Category Archives: General

Take Risks

The fear of failure is what often distances us from achieving the things that we want, but the term failure is subjective, we cannot afford to call it that if we stay with this result, but if we see it as a process in which we have to learn the outcome will be a resounding success, never hesitate. The majority of people are looking for safety and stability, it is certain that absolute security does not exist on any side or business, then the most sensible thing is go to challenge life through the continuous improvement, not stopping, never trust. How to overcome that fear? It must be done gradually with continuous actions so that our mind adapts to the new idea, why you think that many people failing in their new business ideas and lose everything? There are two main reasons, firstly they do not have enough experience and they may not have adequately investigated the category and another that is the most important is that their minds have failed to associate the new business idea. Begin set small goals, inquire, ask, follow the guide people who have the necessary experience to give advice of wisdom, the control begins to achieve small successes from, why in the book the secret of the power of the goals of Andrew Corentt emphasizes us the importance of having a plan well-structured, seek compliance and measuring our results. You should analyze your desire and ask the following questions among many how I will feel once I achieve my goal?, will the achievement of this goal affect other people?, I know the collateral effect of achieving my goal will bring implicit?, do I’m willing to give all of my order to achieve my goal?, does that goal makes me better person?will I be happy?, this goal is consistent with my principles and values?, do I have sufficiently analysed the advantages and disadvantages of this road and see that there are greater benefits? These questions are a small example, the methodology to set powerful goals is actually much more structured, but something important is to get the sincerity of our State inside, if we discover that everything is in harmony with our beliefs and that that goal will give us better balance, fullness and in general a better lifestyle, then we are on the correct path. .

Salamander With Attractive Discounts

Shoe bargains for Germany’s most expensive domain started only recently fully through. Customers already benefit from the ShoppingStar”, a weekly changing articles, which is offered at a special discount. Now the online Department store, thanks to the cooperation with salamander offers more savings, this time specifically in the footwear segment. Who now shop around for new shoes, should take a look at the pages of Boots and Stiefletten, sneakers and pumps are offered here particularly cheap.

Contrary to the salamander stores customers get a discount of 20 percent on their shoe shopping. No matter whether it’s Buffalo, Mustang, Gabor or salamander itself the portal offers its customers a wide range of brands. On the home PC can click customers alone through the rich offer and benefit from the individual payment methods: credit card, paypal, bank transfer or direct debit are available here. The shoes are then easily delivered home. But even those who’d rather directly in the Business want to shop, come not too short. There is then a voucher to the value of five euros for to shopping at salamander. This can be redeemed until December 31, 2009 and from a purchase value of 50 euros in the online Department store for clothing, software, technology, toys and all other categories except books. An ideal solution for all Christmas shopping. More information: press / contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Innovation With Real Added Value:

Christmascall instead of Christmas card by Cruiser on time at the beginning of the advent season will again reach many Christmas greetings of your cooperation partners and business associates your company. However, some Christmas-E-mail or Christmas card is not always your gutgemeintes target or the correct addressee. There are reasons enough for: due to the variety of good wishes at the end of a successful fiscal year, it can happen quite a card or E-Mail once go unanswered. You perish utterly in the crowd. Also changes resulted in 2009 in many companies: some contacts have changed or decisions are now made at a different location. High time to go yet new ways of effective customer dialogue.

With the innovative Christmascall instead of a traditional Christmas card. By Cruiser dialogue marketing. Cruiser calls the right”to contact on your behalf and send him your Christmas greetings. With best wishes to the successful start in 2010. Triple good simply better:, We check if your former partner is still up-to-date Weihnachtscall by cruiser. We find and contact the new for you if necessary. You have a permanent positive impression. Guaranteed excellent customer loyalty. Enterprise: Cruiser dialogue Marketing GmbH at the ham book 18 D 53340 Meckenheim phone: + 49 (2225) 8393-0 fax: + 49 (2225) 8393-199 E-Mail: website: Kreuzer stands for competence in the field of outbound call center/telemarketing, market survey and sales outsourcing in the B2B (business to business). As a full service provider Cruiser project competences span from the company headquarters in London all international markets, country-specific and multilingual handled with the help of around 80 employees.

