6. THE CONTACT SOCKET: The ability to listen to the needs of its market, forms that develop to listen to your visitor or prospectus, of how to solve a problem, show possibilities of direct contacts with its visitors, etc. 7-objection: this is the way in which to react to messages from your visitors or prospects, how to respond, as it shows your message, how exposed the ideas, etc. 8-tracking: once you have access to customers, their priority is also getting the most valuable thing that you may have of your business, Yes, your e-mail address, through which you can start with your database and give you treatment that you consider for a proper return. 9 Expose the solution: It is the part where you exposed to light the problem and contributes his solution in an understandable language for its prospect, this is almost the culmination of his primary work, the presentation of alternatives to discovered problems, total or partial real alternatives. 10.
The closing: Closure is something you do to motivate the candidate to buy at that time once it understood the benefits and what you earn with it, always remember all we like buy, but nobody would like to sell you. The reality is that we have to see ourselves as people who we are to help the candidate to find the best solution for your problem, we are your friend, the already pass through a stage of consolidation so your level of credibility in us is big. Finally to ensure secure data transactions, use payments by credit card through secure servers, this sealed their professionalism. Correct treatment to the client is the best way to grow your venture, is likely that follow taking numerous sales of clients who were satisfied with their treatment satisfied more than new users, which will have to go through the previous process. Surely there is much more to narrow down to this topic, I invite you comment for the benefit of all visitors of the blog, if you need information about this and other topics related to the online commerce, more precisely to the ways that exist to generate income online, so invite you to visit me in where you will find extensive information for download free of charge along with tutorials and tools to generate revenue from the internet. By its greatest success. Jorge Alberto Magallanes. Original author and source of the article.