Early on the morning of searching and rummaging among the old things to watch out for the very particular piece that Rachel Ashwell, “seems to come Shabby Chic”. Sure, garage sales are a possibility. The other is to grab the antique Guide to Munich in search of the Munich antique shops and antique shops that are eligible for the used look in question. But look what exactly – Information text of the book “Shabby Chic” says Precious bargains from the flea market, a magnificent crystal chandeliers, the lack of maybe a few bricks, a pastel-colored Art Deco dressing table with signs of age, an old sofa with new white seat covers … “– and precisely because we have already reached the real problem. Which 1989 was perhaps still possible, as Rachel Ashwell’s style has created, can no longer buy for little money. Of course there are still a small footstool, with Antique white, satin matte color,Prepare Craquelier effects and a faded fabric in floral design and is nice to look at. In topic “magnificent crystal chandeliers, you will find at flea markets, at least vain. The Shabby Chic is no longer a question of “if your interior needs are greater than the budget that they have available.” Welcome to the world of antiques, achieve in the so-called “young antiques” maximum prices at auctions. There’s only the exact knowledge of “what s where. Browse local knowledge with the editors of the Munich Antiques leader in the antique shops and the flea and antiques market in the Bavarian countryside. The evocative but informative photos to each of these stores will help avoid disappointment and to make accurate assessments of the presented findings and above all the localities.