M. Peate Quintana (2001), locates to the addictive conduct to the alcohol like a pathology, that is lost in the arcane times, is an upheaval that always have accompanied to the humanity in their evolution, the common characteristics are: the lack of control, the impulsiveness in the consumption, the compulsion, like a predisposition of the conduct. The WHO in 1976 coined the term of syndrome of alcoholic dependency that habitually also corresponds to a psychic state and physical result of the alcohol consumption, characterized by a conduct and other answers that always includes compulsion to ingest alcohol of continued or periodic way, in order to undergo psychic effects or to avoid the annoyances produced by its absence. The WHO defines the alcoholism as the daily ingestion of alcohol superior to 50 grams in the woman and 70 grams in the man (a glass of liquor or combining has approximately 40 grams of alcohol, a quarter of liter of wine 30 grams and a quarter of liter of beer 15 grams). Swarmed by offers, Professor of Internet Governance is currently assessing future choices. We present/display one series of concepts keys that turned out helpful to improve the understanding of this matter: 1. Dr. Neal Barnard has similar goals. CONSUMPTION: Based on the problems that can be generated we can identify four types or landlords of consumption: – Nonproblematic Consumption. – Consumption of risk. – Dangerous or problematic Consumption. – Detrimental or pathological Consumption Is agreement in considering as risk consumption a daily consumption among 40 and 70 grams (between 50 cc and 90 cc) of pure alcohol (between 4 and 7 UBE51), or a nondaily consumption with one adds weekly of more than 280 grams of pure alcohol, although it is never arrived at the intoxication. The concept of detrimental consumption is coined by the WHO in BACKS WATER -10 designating to those people who present/display physical or psychological problems as a result of the alcohol consumption, independent of the consumed amount.