Category Archives: General

Miami Beach Is A Journey Worth

Nightlife, Art Deco, summer, Sun, beach, that’s Miami Beach in South of Florida, United States. Miami is located in South of Florida. Just a few kilometres away, on an island, Miami Beach. Miami Beach is the scene – destination in the United States. Miami Beach is a tourist resort since the 1920s. Earlier, sugar cane was cultivated here.

Between 1920 and 1950, many buildings and also hotels in the Art Deco style were built. In the 1980s as a Miami Beach for drugs and crime was known, the television show Miami Vice brought the turnaround. Investors came back and Miami Beach became what it is today. The Art Deco buildings have been lovingly restored and are now among other things. with ocean drive a spectacular backdrop. Many films such as Scarface, the bird Gage, bad boys 2, fast 2 furious were filmed in Miami Beach. The famous TV series CSI Miami is filmed however studios in California Hollywood not in Miami, but in the. Miami Beach is known for its nightclubs.

Along Washington Avenue, there are many excellent nightclubs. There s party life begins there from 10:00 until 05:00. Nikki Beach is located directly on the beach. If you’re lucky, you can meet the one or the other Star there. Some of the most beautiful and most prestigious hotels are located directly on the sands of Miami Beach. Above all, the Loews is known. The ocean drive is only a few metres from the kilometre-long sandy beach. The beach is cleaned every morning. Among other things because of his turquoise blue water, the sands of Miami Beach among the best beaches in the United States. Can bathing in Miami Beach all year round. The temperatures in Miami Beach can be also times below 10 degrees Celsius in the winter in strong north winds. Very rarely there is even frost. Cold weather keeps but only a few days before the temperatures again in the winter are between 20 and 30 degrees. These mild temperatures also make sure, that Miami Beach is very popular for commercials in the winter. There are elaborate photo shoots every day on the beach with the most beautiful women and men of the world. A visit to Miami Beach is always worthwhile. In the summer the temperatures are very hot. The period from autumn to spring is ideal for a trip to Miami Beach. Michael Muller

Udo Exhibition

\”News from Udo A. Since early March 2009 presents the painter Udo A. Heinrich Heinrich his works within the framework of the exhibition the kind of freedom\” at the Salon del Arte on the famous Calle 8 in Miami. Florida travelers can visit the exhibition until April 6, 2009. The whole world celebrates the historic change in the United States – with the hope of peace. Under this motto the exhibition was the kind of freedom even on March 07, 2009\”in the Salon del Arte opened in Miami. To the joint exhibition, at which each present two of her works various artists in different Nations, the Organizer reported already now extraordinarily high visitor numbers. The Leipzig art painter Udo A.

Heinrich is the personal invitation and presented his current painting he had dreams – and yes, we can? \”, which shows the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, the American flag and Martin Luther King.\” Udo A. Heinrich shows Obama as a beacon of hope and thus goes on the idealism Martin Luther Kings one, also the way for Obama’s Presidency has been prepared by its courage and imagination for freedom and peace. \”\” The second image Crusades? \”shows George W. Bush a crusader and thus playing on Bush’s crusade against evil\” on. The President of Gallery, Jose Luis Guerra Polanco, paid tribute to this special portraits as \”of high artistic quality and impressive expressiveness\” and rated the images as important for my country\”. \”The exhibits come from the series profiles + connections\”, in which Udo A. Heinrich the interplay between art, politics and current Affairs deals with. Through the correspondence between the persons shown in the foreground and background, associated the spiritual or historical connection to the viewer and is stimulated to an intellectual engagement with the contemporary and historical structures of power\”, according to the artist about his work.

Nonprofit European Rating Agency

Bonn forest investment provider forest finance under first signatories / online support possible for. In particular in their creditworthiness to devalue the rating agency standard & poor’s announcement BBs (S & P) in December, Europe in General and Germany and France, sparked a justifiable outrage. More importantly however was that this announcement of pro-cyclical drove the crisis and devalued the euro. Previous raters – little sustainable, profit-driven and hostile to Europe: credit rating agencies are so far gewinnorientierte company that professional to assess the creditworthiness of companies and States. The world’s largest credit rating agencies of Moody’s, BBs and Fitch standard & poor sitting in the United States. Accused these agencies awarding some unrealistically good ratings long signaled a far too low risk market participants to have given false information and incentives to financial markets as a result. The result was the US housing bubble, the world banks and States enormous problems made.

