Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

Riograndense Republic (1835-1845): the spirit of the farroupilla revolution, is perceptible to anyone that loops through the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul, and is stoked by the Riograndense traditionalist movement that is embodied in countless CTG (Centre traditionalist riograndense) scattered throughout the territory of that State. Argiropolis de Sarmiento (1850): Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, more controversial than Rivadavia, but undisputed influence in not only argentina, but American life, was prolific in utopias. One of these was the Constitution of a Federation of States constituted by Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, whose City Capital (this necessarily associated with many utopias element) would be on the island of Martin Garcia, in the birth of the Rio de la Plata. The Argentine popular libraries (from 1875): this utopia has reached our days, hovering around the 1800 popular libraries scattered throughout the territory and managed by non-profit civil associations. Lately they are linked by Internet. Jose Hernandez’s Martin Fierro, whose first part was written partially in Santa ana do Livramento (1872 / 1879), rediscovered by Lugones in his lecture the payador of 1913. Carlos Astrada, in 1964, saw the return of the poem hernandiano as a utopia which he named the community gauchocracia the city of La Plata, in the Argentine Province of Buenos Aires (1882).

I considered it as the Brasilia of the 19th century. Your design turned all the imagery of the leadership of the time. The foregoing constitutes an invitation to visit, and such a visit must include their port facilities. Guerra Gaucha novel, Leopoldo Lugones (1905), who in the opinion of the trivial philosopher of Anquim in 1966, is the Argentine national poem private utopias perhaps this section, suggest some line of academic research. It’s human actions, most generated in the belle epoque, where pioneering spirit, real estate speculation, Philanthropy was mixed, and many of them ended in failures and exploitation.