Electronic Ink

Bulky books can say goodbye the numbers are impressive. While it is almost a natural phenomenon in the States, you go slowly in German households. Our good old books are replaced by their digital successors on electronic ink. According to the latest Federal static figures according to first more digital copies acquired in the first half of 2012 in Germany of books than its counterpart to the bound pages. “A very charged issue, the company” certainly seems to polarize.

The love their digital ink now, others simply need the feeling of a ‘clunky’ book in his hand. But what is the appeal of the good old book in the rule / dust to leave and to access to the new modern twist to iPad and co.? Of course, the current eBook Reader offer many practical benefits, they are very handy with its relatively flat dimensions are and let take this well in the backpack or handbag. Another plus is certainly also, the digital copies to Faust, Kafka and co. as data collection will need relatively little space and store this way to thousands on the same reader. The storage should be more surprising way is not sufficient, then the data can be with little effort easily by the iPad delete and transfer to a medium of his choice.

Certainly, the last doubts that need to be cleaned from the world concern the core activity around the reading of documents. Many are not aware, or rather how words should be, for example, the display of the iPad or Amazon Kindl able and reproduce records in full sharpness not imagine to. The solution is very simple since Amazon’s release of its Kindle, E-Ink eBook reader writes a success story, which end has yet to ink must be written. So it’s a matter of time until only digital documents be disseminated? Possibly, but the cozy evening at home with a cup of tea and a book in his hand will favorite hobby almost certainly be for indefinite of German.

Booming Online Sales

All electronic devices is one of electronics shops offer both Brown and white goods. Brown goods means all devices that have no white housing such as televisions, computers and video recorders. The white goods are mainly electronic appliances. Electronics, there are today not only in the specialized shops, but also especially in discount stores, where consumers can get special bargain devices showing no shortcomings in relation to their performance. There are cheap TVs or cheap headphones not only off and on on offer in a special electronics shop, but also to buy at the discount store. Many consumers shop online, because they quickly get products to home from there.

Especially because you must ensure that electronic devices only on the technical information on the design, which you can do easily reachable also from home on a Web page, the online purchase of such products is a special advantage for the Customers. Many electronics retailer have in addition established also an online shop to its stores, so that different shopping options available to their customers. If you want to save on shipping costs, you can get order the goods in many electronics shops to a branch nearby, then from there shipping to pick them. Who still don’t want to miss out on a personal consultation or previously see the device and wants to test, is today still many small and large electronics stores, which he can visit. Shops offer not only the latest highlights of electronic devices, but also bargain cheap television electronics.

So one finds there cheap TV, washing machines, computers and cheap headphones, CD players and food processors. It is advised to look at various devices and providers to find out the lowest prices before you decide for one of the devices. You can do easily in the Internet that, to determine whether you can also really want to buy a cheap device. Customers can use different websites to compare providers with the same products on the basis of price. It is worth, if consumers against purchasing compare different providers to not be tricked with an artificial fall in prices. Also the periodic brochures from any electronics shop present special offers. Each consumer receives a guarantee for every electronic device. Because the warranty can be change also cheap TV or cheap headphones, when they no longer go through no fault of its own. Often after the complaint comes then a responsible shipping company home, that picks up the broken part and brings a new device or the product will be exchanged by mail. More info on cheap TV


Future memory cards and USB flash drives put on Samsung 128 GB NAND-Flash time just start a complete Linux distribution from a USB-stick or quickly record an HD video using the digital camera. NAND Flash memory technology is reflected in countless digital devices of daily life. But often enough overlooked also, that this technology can also fail. NAND Flash memory chips now look back on a history of two decades and the development of always hoherkapazitaren NAND Flash memory for use in smartphones, SD memory cards and USB sticks always progresses. 128 GB Flash memory chips are the future of NAND memory. So, Samsung recently announced the mass production of 128 GB NAND on and they will find their future entry into many new devices and storage media right in the short term.

