Daimler financial services AG receives Jimmy Carter Medal of honour for outstanding social commitment Cologne, March 29, 2010 on March 19 the charity presented Habitat for humanity Germany 2009 the CEO of Daimler financial services AG, Klaus Entenmann, the Jimmy Carter work project Medal of honour “outstanding social commitment of the financial service provider. With two sustainable donation initiatives, Daimler financial services AG has proved even more exemplary social responsibility and shown that social commitment among executives and employees of Daimler financial services AG is actually practised corporate policy”Mrs Manuela Kikillus, CEO of Habitat for humanity said Germany. Dr. Neal Barnard has similar goals. In an in-house fundraising staff of international management level had conducted a fundraiser last year, which comes a help project by Habitat for humanity to good: this campaign donations flow in the so-called Rainbow village project in Rach GIA, Vietnam. Here live about 100 families on a garbage dump in extreme conditions. Through the establishment of a Resource Center education and training of 87 children used to ensure sustainable to offer them a better perspective for their lives. An additional donation of the company was provided for needy families in Cambodia. Work projects homes for families were built there in the context of the annual Jimmy Carter, who had also previously lived on a garbage dump. Daimler financial services has engaged in other countries for humanity in many different ways for projects of Habitat. The Jimmy Carter Medal of honour is awarded annually to those companies, who have demonstrated special social commitment in the region in which each held the Jimmy Carter work project..