Category Archives: General


paramount for an environment of work and in order to not lose money and information and for security reasons it idealk would be payment or block attachments that might have any kind of virus spyware. However, if you believe that is being guarded and monitored when in reality should not be, for example which monitors the screen can see what you are doing in real time, also should know that there is another method which is called filtering is that you avoid or blocking certain types of files spam before it gets to your mail inbox. If concideras can be spied you reomiendo you do the following if these connected to your XP or Vista computer and in the case that someone connects to your computer using the built-in features of Windows, remote desktop on the monitor screen will stay locked up and te dira who is connected. It is very easy to know who is connected already that if alguiense connects to your computer without you are account should know that they are using another type of software which is much more easy to detect since it does not belong to a normal process in Windows. all programs are listed in the Task Manager, so check all the icons and note which are are ejecutano if it is a process which had not heard previously that I recommend is doing a search in the for asi pordes see what really is this proceso.todos programs are listed in the Task Manager, so that review all the icons and note which are are ejecutano if it is a process which had not heard previously that I recommend is to do a search in the porder so see what really is this process. Once you locate it is very easy to etener one you see in the Task Manager but if there is one that is very escurridiso do not appear in, and why should I try another way you can try another way. This is about third-party applications, so they have to connect to the Windows XP or Vista by communication ports. XP and Vista come with a built-in that blocks many of the ports of entry for reasons of safety Firewall.asi should revise all ports lops and identify which is this using to use spyware..

Manufacturing Jewelry

But before you hear the answer to this question, think, Have you ever wish to become the owner or the owner of a totally unique thing? Stuff that is not nobody else, things that reflects exactly your way, things are looking at you, you will easily be able to explain to friends and colleagues, which means that in it every element of design and how it relates to your personality? Often in search of such things can not pass around a jeweler, but anyway, the result may not satisfy you. And it is not surprising, because the producers of jewelry are usually guided by a broad range of consumer, because the massive sale – guarantee the survival of large jewelry manufacturing. Of course large jewelry company or brands have to offer and something exclusive, but few know what is considered an exclusive edition of 10 copies. That is, acquiring such a product, you can not and should not rely on the fact that an exact copy of this jewelry is not nobody else! What is the price of the issue? Contrary to popular belief, the price of jewelry made to order, not always prohibitively expensive! Of course, the cost of custom jewelry can not be compared with the cost of ring in a jewelry store around the corner, but sometimes custom-made product is several times less than any instance of the way crowd famous domestic or foreign jewelry brands. The artist's work to create designs and work the fashion model of the product manufactured under the sketch artist .- one of the most costly steps in manufacture of jewelry, as an idea – is the foundation and the beginning of any creative process. .

Interesting Facts About Coins

Few people know that the ordinary at first glance, the coin may actually be very unusual, and attracted the attention of its antiquity or designs may be the most mediocre. Take, for example, the simple coin 2001 denominations of 1, 2 rubles and 50 kopecks. Few people know, but it's very real rarities. Price of one such coin today reach one thousand dollars! Total released a few copies of each coin, and their number is not exactly known. Many believe that the Soviet commemorative coins are not bad money. It is not. Well-known Soviet ruble with Lenin, today you can sell a maximum of 3-4 rubles, and then only at a price not buy it.

In general, the average Soviet commemorative coins are 30-50 rubles, and the entire collection can be easily bought for 4-5 thousand rubles. Many people mistakenly believe that coins made at the time of the emperors, are worth a fortune. This is not true. For example, a five-liter bucket of pennies Nicholas ii is only 20-30 thousand rubles (50 rubles per coin). A rare copper coin of the nineteenth century up to the cost of a few hundred rubles.

The well-known contemporary coin with image Pushkin's worth about a hundred rubles. Probably a couple of decades, it will be attributed to the category of numismatists infrequent. The well-known Soviet era coins 1961-1991's usually sold by weight kilograms. Bucket "enumerated" numismatists Soviet stuff comes at a price slightly higher than the price of scrap metal.

