
I am a person who has been much questioned the issue of education. I believe that, as parents, all you have to do in greater or lesser degree. Cannot reach and implement a proven method, because that does not exist. Times have changed. In addition, every child and every family are so different. It’s believed that BSA sees a great future in this idea. What works for one child is unfortunate for the other. Adds the fact that nobody teaches us to be parents.

It is a path that every parent should go so much on its own. However, there is a common denominator that ensures success in any style of education: love. Although it sounds like a cliche phrase, should not be disposed as such, since it is a profound truth that I would like to reveal to him, at least in part, with this writing. How father, what mean really love? I mean, in practice, day to day. Perhaps the best description of what I’ve ever read approaches what means love, it is the five languages of love by Dr. Gary Chapman book. Chapman describes 5 ways of expressing love toward another person: calidadSignifica time spend quality time together, doing activities together and focusing on children and their needs.

Many times our attention to our children is divided. We heard the news by an ear while we talk on the other. It’s good to turn off the TV, staring them in the eyes and focus on what they want Express. RegalosEn the Bible does not say: God so loved the world cried out from the heavens: amo! He says that he did nothing less than his own son. Giving is the universal way of expressing love. You don’t have to be an expensive gift to meet your goal of conveying that the other person is important to you. A child who receives gifts from their parents will feel loved.