free form of cooperation: licensee concludes with the customer independently the services agreement to improve pay. The implementation of the project can be based on appropriate training and qualification measures through TuV audits by the bAV specialists themselves.

All sales documents and management IT tools for the customer as a white label “by ValueNet available is possible. Ever after, whether or not the licensee decides, discussions with his own, trained by ValueNet and by the TuV Sud certified consultant team perform or whether ValueNet implements the projects, sharing of the resulting financial value added is. You can request free of charge the detailed performance catalog ValueNet services within the framework of a Lizenznehmerschaft using the contact form. “Summary: what does not grow that Wilts”, already the universal genius Goethe knew. Attractive market opportunities with excellent growth potential emerge for reputable, established bAV specialists maintained contacts with commercial customers (from at least 20 full time employees). The modernisation of remuneration compensation optimization helps bAV consultants to new perspectives. ValueNet is recommended due to its characteristics as an excellent partner. Aschheim, 16.04.2010 Angela Kosa, editorial ValueNet

Berufsunfahig And Then What? Disability Pension & Professional Impotence Pension

\”The causes and consequences of premature disability disability / incapacity / invalidity old and new right on the January 1, 2001 was the law for the reform of pensions due to reduced earning capacity\” into force. With this Act, the disability pension was introduced. Before the amendment of 2001 there was a disability pension and a disability pension within the statutory protection. \”These were defined as follows: persons who are unable due to illness or disability not foreseeable to exercise gainful employment in a certain regularity or achieve pay or income that exceeds one-seventh of the monthly base is considered to be an invalid\” ( 44 SGB VI). There was no disability pension for self-employed.

The invalidity pension corresponded to about the old-age pension in the calculation. Otherwise the disability pension. It was here by a residual capacity much lower, since went out. So served as additional to a reduced income. The labour market gave no possibility of additional earnings, the disability pension was converted to a disability pension.

Because the professional protection was, was what activities a deserve to or were reasonable for a referral profession considered also. We want to explain the changes that came with the new law, Turk insurance scheme: introduction of the 2-stage EM pension with individualized income deduction; There is no more loss of income due to illness with less professional limitation are now paid by the insured person himself or to secure private professional protection. Earning is calculated on the daily working time still to be doing; full disability pension is there only if someone can work no 3 hours per day. (The definition of disability is therefore beyond normal working hours; Sideline limits, however, are the income set.) Who can work 6 hours a day is considered new law not incapacitated for work. Who under the usual conditions of the labour market\”can work another 3 to 6 hours a day is partially incapacitated for work, who will also not 3 hours is then fully incapacitated for work.

Latin Kitchen

Years back in a trip that we did to Puerto Rico, friendly invited to us to eat bollitos of tender maize with codfish in the mountains of Cayey, Memory that when we came from return, in the highway were inhabitants of the place which they sold popular " recao" (it mixes to prepare sweet sofrito with green peppers, onion, garlic, red peppers, coriander and culantro) in plastic packages. As good lover of the kitchen always we like to experiment with new flavors. So we requested to him to our friendly that us figureheads on the brink of madness the highway to buy one of those packages. We took it to our hotel and of there until our house. Whenever we prepared soups, kidney beans and stews, we added teaspoons to him of recao, which was in an extraordinary flavor. Later we read in an interview, that the Puerto Rican boxer " Tito" Trinidad whenever it traveled to defend his title of world-wide champion, its breast prepared a package to him of recao so that their assistants prepared their soups to them. , More recently, friendly of here in Miami, they invited to us to enjoy sancocho Colombian, accompanied of fabulous tostones with a sofrito, that the Colombians call &quot to him; hogao" ; they finely prepared with cebolln mincemeat, garlic stepped on or crushed, tomato cut in small buckets (concass) and a touch of marinade.

Soon we shared another invitation with other friendly of Cuban origin and we occurred a slap-up meal with famous " tail encendido" , that day we investigated with our friend and cook of great battles, Don Bernardo, that prepared the plate. The ingredients that used, were more or less common to those of the traditional sofrito. The exquisitez of the plate made think parallelism me with the coffee that all we took. All we used the same ingredients, but in each house they taste its secret, and its.

