Employment Development

Indeed, as Reed says, the gap in productivity is a reflection of our underdevelopment, yet is what would happen to a rapid growth path by the achievement advantage of the technologies available internationally, and thus leapfrog, as has been the experience of underdeveloped countries today, to actually propose the governments, the business sector and all actors involved in it. Lately, a there have been great changes in production management and of course, this has impacted on industrial relations as a result of the a globalization, economic openness to new openings, partnerships, as well as competitiveness mismaa reminds a Rodrigo Aguilar Arce (Secretary General of the Union of Costa Rican education workers), we face a decline in the quality of life of citizens, whose deterioration is more impressive in rural communities and marginal urban areas, reinforced by cause a economic and social policies in recent decades have been applied. a For the national stage is added the economic crisis and all the effects of the variables surrounding it a wages have deteriorated, affecting the middle class by isolating towards increasing poverty, characterized inflation seriously affects the purchasing power of commodity and unemployment, aided by a speculation, uncontrollable. a What is certain, that to this serious situation, to remember what brought by Aguilar, indicating, that employment is one of the factors most affected, along with education and health, resulting in the weakening of social security, lack of good plans and actions of many governments to shovel the situation. Increasingly, both in the Central American case, as our part, unemployment figures are worrying, where visible and invisible underemployment reflect a very complicated situation, upon noticing in the informal sector as evident in the main Venezuelan cities.