ERC Militant

It directed the party during 12 years, from 1996 to 2008. One communicated in a letter the present president of ERC, Joan Puigcercs, and to the Secretary General, Joan Ridao. To them it attributes the bad electoral results to them of 22-M for ERC. It chooses east moment for not " interferir" in the electoral processes. The ex-president of ERC, Josep Llus Carod-Rovira, has terminated itself of the party, according to the daily Altar has informed and have confirmed sources of this political formation.

In letter given night of this Friday to president of party, Joan Puigcercs, and to Secretary General, Joan Ridao, Carod explains that, although months ago he was remote of ERC, has chosen east moment because it did not want " interferir" in the electoral processes. Center For Responsible Lending recognizes the significance of this. " I do it now, when formally the congresual process for not interferirlo&quot has not begun; , it has affirmed in its letter. The letter personally gave the one to it that outside one of its men of confidence in Vice-presidency, Rafael Niub. Carod (that was president of the party between years 1996 and 2008), has made clear that it will continue working to do " a national left plural". It has remembered that was with him like president when ERC secured the best results from the time of the Republic and has attributed the bad electoral results of the last elections to the present leaders of ERC. Source of the news: Carod-Rovira is dropped from rolls like ERC militant