A very positive assessment of the creditworthiness of the United States, which is seemingly detached from their high debt levels and strong of rising borrowing is also striking at US credit rating agencies. No Europe copy of U.S. rating agencies, but charitable and sustainable rating agency: The German Environment Foundation sets here on a clear counter program sustainability: it must be created a non-profit and based on criteria of sustainability rating agency in Europe, which is not neo-liberalism. This endeavor supported now, among others, Heiner Geissler, Heide Simonis and Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker by several hundred people. Heiner Geissler,: “I support the creation of a non-profit, sustainable and European credit rating agency, because the ratings as we know them today, are neither sustainable nor fair or transparent. You have wrong standards which increase poverty, destroy the nature and the real economy as States ruin.

The Club

To try out in practice, helping at an early professional orientation. “Carolina Bohm: we bring together therefore, schools and businesses.”In the last year alone 20 cooperation agreements concluded with companies, which provide students with internships, operational days or even presentations on industry issues. An important element to set promising course for the professional journey of discovery, see the SPI consult GmbH in the cluster. This is based on the analysis of promising sectors of the economy and employment in the region of Berlin and Brandenburg. Professionals, the requirement is therefore primarily the health economy, energy technology, mobility, logistics, information and communications technology, media and creative industries as well as optics – and micro system technology, as well as in trade and services, as well as traffic. To bring diverse professional profiles young people, works in a different way. F there’s no schema.

The individual winners and schools use different modules”, white Carolina Bohm. With a total FORUM vocational training cooperates ten integrated secondary schools and high schools in various districts of Berlin. The Club employs various thematic workshops and methods depending on the grade level and education. So made a short film on the subject of career choice”for example the Georg Werth school. For each student, the individual search shall be according to the appropriate professional goal in the foreground. “But there is still a side-effect,” finds the Marie Krause-important: the workshops to encourage at the career choice to be aligned the interests, strengths, and talents and to look around versatile “FORUM vocational training such as offers the possibility to get to know different exciting professions (Charlottenburg str. 2, 10969 Berlin) every Wednesday at 17: 00. On 5 August 2013, the next training start again at FORUM vocational training. More information at training (Adrienne Kommler)

Web Conference

This brings back Markus Bleher, inter alia on the different solutions offered by Arkadin. It is important that the right solution is selected and used for the specific requirement.” The requirements and wishes of the companies concerning the functions and operational models of Web conferences are often very individual and different. Therefore, Arkadin offers currently three solutions which support virtual collaboration via Web Conference. ArkadinAnywhere, our standard solution for Web conferencing, distinguishes itself especially through simple and intuitive use and allows, for example, instant access from a browser with no software installation, as well as the sharing of documents and desktop with a single click. Adobe Connect powered by Arkadin is our recommendation for users with higher demands on the individual design and customization options. It is a All-in one-tool, that supports both standard telephony and Voice over IP”, summarizes Markus Bleher. With Cisco WebEx provided by Arkadin we turn finally to experienced users who frequently and intensively together working on projects.

Adobe like also Cisco WebEx offer as an optional function very good resolution., including the transmission of video in good” The next few years, Bleher in Germany expected a still increasing demand for Web conferencing. We see virtually all companies that employ an appropriate solution, that the employees are initially somewhat hesitant. Are safe after the first positive experience and as soon as the employees in dealing with the services, so the usage continues to grow always strong.” The firm is one of the leading global service providers for location independent collaboration. Arkadin offers a wide range of collaboration solutions, ranging from audio, Web and video conferencing and unified communications. With its user-friendly and Arkadin supports cost-effective offerings worldwide about 26,000 enterprises of all types and sizes. Arkadin contributes to massive productivity gains through effective ways of communication and cooperation. In a global network of 51 branches in 30 countries on five continents, Arkadin provides its business solutions as software-as-a-service-model and enables its customers in this way, providing rapid, scalable deployment with high ROI. Contact: ARKADIN Germany GmbH Markus Bleher (Managing Director) said road 51 60326 Frankfurt Tel + 49 69 4272962-18 fax: + 49 69 4272962-19 email:

Rise Of Congress: Exciting Lectures – Varied Programme

Varied program including participants can expect presentations exciting an attractive package out again at the open Conference of the German College for prevention and health management, high-calibre speakers and a varied supporting programme with Congress Party, partner’s exhibition and Congress lounge even 2013. The first day of the Congress is the sign of the success factors for companies”. This involves questions such as: what are the key success factors in the industry? How can they influenced, opportunities and thus the competitiveness of secured long-term? Successful entrepreneurs are in their presentations explain how they have built their business tips and strategies, to develop, consolidate successes and develop new markets. Experts will give information such as marketing strategies. The factor essential in the services industry staff will focus on.