Also the IT giant Apple is working on a next generation of new device lines and also here, NAND memory will be used. Among other things is also the MacBook Pro. With the mass production of always but the risk of failure and data loss involved rises higher storage capacities per NAND chip, due to firmware damage or physical damage to the NAND or the controller. Storage devices, be it NAND Flash or conventional hard disk drive technology, can fail unexpectedly at any time. The risk of increasing Speichkapatiaten is also connected to an ever higher risk of data loss. NAND wafer found in countless different storage media and devices, for example in smartphones, iPhone and iPads, laptops, SD and SDHC cards as well as USB flash drives. The higher the max resolution of a conventional digital camera, the higher is the likelihood that the user these maximum picture quality also wants to use, because he wants to achieve the best possible result.

The best result is always also a corresponding space on the respective card. This now comes it to a physical defect or failure Memory card, so a photo retailer or an also an IT specialist dealer can determine only that he can’t help. Specialized companies of the memory card data recovery are needed here, which have the necessary tools and machines, as well as the Know-How to be able to read the NAND Flash memory securely and reliably and to be able to recreate the lost believed data from this. Data recovery from Flash-based storage media is already a long way behind. But the technology developed so rapidly, that also to be deployed methods, such as for the USB stick data recovery, permanently change.

Focus: Foundations

Do good and save at the same time taxes the Foundation makes it possible you must mean not Alfred Nobel or be a famous TV star, to engage socially with his KapiTal and to establish a foundation. It is for art and culture, for the children and youth welfare or for the protection of the animal. There is also nothing objectionable, that by the way even more taxes can be save with the Foundation. Who has ever thought about the creation of a Foundation, know one thing very well: here it MEXICO is not around any charitable donation. Rather the aim is to set a fortune, with which the Foundation can permanently serve an exactly definierten purpose during his lifetime or by will. Liberty of course the founder, to determine the objective of his social Engagements itself. The civil code (BGB) only says that the purpose of the Foundation must not endanger the common good. What advantages does the founder? Dr.

Doris Schroder-Weber, “Lawyer and beraterin for prevention and Foundation issues, gives a clear answer: who establishes a Foundation, can among other things an important contribution to the public welfare, regulate the succession, virtually unlimited to preserve his life’s work – and tax benefits by the way actually even.” As far as actually a good and clear thing, but the devil is as you know in the detail! For example, in the State laws that govern the complex framework of an establishment of the Foundation on the basis of the civil code. Therefore, Dr. Schroder-Weber recommends all future donors learned to accompany their plans to leave. As a lawyer and member of the German Association for inheritance law and property succession (DVEV), she knows the GESetze and regulations. In addition, it cooperates closely with the Federal Association of German foundations.

What save the issue of taxes ‘ concerns, so Dr. Doris Schroder Weber relies on the ErfahrunGen of competent tax advisor. If the Foundation serve to regulate the succession, that happens in cooperation with lawyers who specialize in corporate law and contract law. Dr. Doris Schroder Weber: Experience, patience and empathy Dr. Doris Schroder Weber is equally advocate and consultant. Sensitive and prudent in dealing with your clients and customers – but also adamant in asserting their interests. Some spectacular cases that were present both in television and in newspapers, emphasize their expertise in family law. Living will, health care proxy, execution of the will or a Foundation – Dr. Schroder-Weber offers an exceptional service all who wish their advice: also visited their clients on request in the familiar home environment to find a suitable solution together.

Nehring Association

Berger: VDI has the district Club promoted after the reunification growing together Germany’s persistent Berlin-Brandenburg of the Association of German engineers (VDI) celebrates on Sunday the 60th anniversary of its re-founding after the second world war. The official entry in the register of associations dated on January 24, 1950. VDI had been dissolved by law of the Allied Control Council by October 10, 1945, as he was more and more to subject to the complete control of the Nazi party in the Third Reich. The unofficial existence of the Club ended on September 1, 1949, by the signing of the license to the Refoundation by Ernst Reuter, the Statute was created with date of November 2, 1949. “The VDI in Berlin after the war by the revival of the special interest groups crucial technical reconstruction cooperated and sustainably promoted growing together in Germany after the reunification by the integration of the East German engineers and the transformation of the District Association of Berlin in the Berlin-Brandenburg regional association,” said the Chairman of the district Berlin-Brandenburg, Ulrich Berger, on Sunday in Berlin. That the Association and its members could be proud. Today, it is important to secure the future through the promotion of technical scientists. On the occasion of the anniversary the District Association has invited all surviving Board members at a ceremony on January 29, 2010, in representation of the Berlin economy Senator Harald Wolf of whose Secretary of State Jeffery is attended by Nehring-Venus.