Not Only On St. Martin: Animal Board Collects Mild Gifts

Start your animal sign Germany e.V. “1 Christmas euro” Telethon lantern, lantern, Sun, moon, and stars. And don’t forget the animals! Day is thinking about at the today’s Saint of Martins – it like the tradition – the good in the people. Not only for Saint Martin of tours in the fourth century, but also today still charity and mercy are important virtues. The animal table Germany e.V. Encourages in this pre-Christmas weeks especially to help needy people and animals to think and to engage in them. “With just one euro, making an animal fed on Christmas Eve and one needy people happy.” With this motto, the animal table Germany e.V.

wants this year gifts over 19,000 pets with small and large donations, as well as feed and Leckerlierationen over the holidays, and remove the brackets so that a small concern. special handout action is the animal sign Germany e.V. in this year all cities with an own issue, with posters, leaflets and many actions for the work the animal table Germany e.V. advertise. In all animal table dispensaries this distribution will take place at the last Edition before Christmas and we invite the animal table Germany e.V. welcome friends, godparents and sponsors.

“In recent months, the number of new applications has increased considerably and we need more commitment and time to all the food and all the free services, such as animal hair, animal healer, dog trainers, etc., to be able to organize. With well over 300 tons of donated food and donations, we have achieved this year a preliminary climax.”so Claudia Hollm, Board the animal table Germany e.V. news_aktuell.php animal Board WINS DOGS AWARD 2010 DOGS, the lifestyle magazine for dog lovers, the animal table Germany stands out with the DOGS AWARD 2010 in the category of”Animal welfare”. DOGS- readers had proposed in the summer who deserves a DOGS AWARD in their eyes. From the submissions, a jury of experts chose the winners in 13 categories. About animal Board Germany e.V. the Animal Board Germany e.V. was founded in 2006 in Rathenow, to hel-fen to people that are financially or physically unable to keep their pets healthy and humanely. Food and material donations be distributed free. Also possibility to inform themselves fully about welfare. The animal table Germany e.V. is committed to the goal, to prevent with a corresponding related information and advice by experts from friendly associations of a bad attitude and thus to prevent a levy in an animal shelter or even expose the animals. are PR pilot around tailor-made communication: our PR and media agency offers advice and support in the area of the press and public lichkeitsarbeit: from the idea to the conception, planning and implementation.

Plant Cost

The identification specialist convinces by high efficiency paper is known to be extremely patient. All new procedures and all new machines are placed on the market, help their users to save costs so at least it is on the paper. Only in exceptions, there is practical evidence of what all will be promised in advertising brochures. PrintoLUX from Frankenthal/Palatinate can be counted among these exceptions. The success of the company founded in 2008 combines with the conviction that an own developed procedure for the production of labels. This resistance, versatility, quality of marking of pressure and the savings that can be realized with the use of the procedure for the user are convincing. What is not only on paper, but in practice well to do the math. Plant operator saves in the production of the required characteristics with PrintoLUX 94.611 per year often heard of otherwise very cost-conscious planners and decision-makers, that it costs for Plant signs go to peanuts.

In fact, 2.50 for a flag with the mass fall 33 x 66 mm in the weight. A company needs 43.360 piece of it, but in the year this position on a cost block of 108.400 amounts. And if it is possible to produce the same number of marks in equal and better quality for 50.297,60, then the savings are considerable. This example is taken from an extensive and detailed cost comparison, the PrintoLUX GmbH for an operator of 80 power plants put up. The comparison reveals that much money is being spent for labels and money can be saved. Here are some details. The company recorded an annual demand of total 72.424 identification signs for its 80 plants currently and pays the amount of 182.199,40 for the total delivery. If the company refers to the markings do not have service providers, but with a PrintoLUX manufactures pressure system itself, total Total cost on 118.838,24, including the one-time cost for the printing system (25,000) and tool (6.250).

In the following year for the entire indicator production at 87.588,24, costs which will increase the savings on 94.611 per year. Ordering expenses not included the cost comparison first the current purchase prices (total prices and unit prices) detected. You are estimated for five inserted plate sizes and the required quantities. It shall be disregarded the administration costs for ordering and billing operations. All costs for printing system and tool are in the price formation of the PrintoLUX Variant (both unique), plate material, ink and work time for making at home used. Unit price in procurement by service provider: 2.50 piece prize at our own production with PrintoLUX pressure system: 0.76 the indicator with the dimensions 33 x 60 mm by the plant operators most commonly used.