Human Values

So education must be an opportunity where the flame of spirituality can be deployed to its full potential, it needs an open mind where parents, teachers and others to respect the student's fundamental questions: Who am I "as, what is death "Who created the world" In regard to human values Dr. Gallegos said that in humans there are three types of needs: the materials that we share with higher mammals and newborns are prepersonal needs arising before language and consciousness himself there before forming an ego and a memory mental or psychological needs are personal and specific to humans and are linked to language, memory and ego and the transpersonal spiritual being is the need to transcend the ego, to connect with the essence of oneself, is the need to belong to all, belonging to the universe. Spirituality is neither disciplined or conditioned as mental functioning but follows a process of liberation and transpersonal deconditioning because they will not develop. Therefore, the values are beyond the psychic apparatus of thought-emotion, can only be made in relation to a larger unit than the ego. Human values, says Dr. Gallegos, are perennial and universal, a natural expression of internal order. Holistic education in human values are at the heart of the educational process is necessary for their flourishing confidence, a feeling in children and young people who are in an environment in which can rely on this fundamental trust, do the right thing is perceived as inherent to the basic nature of man, doing the right satisfies the spiritual yearning and produces coherence and meaning.

Latin Playroom

According to etymology, the word comes from the Latin Playroom 'ludos', which means game, party, which was attached to the word "theca" which means local storage box or something. However, the Toy Library is not just a place where games and toys are kept. I really can not be just a toy tank, as its main objective is to stimulate the child and family to play, offering a space and pre-sized toys, games and proposals for various entertainment activities through people (animators , recreationists, craftsmen, educators, Ludotecarios) to be prepared for these functions. According to etymology, the word comes from the Latin Playroom 'ludos', which means game, party, which was attached to the word "theca" which means local storage box or something. However, the Toy Library is not just a place where games and toys are kept. I really can not be just a toy tank, as its main objective is to stimulate the child and family to play providing a space and pre-sized toys, games and proposals of different entertainment activities through people (leaders, recreationists, craftsmen, educators, Ludotecarios) to be prepared for these functions. The Toy Library is a forum for expression ludocreativa, receiving a heterogeneity of children, whose role is to develop a co-educational program with opportunities for involvement of several generations. Provide recreational activities that do experience creativity from different materials, without neglecting the needs of social, cultural creation and permanent stimulus needed by the human growth. We consider the Toy Library as a children's leisure center that offers children a toy collection for use on the premises or to be borrowed.

Literature Education

Shakespeare's "Othello" describes a cruel chain of events ending in tragedy. This is one argument for and destruction caused by envy and malice of a man whose actions on behalf of revenge against a firm friend out of control, and go beyond reprisal, the conclusion is the loss of life through murder and suicide. Iago's activities appear to be guided by a combination of emotions normally resentment, greed and jealousy directed primarily towards Othello and indirectly another character. The following attempts to examine the possible reasons behind Iago's disposition of hatred. The main reason for the anger of Othello Iago is that professional jealousy, Iago's failure to obtain the position of Lieutenant of Othello's army, which has given to Michael Cassio, "a great arithmetic 1, 1, and a scholar that "the big three of the city" 1, 1 such as, he is recommending that the lieutenant is his "preference goes by letter and affection" 1, 1, the doing this Othello ignores the established chain of command where by "each second stood heir ro or" first "1, 1. Disregard grading Othello" old "1, 1 greatly offends Iago, he being the former lieutenant is his position that more than Cassio.

This feeling of resentment is deeply compounded since he believes it deserves more than a man who has "never set a squadron in the field, or the division of a battle knows" 1, 1. whom "his eyes had seen the proof" 1, 1, which is in the experience of war. Yago he has confidence in their own abilities in warfare (the peach in Act 1 seen a show this "I know my price, I better not worse a place") all of which are practically useless.

Dog Training

When you first start in the task of educating a dog, in this case we will refer exclusively to your own dog, which coexists with you. You always focus on what your dog is doing correctly. It is an essential point when the goal is to educate a dog step by step. Professional trainers of dogs around the world ensure their students that dogs should be rewarded everytime they do things well rather than punished for bad habits. This positive training method is in contrast with methods that are based on the punishment. Coaches recommend amos to promote and reward their dogs with affection before good behavior rather than punish them for bad behavior.

Be proactive with your dog and tries to get away to your dog’s bad behavior since the first instances of the training. Do not sleep to begin working with your dog, it is essential that you start early to avoid behaviors that then become in difficult to reverse. Remember that you have to count with a large dose of patience when it comes to educating a dog. One of the most important tips that provides its students with a dog trainer is good behavior is not only the responsibility of the dog. Train a dog may not be easy, but it can be very rewarding. Master every effort should made to avoid that your dog has the possibility of a bad attitude when it is within the learning process. For example, if you notice that your dog like you masticas things, it is important that you secure you everyone in your House to save his shoes in the cupboard to avoid so the temptation.