Said to have been 70 members who participated in the last 60 years responsible place in the development of the Association. The VDI is considered one of the world’s most important networks and knowledge markets for engineers and scientists, and is recognized as the leading spokesman of engineers, engineers and technology in professional circles and the general public. The regional association of Berlin-Brandenburg is one of 45 VDI district clubs. He is responsible for the care of its approximately 6,000 members and all interested in technology in its region. Contact: Detlef Untermann of press officer of VDI Berlin Brandenburg, Germany Tel.: + 49 30 84312127 fax: + 49 30 84312128 who is considered one of the world’s most important networks and knowledge markets VDI for engineers and scientists and is in professional circles and the general public recognized as the leading spokesman of engineers, engineers and technology. The regional association of Berlin-Brandenburg is one of 45 VDI district clubs.

He is responsible for the care of its approximately 6,000 members and all interested in technology in its region. The Chairman of the District Association is Prof. Dr.-ing. Ulrich Berger. The Landesverband Berlin-Brandenburg is the VDI interests at State level and? Contact person for the Government, the House of representatives, Chambers, industry and civil society groups. He has also the task to improve the cooperation with other scientific and technological institutions.

Heinz Sielmann Foundation

The Lerautal in the natural parkland Oberpfalzer Wald is in the final of the competition ‘The Heinz Sielmann Foundation is looking for the most beautiful natural wonders of in Germany!’ With its vast forests, the natural parkland Oberpfalzer Wald ( is one of the most beautiful low mountain range landscapes in southern Germany. Therefore, the Lerautal with the Wolfsklamm LOH was now (located to in Leuchtenberg located in the nature park region) nominated for the election of the most beautiful German forest region. During the summer holidays – between June 29 and September 13, 2010 – the Heinz Sielmann Foundation together with (, the umbrella organisation EUROPARC Germany presents the national parks, UNESCO biosphere reserves and nature parks, selected landscapes in Germany. This year is the natural wonders ‘Forest’ in the Center. Because forest is not only important as a place of rest, he is our largest supplier of oxygen and vital functions in regulating the climate. You can participate in the vote on the homepage of the Sielmann Foundation ( natural wonders). There also a weekend for 2 people with an overnight stay in the winners nature landscape, an annual subscription to the magazine will be geographic national”and is giving away 15 DVDs by Heinz Sielmann.

Foundation Law

Foundations are still underestimated the decision to build a foundation that requires a lot of preliminary decisions: legal and tax aspects, but also fundamental decisions for the purpose and form of the future Foundation are very important. Aim is always, to determine the optimal implementation of the idea. Each Foundation is unique and is formed from the respective situation and according to the wishes and needs of its founder. This offers many advantages and possibilities the donor no matter whether self-employed or trust. A good advice is important here. The project should be built from the initial idea to well thought out. Any questions should not defer the donor but to be clarified with experienced founders, or better yet, an experienced lawyer.

A good example of this is lawyer Dr. Lutz Forster, which for many years the Foundation right has specialized in and just know to pay attention to what Mr. Here it is in relation to the Foundation Law well hedged, so serious errors are ruled out. The idea of the purpose of the Foundation can have many wallpapers. The desire, you might like to build a 2nd pillar part-time, his life’s work may use or after death to secure one to help a seriously ill loved ones. But also the tax advantages are not to have the hand.

Unfortunately many people don’t dare to the step, though this is really very good to realize a good assistance. Maybe we hear soon from your own Foundation, we would be pleased, because each Foundation is a real winner. V. Edwards