Adopting new ways of life and making, to each day, new discoveries. It is also, from the work, that Chico Mendes and other citizens follow that it succeed and it fight for its causes. Thus, we have: To work it is to act on the nature, to act on the reality, transforming it into function of the objectives, of the necessities human beings. The society if structure in function in the way for which if it organizes the process of production of the existence human being, the work process. (SAVIANI, 1986:14) This action on the reality if makes in the collective one. As much in the case of the first inhabitants, how much in our current ones, they are in herds of monkeys, is in syndical, partisan organizations Through the work and of the collective, men and women make and remake its histories.
Thus, we can reflect: If it was essential for the survival and evolution human being who primitive groups remained together, or still, if through this unit, they have obtained to develop still says, others to it sensible and, to occupy new territories, what they had become them strong more and proteges, in this current society, where reigns the individualism and the benefit of some in detriment of the majority, that ways to tread? 2- ' ' In the way it way ' ' Obviously much time if passed since the primrdios until the current days. In this movement, the society was if constituting new relations if had formed. With these relations, the accumulation of good and wealth at the hands of some and the expropriation of the other people’s work, that is, workers transformed into merchandises, possibilities of profit. Since that the capitalist economy of market if autonomizou, since that it, so to speak, if ' ' desinseriu' ' of the society, it functions according to its proper laws, the impersonal laws of the profit and the accumulation solely.