On the second day presentations in the specialized forums, exercise, nutrition, management and operational are proven way Health management program. The Congress programme is rounded off by a diverse programme and others with Congress Party, partner’s exhibition and Congress lounge. Diverse services at top prices: know-how: the Congress provides much input for their own policies and programmes. Meeting place: Meet colleagues and students to exchange ideas. Contacts: Build up contacts to industry professionals and the fitness industry. Exhibition: The Congress partners will present their offers in the context of a small exhibition participants. Congress Party: Even 2013 there is a Congress Party with live music, a meeting place for all Congress participants.

Cheap travel: you can for example with Deutsche Bahn cheap Mannheim go. Cheap accommodation: there are different offers in all price categories. Value for money: Comprehensive package from Congress, party and exhibition at an affordable price. Transport links, hotels and nights Mannheim has hotels and Accommodation of all categories. Top houses up to the Inn. Approximately 5,500 rooms that are easy to reach on foot can be found alone in the vicinity of the m: con Congress Center.

SLM Solutions 2013

The pioneers from prototyping to production are lined up more than 1,200 companies this year to present especially clever and useful products and business strategies. Since 2006, the industry award in the best and most advanced companies in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland awards annually for new media GmbH the Huber Verlag. Any size business can compete in 14 categories. The star-studded jury gives the award for outstanding and innovative industry solutions. The selective laser melting system SLM 500 HL has prevailed over many other high-quality applications and above all by properties such as the high degree of innovation and product benefits convinced the jury. The selective laser melting system 500 HL SLM unites the most powerful system for a powder bed-based laser melting system and carries out the decisive step towards production technique in additive manufacturing.

In the production process is up to 7 times higher Patternless compared to building rates so far prominent generative systems achieved. Already the industry prize was awarded for the seventh time. SLM solutions gained third place in the category of optical technologies”. Managing Director Hans Ihde is very proud of the award. “We did it in a short time, to catapult us with diligence and innovation in the leading positions. A dedicated and competent team behind SLM solutions.

It is us a great honor to receive this recognition from a third party that inspires us all for the future”, to Henner Schoneborn, CTO and member of the Executive Board of the SLM Solutions GmbH. About SLM Solutions GmbH, the SLM Solutions GmbH, manufacturer of machines for small series and Pro types production in Lubeck, Germany, supports its customers for more than 50 years with solutions in the fields of vacuum casting, metal casting and selective laser melting. Focus industries of the SLM solutions are the automotive industry, educational institutions, consumer electronics, aerospace, and medical technology. As a pioneer and Technology leader develops, designs and constructs SLM solutions technical and economic solutions for the benefit of their customers. SLM solutions brings many years of experience in the rapid manufacturing plant construction a, dominated the processes and has cross-industry know-how. SLM solutions has built their reputation and their expert knowledge in the market under the company names HEK GmbH, MCP HEK Tooling GmbH and last MTT technologies GmbH. The separation of the MTT group in 2010 allowed SLM solutions efforts in the development and manufacture of innovative products and solutions for generative (ALM / SLM) to expand System techniques and to serve the global sales and service network more closely. Contact: Stefan Ritt SLM Solutions GmbH Roggenhorster Strasse 9 c 23556 Lubeck telephone: 0451 / 16082 0 fax: 0451 / 16082 250 press contact: Hans Kemeny German marketing consulting Berliner Strasse 2 b 23611 bad Schwartau telephone: 0451 / 284363 fax: 0451 / 284370

Aviation Administration

Since the 50s of the 20th century science fiction writers urged that by the early 21st century, all earthlings everywhere will use a hybrid of airplane and car. Meanwhile, more than samples, it is not moved, although attempts were made as a Soviet designers, as well as from foreign – which costs only A-40 airframe, aircraft Antonov-based T-60. Meanwhile, in 2006, ambitious engineers of the company Terrafugia proposed the concept of a flying car with called Transition. The other day the manufacturer announced the opening of the plant to produce a flying car Transition in Massachusetts. The number of orders for unusual vehicle has reached 70.

