Celeris Group Shows

Celeris group has been involved in the exhibition Penguin Madrid located in the Metro Madrid Nuevos Ministerios station to know that one of solidarity penguins players belongs to the Spanish Federation for rare diseases (Feder) and Grupo Fundosa. As all know group Celeris collaborates continuously with Grupo Fundosa, a business division created by the ONCE Foundation in 1989 with the aim of generating and managing employment for people with disabilities. The news is that if you’ve walked a bit through Madrid lately you may have found with a somewhat peculiar sculptures, group Celeris refers to the decorated giant penguins who populated different streets of the center of Madrid. These sculptures were, as you can imagine, a solidarity purpose: to raise awareness and raise funds for groups with special needs. Each Penguin was designed by an artist, sponsored by a public and linked to a solidarity project character. In the case ERDF Penguin, that sponsoring Fundosa Groupe has been designed by Kukuxumusu and has the sponsorship of brothers William and Carla Campra. The past August 2 group Celeris was informed about the move that made these solidarity penguins to Nuevos Ministerios station. From that day all passed to reside in one of the most emblematic stations in Madrid waiting for its charity auction next September. Among 20 penguins exposed, Celeris group has shown its support in particular to the ERDF and Grupo Fundosa, Penguin an initiative developed with the aim of improving the quality of life for people with rare diseases. Celeris group wants to encourage you all to collaborate with this initiative, so can do it via SMS by sending the word ERDF to the 28011. The collection (1.20 euros per SMS) will go entirely to the Federation. Celeris group has always wanted to be linked to actions like this, since it gives an opportunity improve the expectancy and quality of life of those affected and their families, because it promotes problem solving, social change, the power of the people through the exercise of their rights, their release and the union of others affected by the same pathology to overcome the isolation barrier. From Celeris group we want to remind you that aid of Fundosa to Penguin of ERDF, coupled with what is obtained through the auction of the Penguin and the solidary SMS campaign, will serve to improve the quality of life of people affected by those known as rare diseases, diseases that occur at a very low percentage of the population.