Assertive Behavior

If we don’t have bases as an ideal or a goal our character is weak, because these incentives paid the confidence in us to achieve the goals, or to comply with our ideology, generating an assertive behaviour with respect to our purposes; It means if say front and without fear in that it is believed and towards where you want to go, without no more interfere, this is nothing more than demonstrate our rights as thinking beings through assertive behavior. There are many factors that affect the lack of assertiveness, but the most important are: lack of character not have goal or objective lack of confidence in our abilities depend on others not always force to express our rights do not accept that we cannot mistake lack of beliefs and ideologies little cunning to the challenges. Adjust our character to others, only to be finally accepted Venezuelan management must take actions involving him to give way to the assertiveness is revealed, surprising in its imperfections, in how motivates, handles, understands their staff, how generate a harmonious climate and above all to keep it. It is necessary to wake up the confidence and self-esteem of staff, post as he is said if it does, is a brake on the development of assertiveness, affecting organizational behavior of the company. Considered as noted Cardenas, that every human being has the right to be who he is and to express what they think and feel. When this becomes assertive way ensures the utmost respect for others and for yourself.

An assertive style of conduct allows to communicate smoothly and effectively, as well as what must be our own position and provide information about how we would like others to act in the future. A good assertiveness ensures cohesion of groups, the spirit of belonging, respect, productivity. Lack of assertiveness in working life influences in a very meaningful way, as never receiving an increase, or a recognition, until losing the confidence of your superior or other co-workers, due to indecision and wrong judgments and labor behavior. Venezuelan management should pay more attention in pro to properly handle your assertiveness at work.

Modern Technologies

If the studio at the same time receive a large number of orders, it will allow her some time "to stay afloat, but today most studios are no longer competitive and close. The most effective way out of this provisions will be separation of duties. For example, instructing the process of developing the site of partners, you reduce the risk of bankruptcy, will reduce them virtually to nothing. Having entered into partnership with one of the large companies, you will be able to engage only in marketing and consulting clients. The development site will take on a partner. And while your studio will consist of only one man and work in peace without an office. How does pay specialists, which deals with technical issues? – You ask.

I was expecting this question, because I once asked him too. Modern technologies allow to automate the the process of creating Web sites to remove from the technical process the majority of routine manual work, thus saving the time of the developer. There are systems that can help you create a professional website in a relatively short period of time. Create a system of forces only major firm in the state where there are real professionals. But, having spent time and effort once the company uses this system for a long time, while having high performance. Of course, no system will replace the work of the designer, creating graphical layout of the site, and the coder, the filling site content, and these works are usually charged separately.

Viral Marketing

Intrigue – here is one of the most powerful levers of viral marketing. Today I will tell you about the methods of information transfer, which are unprecedented in their effectiveness, speed and cheapness. The idea virus has nothing to do with computer viruses and does not harm people. Viral marketing does not tolerate spam, and refers only to interested Internet users. It's no secret that traditional advertising is too intrusive and ineffective. In this case, after an advertising campaign demand falls.

What can maintain a constant interest in your product, service, site, you ask? The answer is – viral spread. Thanks to technology viral business, you get an ever-increasing traffic, which grows like the Big Bang into the universe. And all this time without your participation. What do you need to run like a virus? First of all, we need great idea. The idea is to benefit and please the people.

Like the idea should be so that users wanted to share it with your friends and acquaintances. If the idea is good, then we will have no problem with that asked to place our links and articles owners of large thematic resources and newsletters for its target audience. It is also important to develop your own personal brand. The vast majority of resources Russian-language Internet unnamed or simply indicate the name or nickname – for a company or product does not see a particular author. Your future clients or partners want to know whom they entrust their money and time. The next moment, the to keep in mind – you need to know your target audience and apply it to her. For example, if your site or newsletter about real estate, you should not apply to people engaged in breeding purebred dogs, etc. Finish an article like that today, if you have the knowledge and experience in their fields and have a quality and popular original content that you want to share for free, then make a name for himself on the Internet without any cost is not a problem. With all the ensuing emotional moments. I've listed the basic principles of viral marketing – now it's up to you. I wish you good luck and new achievements!