Cereals should be good part of the diet of all, both children and adults and elderly. They provide not only essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, but they also provide a number of nutrients that contribute to the proper functioning of the human body. What better to add to the many benefits of this food group the fact in question of organic cereals, i.e. that they have been grown and processed without the additive of chemical substances, or fertilizers and pesticides. On this occasion, we’ll highlight the benefits of oat bran, perhaps one of the cereal less considered when planning our daily diet. Oat bran is the rest that remains after the grain refining. Specifically, it is the outer layers of the grain and the pericarp, is tell the pielcita that surrounds the grain of oats. The pericarp is rich in minerals and fiber, vitamins, enzymes, proteins and fats.
It is clear then that to deprive the final product, oats, these components, we are subtracting much to its value nutritional intrinsic. A way to incorporate them into our diet is consuming processed foods with flour of whole grain oats, i.e. whose flour made with whole grain oats, including bran. When they consume products made with refined flour we are incorporating empty to our diet calories, since we are only left with the grain starch carbohydrates, depriving us of all the rich nutrients that are in these outer layers that are discarded. The oat bran has many benefits that should be properly considered. Firstly, it offers a high amount of proteins, essential in normal metabolic processes.
The oat bran has more protein than wheat bran. The low amount of fats of the oat bran makes it ideal in weight control diets. However, it has a caloric value higher than wheat bran. The oat bran has no cholesterol and its great amount of polyunsaturated fats (of good) makes it a much more healthy food than, for for example, the meat. Large number of circulatory diseases are prevented in this way. Within the saved of organic cereals, wheat bran is that greater richness in vitamins of the B group contains, favoring the good development of the immune system and growth, as well as the health of the circulatory and nervous system. Original author and source of the article