Thanks to its increasing organization, quilombolas river-grandenses-do-south comes conquering each time more visibility. The Federacy of the Associations of the Quilombolas Communities of the Rio Grande Do Sul informs that 130 communities exist more than quilombolas in territory gaucho. General Cadastro of Remainders of Communities of Quilombos of the federal government already registered, in December of 2007, the existence of 35 communities in that state. Currently, it is possible to identify some regions with great concentration of agricultural quilombos in the state, such as: the coast river-grandense-do-south (cities of They are Jose of the North, Mustards, Tavares and Palmares of the South); the central region (cities of Restinga Seca, Creeps and entorno); the southeastern Mountain range, the west of the Lagoon of the Ducks. The region metropolitan of Porto Alegre shelters at least six urban quilombos. The main fight of these communities is, certainly, the guarantee of its lands. In accordance with Ilza Owner, leader of the community of Rind: ' ' Our bigger challenge is, calmly, the heading of the land, because people come waiting this, waiting since very tempo' '.
Although to be about a right assured for the Federal Constitution, until today no land of quilombo in the Rio Grande Do Sul she was titleholder. In 2006, quilombolas of the Rio Grande Do Sul had obtained a great conquest, when the President of the Republic signed decree declaring of social interest the busy land for the community quilombola Family Hisses and authorizeing the INCRA to proceed the dispossession in order to guarantee the territorial rights of the community and when the dispossession process will be concluded, the lands they could be titleholders on behalf of quilombo. In Minas Gerais, the fight for the land quilombola is presented imbricada in the fight for the access to the water and the preservation of the environment. When facing it dries, the great projects of development (hydroelectric plants and mining mainly), the cultivations of eucalipto and the real estate speculation, in the case of the urban quilombos, these communities try to make to be valid its right to remain in lands conquered for its ancestor. In Pernambuco, it has quilombolas in almost all the cities of the state, mainly in the hinterland, where the sugar cane-of-sugar and cattle farms had proliferated in the colonial period.
As Report of the State Commission of the Communities Quilombolas de Pernambuco, has identified approximately to 120 communities quilombolas in the state. In March of 2008, of these communities quilombolas 80 already consisted in General Cadastro of Remainders of Communities of Quilombos of the federal government. Such Communities of diverse regions of Pernambuco meet represented in the Commission of State joint of the Communities Quilombolas de Pernambuco. Created in July of 2003, the state representation meets hosted in Conceio of the Creoles in Willow and acts in the fight for the guarantee of the rights of quilombolas. Two communities quilombolas of Pernambuco had received in 2000 the heading of the land emitted for the Cultural Foundation Palmares: Castainho (close to Recife) and Conceio Creole them (close to Willow).