Those who wish to add to the list of proposed changes avanv $ 10 000. Who does not remember what it's all over the machine, a little help. The very history of this vehicle began in 2006. Then, four years ago, the designers claimed that flying cars will be sold in 2009, and a cost Toys will be $ 150 000. It was a great number of predictions – as early as 2009, when the prototype of the Transition has been manufactured and tested in the sky, the price rose to $ 50 000 immodest, and term deliveries postponed to 2011. The company now says that the price of its unusual flying cars will be between $ 200 000 to $ 250 000. The final value will be announced later. For comparison, a light single propeller aircraft in Europe can be bought for about $ 110,000, but, of course, on the highway to go on it impossible.

Meanwhile, for success in the market is still very important to this invention is officially classified as a light sport aircraft, because a pilot's license for this type of machine to get much easier. Unfortunately, as engineers have not tried to reduce structural weight, maximum takeoff weight of a flying car is still out equal to 650 kilograms. And it's on poltsentnera more than bar set for the said class of aircraft devices. And then the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decided to accommodate the manufacturer. Transition to an exception was made: last June allowed the FAA to collect a convertible aircraft 'excess of 50 kg. " According to the manufacturer, the 50 pounds are just those things that distinguish the car from flying conventional aircraft. And these are the elements that are required to meet the road safety standards: air bags, durable and energy-absorbing interior cell zone deformation of the body. Now Terrafugia building bold plans for the future. In a press release it says: "After the enthusiastic response to the presentation of the design the next generation of Transition in Oshkosh, we build two prototypes. One will be intense road tests, and the second will be used to complete the certification test. " Hard to say, whether there is a bright concept car, aircraft insurance against the failure of the whole business idea. But now the owners of Transition promised increased security. Package includes new emergency parachute which can withstand all the machine entirely.


Welinton Dos Santos is economist With high of 12% by vol. of sales in the first semester of the 2009 in comparison the same period of the passed year, previously the crisis, shows the increase of the interest for the trusts, as one of the alternatives of safe investment. They had been 924,4 a thousand new vendidas quotas of January the June. In the June month it was commercialized 170 a thousand new quotas, record registered in the period since 2005, according to ABAC. The System of Trusts, counts today on 3,67 million participants.

The quotas contemplated in the first semester add 468,2 a thousand, a 22,3% increase, remembering that the contemplation is the moment that the joined corporate shareholder can acquire the good. When acquiring a trust, becomes necessary to consider item as tax of administration, types of insurances, requirements in the release of the goods, as demanded guarantees, beyond verifying that what was promised in propaganda it consists in contract, not to be been deceptive. When buying a quota also is always necessary to verify all the expenditures, percentages of the installments and stated period of duration of the group, is advisable to pay to a safe unemployment and safe from life for repayment of quotas in case of death of the joined one or in case of difficulties provoked for the unemployment. To attempt against itself not to assume a superior installment 20% of the familiar gross income, therefore, the increase of the good tends to more go up than the wage in the time. This module of purchase is advantageous, being free of interests, for payments in day, what it becomes adequate the financial investment the necessities of its pocket, but remembers that although class, or in the telephone above.

Five Senses Fountain

Create different avenues to cover the orientation in the garden: an alley, covered with gravel, grass, tiles, with rammed earth, etc. The concept and the specific arrangement private garden finds its application in many gardens, such as the garden of five senses in Nantes, which for its equipment, adaptation, zones of interest and the environment is the epitome of the new concept and the original organization of special gardens. Garden of Five Senses was designed so that everyone could best spend time in it: he was in some way adapted for the visually impaired. Garden polifunktsionalen, it affects simultaneously in various senses: – sensitive perception (hearing, sight, smell, touch) – psychological perception (meditation, reflection, serenity, peace, joy, leisure, etc.) Source enrichment – anyone can in this environment to find food for the perception by adaptation and harmonization of forms, heights and colors. In the arrangement of the garden, located on an island off the coast of Beaulieu, Loire, involving a number organizations that provide for him the necessary equipment.

This is a very frequented area of Nantes. However, the determining factor in choosing the location of the garden was the presence of a musical conservatory. It is a garden – purlieu blind and visually impaired. To provide an opportunity to experience all five senses, was created by a number of original objects: – musical fountain – sundial – a piggy bank odors; tracks. In addition, the regeneration bothered about using materials with different texture, perceived by touch. Musical fountain – a structure of stainless steel sculptor Onelio Viljandi: The musical fountain is created as a source of life and movement soaring jet calm mirror surface of the pool.