The Venezuelan Andean

The tequenos frying will become a dough soft and toasted, semi-crujiente, filled with delicious melted cheese, making threads. For more information see Daniel Taub. From children’s parties to weddings, the tequenos are the appetizers of Venezuelan celebrations par excellence. Andean cupcakes Venezuelan mass soft, crunchy and firm. As its name implies, it’s a cake, which consists of a filling covered with two layers of round masses finely extended. Fried foods are cooked, in some regions they put rice or potatoes to the stews of meat or poultry used in the filling; In some cases is used single layer of mass which then put him filling in the Center, it is folded to make a half-moon shape, treading the ends with a fork to seal it.

Originating in the Caribbean cakes are usually made with a mass hojaldrada by what is cooked in the oven. Any dish or ingredient serves as a filling; However the most common are beef, chicken or cheese. Cheese with guava cakes are famous here in Miami. The cakes are eaten at breakfast, snack or as appetizers at parties. Then there is the wheat flour empanadas.

The most famous and tasty are Argentine, Chilean and Bolivian empanadas. They are made with a thin layer of round dough, stuffed with stews of meat, chicken, seafood, seasoned with onion, egg, olives, capers, raisins, grapes, potatoes, peas, cheese and spinach. Usually has a shape of semicircle of no more than 20 cm. long, closed at the edges with an elaborate repulgo (edge of pie). Chilean empanadas also of wheat flour stuffed with ground meat or diced, dressed with cumin, black olives, raisins of grape and hard-boiled egg called empanadas of pine. Bolivian empanadas whose mass has a slightly sweet taste with a beef or chicken stew (jigote) filling, dad and broth. They are painted a soft red/orange pigment, which give it a very special colour. The Venezuelan Andean cupcakes are unique despite being unknown to many people, here the public is as a recipe of the week so they know it. Until soon friends.

Economic Crisis

The Crisis For 1929 return, the party finished in a violent economic crisis that all shakes the foundation of the world-wide economy. The production grows, the consumption diminishes, the stock exchange breaks, the industries enter in bankruptcy and the misery reigns. With end of the first War, U.S.A. passes for one ‘ ‘ boom’ ‘ economic. Industrial companies and agricultural proliferate and are developed. Great conglomerates of companies with open capital if become common. The Stock exchange has movement is of the common one and the speculation with action is great the attractive one of the moment.

Immediate enrichment was offered and easy to who it acquired action. They were corporate share of insurances, agriculturists, mines, great supermarkets, banks, etc. All and of all the social classrooms they practised this ‘ ‘ esporte’ ‘ financier, using in this all its economies. These companies satiated capitalized more produce each time to take care of, as much the American consuming market, as the European market and Latin American, generating, with this, a superproduction of merchandises. But, if she exists merchandises in excess, according to logical it capitalist market, does not exist inflation. If inflation does not exist, does not have necessity of increase of wages. All we know, for proper experience, that inflation absence is a great lie.

After all, in charge institutions for the calculation of the inflation are controlled for the government that has interests in demonstrating a financial balance of its administrations. With objectives to keep the mentally ill population the truth. Therefore, the results are camouflaged and maquiados. this occurs in all the places and all the moments of history. U.S.A., along with all its development, was not and nor is, different. It could, according to calculations not to have inflation, but, the wages to each day lost its power of purchase and the population consumed each time less provoking one subconsumo. Repercussion Parallel, in this height of ‘ ‘ campeonato’ ‘ the Europeans came, gradual, recouping its economy and, slowly, diminishing the importations of American products, what he reflects in the American problem of subconsumo. This reduction in the consumption of American products, parallel the production in excess produces inexecutable and indetermined an equation: superproduction ‘ ‘ versus’ ‘ subconsumo. As result, the merchandises in excess were storaged. The companies had had that to diminish the production, the profits had compressed. The shares not so attractive. Gradual, the people start if to disinterest for the action ownership and try to get rid themselves of these financial assets. The prices of these start to fall, it offers increases and the panic to contaminate who possua. Finally, in a Fifth fair, fatdica, 05 of September of the year in course, the Stock market of New Iorque (main of the country), exceeds its record, offering thousand and thousand of action for sales. The values fall down disastrously from a high place the zero almost and the stock market suffers the biggest fall, after the 1929 in addition. with U.S.A., the entire world enters in crisis. I wait to have helped to it to understand it the economic chaos that we are living.

Great Opportunity

Most women are firmly convinced that marrying a foreigner is very difficult and practically impossible. We can firmly assure you – to marry a foreigner’s real! And the thing is that American men are not burdened family ties, are dreaming of a quiet family fortune, his wife brain-beautiful, comfortable home and raising children. In this regard, a Russian woman for foreigners is almost ideal! To date, thousands of Ukrainian women successfully marry foreigners and successfully go abroad with the help of marriage agentstv.K tragically in Ukraine, women are much more than men. Abroad, the situation is exactly the opposite. Thousands of men dream about quiet family happiness, and beautiful contenders for the role of wife found very hard. Therefore, foreign men are forced to seek a bride in another country. At that time, many Ukrainian women complain that Ukraine has no real men.

Due to the hectic lifestyle of modern man in real life do not have time for romance dating and dating sites sit on some dubious personality By and large virtual dating completely indistinguishable from the real, as each woman came across and deceivers, and married, and sometimes Alphonsa or crooks. Ukrainian women tend to lead a monotonous life – the house-work-home and hope that their fate will automatically find them in an office chair or behind the stove. In today’s hectic lifestyle it is not true, and sitting on the Internet is such a possibility. Some, frustrated, are trying to find your soul mate at numerous dating sites where you can place free of charge form and wait for a miracle. Of course, some of them get to find his companion and a good marriage. But still, in most cases comes disappointment especially if they hit on some dubious sayt.Internet-dating – the most common method of dating. Every day, interesting letters from the new men, calls, flowers, surprises and gifts, romantic meetings and Of course long-awaited wedding and happy married life! Marriage agency – is not dating with a dubious reputation, is a real opportunity to marry a foreigner.

The agency is fully responsible and strictly monitors that you did not have Abraham with unnecessary letters, men who’re not interested. All well and strictly monitored: the woman is responsible only to those men who are interested in it, receives gifts from them and wish to meet with him in real meeting. Without the consent of the women did not take any measures, but men are not interested just drop out and more will not bother you. Registration for all women completely free, after which provides an extensive database of foreign men and guarantee to find your soul mate.

Celeris Group Shows

Celeris group has been involved in the exhibition Penguin Madrid located in the Metro Madrid Nuevos Ministerios station to know that one of solidarity penguins players belongs to the Spanish Federation for rare diseases (Feder) and Grupo Fundosa. As all know group Celeris collaborates continuously with Grupo Fundosa, a business division created by the ONCE Foundation in 1989 with the aim of generating and managing employment for people with disabilities. The news is that if you’ve walked a bit through Madrid lately you may have found with a somewhat peculiar sculptures, group Celeris refers to the decorated giant penguins who populated different streets of the center of Madrid. These sculptures were, as you can imagine, a solidarity purpose: to raise awareness and raise funds for groups with special needs. Each Penguin was designed by an artist, sponsored by a public and linked to a solidarity project character. In the case ERDF Penguin, that sponsoring Fundosa Groupe has been designed by Kukuxumusu and has the sponsorship of brothers William and Carla Campra. The past August 2 group Celeris was informed about the move that made these solidarity penguins to Nuevos Ministerios station. From that day all passed to reside in one of the most emblematic stations in Madrid waiting for its charity auction next September. Among 20 penguins exposed, Celeris group has shown its support in particular to the ERDF and Grupo Fundosa, Penguin an initiative developed with the aim of improving the quality of life for people with rare diseases. Celeris group wants to encourage you all to collaborate with this initiative, so can do it via SMS by sending the word ERDF to the 28011. The collection (1.20 euros per SMS) will go entirely to the Federation. Celeris group has always wanted to be linked to actions like this, since it gives an opportunity improve the expectancy and quality of life of those affected and their families, because it promotes problem solving, social change, the power of the people through the exercise of their rights, their release and the union of others affected by the same pathology to overcome the isolation barrier. From Celeris group we want to remind you that aid of Fundosa to Penguin of ERDF, coupled with what is obtained through the auction of the Penguin and the solidary SMS campaign, will serve to improve the quality of life of people affected by those known as rare diseases, diseases that occur at a very low percentage of the population.